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  Adventure 8 -Atlas
Posted by: Atlas - June 25th, 2006, 22:51 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (3)

Adventure 8-

Executive summary- 9 points (I eliminated Mansa, Kublai, Izzy, Saladin, Hatty, Cyrus, Cathy, Caesar, and Alex) Bismarck and Lizzy survived :mad:

Louis of the French, noble and I get a one point for each civ that is eliminated by any means. I think I am going to tech myself into a nice lead and then unleash the French War Machine! Or the best that can be mustered. This is a "gentle" adventure, but I think it has some interesting aspects to it. Maybe controlling religion would be good for causeing other civs to eliminate each other....

4000BC-Stone at the start. Pyramids for sure, maybe the Henge...

2400BC- Paris is now the Hindu and Jewish Holy city. It also has Stone Henge. Time to expand!


650BC I get Conf.

1000AD-JC decides to take on Mansa. The world is in two blocks, my Hindu block and Hatty Buddist block. I am teching along-will get Liberalism here shortly, the tech the bottom of the tree to Musketeers.

1380- Music, Philosophy, Paper, and Something to Alex to declare on Hatty. Cathy declares on me, this is a good chance to make some use of my Hindu team.

1420-Mansa is gone. Kublai gets three techs to declare on Hatty too. JC declars on Cathy for Nationalism.

1460-Turns are going really slow now that lots of people are at war.

Session 2 starts

1610-For a noble level game this has been particularly interesting. I have orchestrated a dogpile on Cathy and Hatty, both are losing cities. I am gunning for Cyrus next.

1660- Catherine is eliminated.

1720- Hatty is a has been.

1735- Time to arrange the next war. That will have to wait for the next session though.

1745-JC, Saladin, and Kublai are now at war with Cyrus, I doubt he will last long. I am teching towards tanks, once I have them and Cyrus is out of the way, it will be time to turn on my "allies"

1770ish- I declare on Cyrus too.

1808-I have completed a single rail all the way around the right side of the map, so I can move troops more quickly. Session ends.

So progress towards tanks is moving nicely, I think that when I get there, I will turn off research and upgrade everything. I still have lots of functioning cats, canons, axes, longbows, and other outdated motely units.

1818-Industrialism comes in.

1832-The war againist JC starts, he is the other big guy on the block and thus needs to go. Cyrus is almost over.

1850-The war againist JC is going swimmingly well. He is close to finished and certainly out of gas. I currently have everyone at war with someone except Bismark. Used to Great Engineers to rush the 3 Gorges Damn this turn.

1864- I have now lost track of my sessions. These turns are really taking a long time. I now see that I made a mistake in going after the leaders in the this game, I should have gone after the stragglers instead, they would be easier to mop up and not push me over the domination limit.

1888- Cyrus is gone.

1890-Final and last session (I hope). Radio comes in next turn and the statue of liberty in 3. Next turn JC will be done with.

1892-JC is dead. Tech is set to Modern Armor. I plan on a dogpile on Kublai Khan next. I am now just picking people to destroy by their size (small being good). I have 5 points thus far. I am currently at 34% of land area and pop.

1894-War againist Kublai.

1904-I have been toying with Kublai, trying to get others into the war with him so that they can take his cities, but to no avail. The large map and tremendous number of units I have moving every turn is really slowing down the machine here. I probably could milk this game for an extra 2-3 points, but I have now decieded that I am just going to start crushing civs and no longer make an effort to get extra points by arranging doppiles so that I avoid the domination limit, the computer can stand much more.

1914-Kublai is no more. So to recap Cathy, Mansa, Hatty, Cyrus, Caesar, and Kublai are all gone 6 points thus far, maybe 1-2 more.

1916- Uh oh Saladin just got Marines-no good, he has to go before he can start building those in large numbers. I prefer for my tanks to fight Riflemen than Marines. At first Alex "fears their military might"-so I take like 4 cities and later in the same turn he is willing to risk the war in exchange for Communism- go figure lol

1920- Believe it or not I had not yet (in this game) seen that "return to the Greek empire option), but since Arabia over the years had been giving hell to Alex I have been on a campaign of Greek Liberation!!

1926-Saladin gone. Gone rest for a second I think, next the reliberation of Greece. Never mind, I am afraid I will get pushed over the limit when the arabian cities come out of revolt, going for Greece right now!! No one will help though, all the diplomatic backstabbing that I have done has caused no one to really trust me. No more healing for my units, I have Mongolian cities still in revolt, if all my cities came out of revolt right now, I would probably go over the limit. I figure now is a good a time to start my first great person induced golden age, since I doubt the game will last much longer than 10-15 more turns. I am starting this war againist the Greeks with like 46% of the land area.


1929-Lizzy declares on Alex!!!!

1930-A bunch of Arab cities came out of revolt I am now at 52%. I need to finish Greece on this turn!! I it looks like it will be 3 turns before I can finish Greece in the mean time lets kick off a war against Spain- Why not???

So I check the rule list- and find that I am permitted to gift cities (more accurately I am not prohibited), so first I gift all of former Mongolia to Izzy, bringing me back down to 47%, now I declare war on her!!! Time to knock some heads!!

So okay this year I also finished computers, now I can build Modern Armor, but first lets talk tanks!! I build 148 of them, and still have 115. Thus far I have killed 119 riflemen and 90 cavalry. I have given up on artillery/cannon etc. tanks v. riflemen are powerful enough to forget about that stuff, plus I am trying to move quickly. I think for here on out I am going to try and let Lizzy finish Alex, he has two cities and she has a good sized stack, I will probably take each city down to one defender to make it easier on Lizzy.

1931-I discover that Izzy has SAM Infantry- good thing I got Modern Armor (I just don't have a lot....yet).

1932-Alex is gone. That makes 8 points for Atlas. I am currently at 53%. I might not finish Izzy. Let's see if Lizzy is willing to take some cites, back to 49%. Lets get another point!!!


1937-Izzy is no more. That makes 9 points. I could probably keep up this gifting cites etc. but it feels kind of like milking and it is definately dragging the game on longer.

Okay here is my plan I will now declare war on Lizzy and Bizmarck *the only remaining civs, and wait for me to get pushed over the edge to domination by cities coming out of revolt

1938- I will actually declare this turn. I currently have 52.46%. Lets see what I have on the next turn. So at the end of 1938 I have 59.63% of the land and 71.67% of world pop. So I declare on Bizmarck too, this will give both Lizzy and Bismark a crack at me on the last turn.

I ended all of the civs in the last 150 turns (I lost track of one in there so in my report you see I am naming civs/number of points, but most of the time it is one less than I really had- for example I say I have 8 points, but I really have 9 etc.). My plan to build a tech lead and then crush the others worked. Of course I am #1 in all the demographic categories. Paris is the most cultured city and got-Jewish and Buddhist shrines, Pyramids, Stonehenge, Hanging Gardens, Angkor Wat, Taj, Kremlin, Eiffel Tower, Statute of Liberty, 3 Gorges, and the Pentagon. For like the last 200 turns I ran Universal Suffrage (so i could rush buy-had the kremlin), Vassalage, Theocracy, Slavery (so I could whip soldiers), and State Property (so that in my newly conquered lands-which were well pillaged by my comrades I could build workshops/watermills/windmills). It worked well when you consider that I also I had the pentagon. Every city was producing 10XP units, except my heroic epic/westpoint city which was producing 14 xp units. CRIII tanks are awesome v. riflemen. In the end I built 148 tanks and 52 Modern armor. I killed 122 cavalry, 64 canon, 143 riflemen. I lost 47 tanks and 4 modern armor (mostly at the end where I was really tryin to hurry and eliminate civs before cities could come out of resistance- so i was not healing my units). I built 8 cities (had 66 at the games end). The game took 12 hours 48 minutes.


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  VOU - Adventure 8
Posted by: VoiceOfUnreason - June 25th, 2006, 22:40 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (2)

Result: Win
Louis wins by domination in 1884 AD.

Score: 6

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  Closing Day - Adventure Eight
Posted by: Sirian - June 25th, 2006, 22:37 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - No Replies

Post your Adventure Eight reports. Here's hoping it was a good month of June for the French! thumbsup

- Sirian

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  Astro Empires
Posted by: Sagan - June 25th, 2006, 12:34 - Forum: Master of Orion - Replies (1)

a new game, for who like Master of Orion

is very addicting smile

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  Broken Mirrors: concept test
Posted by: VoiceOfUnreason - June 24th, 2006, 13:59 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (6)

Broken Mirrors is a game idea I've been kicking around for a while. I'm a little bit late in getting it assembled, but I hope that folks will loan a bit of their time to participate and give me some feedback.

The defining idea is to give a choice of leaders in the opening position, so that it may be seen how differing traits, tech, units affect game play.

So the test game has two saves, which are supposed to be identical (I've no idea why the file sizes are so different). Choose the red pill, and you play Victoria; choose the blue pill, and you play Elizabeth.

[Image: start.jpg]

  • Shaihulud

  • pholkhero
  • cynyck

As this is just a test, and the meat of the dish is in the reporting, I've selected a Normal size Fractal map, Standard size, Prince Difficulty, Quick Speed, with the custom options all defaulted.

If you choose to participate
  1. thank you
  2. please choose the leader that you think will be most entertaining. If you are ambivalent, choose the leader that currently has fewer players (especially fewer players at your skill level)
  3. announce which leader you are choosing (so that other folks can correctly assess the previous point). I'll try to keep an up to date summary here.
  4. report at your convenience - I'm willing to trade spoilers for early comparisons during this test

I'm honestly not sure what the best approach to take here is - matching succession games might be better than a tournament format. But we'll see how it goes. Let me know what you think.

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  Dragon Fest
Posted by: KingOfPain - June 23rd, 2006, 18:05 - Forum: Guild Wars - Replies (3)

THIS left me no choice. I guss I will be working hard to remake Vex on my main account so she wont be left out of this and future events.


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  Non-ironman classic Diablo?
Posted by: Griselda - June 21st, 2006, 13:29 - Forum: Diablo - Replies (145)

With summer here I find that I'm not really reaching for the newest, flashiest game. What I want to play, for some reason, is classic Diablo.

I've been playing a little bit over the last few days, and have a baby warrior. He's doing fine (maybe even having too easy of a time) in the cats so far, although he did have to flee from Deathspit when he spawned one hallway from the stairs. He's in that cute awkward phase between small life pots and full ones.

I don't think I've played more than a handful of times since D2 came out, so I am very bad at the game. It took me 10 minutes to figure out how to hotkey spells, for example. I'm just hitting shrines randomly, because all I can remember is not to touch fasinating, ornate, and sacred ones.

Since I never was an ironman player, I don't expect to be taking on IM now. Heck, I haven't even started a variant! I didn't play any warriors, which is why I started the character that I did.

So, if you've been playing a lot of Diablo and want to go beyond, you're better off playing with others. But, if there are still people looking for a casual and fun MP game now and then, then maybe we could play together some time. I'm not promising stellar gameplay. But, hopefully we can have some fun.

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  Screenshot help
Posted by: regoarrarr - June 20th, 2006, 18:34 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (8)

I used to use alt-printscreen to take a screenshot and then paste it into Paint and save as a JPG. I used to write my reports as I went.

I now thought I would try to just take brief notes with screenshots and then write the report later. I seemed to remember that you just hit the printscreen button and Civ4 would save the screenshot in the ScreenShots directory.

So I've been doing that for Epic 4, and I go to start writing my report and lo and behold there are no screenshots!!!

I do have
AllowScreenShots = 1
in my civ.ini

A couple of times while playing, I would hit PrintScreen and it would say "Screenshot Failed" but most of the time it was nothing and I figured it was just saving it, but alas, nothing

Any ideas?

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  Realms Beyond Epic MP Game
Posted by: Sullla - June 20th, 2006, 12:20 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (124)

So we've got a quiet week here with no Epics/Adventures completing, and as a result it's time for me to pitch another one of the ideas that I've had floating around in my head for awhile. Back when we were testing Civ4 pre-release, we ran a number of multiplayer games with humans teamed up playing co-op style against teams of AI civs. My first-ever Multiplayer game of Civ4 was paired up with two humans against a team of three Emperor AI civs, and it was such an entertaining game that we ended up playing until 2am that night. smile I expected that there would be a great deal of interest in co-op play online when Civ4 came out, but that has not proved to be the case. Pretty much everyone playing online is playing against humans, and there has not been nearly the interaction between the SP and MP worlds that I expected.

Frankly, that's a darn shame. What I want to do here is pitch something we used to run in testing; that is, a large-scale humans vs. AIs Always War game. In testing, we could never finish these games because a new version would be out every week, but now that we're under no such constraints, I see a great deal of potential for a truly "epic" game spanning several weeks as our team of humans battles against a large team of AIs. To be a little more specific, here's the scenario concept:

Realms Beyond Epic MP Game: Axis vs. Allies
Large Great Plains Map
6 Humans vs. 6 Monarch/Emperor AIs (TBD)
Always War

Axis Team
Nazi Germany (Germany/Bismarck)
Fascist Italy (Rome/Caesar)
Imperialist Japan (Japan/Tokugawa)
Fascist Spain (Spain/Isabella)
Occupied Greece (Greece/Alexander)
Vichy France (France/Louis)

Allied Team
British Empire (England/Victoria)
Soviet Union (Russia/Peter)
United States (America/FDR)
Nationalist China (China/Mao)
British India (India/Gandhi)
Free France (France/Napoleon)

The premise of the game is simply humans vs. AIs in an Always War match, but I thought it would be more interesting to come up with some kind of a historical theme. We can certainly ditch this if desired, but I think it will be more fun this way. smile Some of these may be a bit of a stretch historically, but overall it fits decently and both teams get a good mix of traits and unique units from different eras. Which side to play as will be entirely up to you guys, neither would particularly bother me. In addition, more civs can be added if we want to have 7 players, or we can take out civs if there isn't enough interest for 6, but ideally we will want to keep this in the 5-7 players range.

In order to avoid confusion and delays (see the fate of RB8 Multiplayer Madness), this game will be played at the same time each week without interruption. If someone cannot make it that week, they will be skipped and the game will go on regardless with an AI taking over their civ. This could be disastrous in an Always War game, so we need to be careful in choosing the roster and the time slots. I am thinking of running this game at one of four different times: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday night from 8pm to 11pm Eastern Standard Time. I understand that this makes things difficult for our European members, so I apologize for that. If you don't mind being an insomniac, however, we'll be more than happy to have you. :zzz: crazyeye

For anyone interested in taking part in this game, please post your availability for these four times as either Good, OK, Bad, or Out. Bad is a night you would not prefer but can make if your choices are that night or nothing at all. Out means no chance for that night. I will do my best to pick a time that works well for the largest number of people. Once we get a night and time worked out, they will remain unchanged until the game is completed. We can work out civ choices once the roster and time have been set.

There is also a special spot set aside for Sirian (and also ME0003, if he's interested) due to prior history. Is there any chance I can tempt you to join a CW-style game running this summer? wink

I hope that we'll have enough interest to get this moving relatively soon. Thanks! thumbsup

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  Advice wanted on how best to write a report.
Posted by: JavierLQ - June 20th, 2006, 00:59 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (4)

Hi all,

While I joined the site a couple of months ago (a few of you may or may not remember me playing online), I have yet to play and do a report for an adventure or epic game. Part of this is because of feeling that I am yet to reach a level where people would find it interesting or reach a level where I would actually be able to win (playing on Noble right now).

After seeing the details for the upcoming epic V The Covenant of the Sea, I've decided that I will give an attempt at playing and reporting that game, in big part to the fact that I (being Mexican) love playing as the Aztecs.

So I am reading myself to divert time from real life and the World cup, to attempt the game and attempt at writing the report. However, I do have a question about how to go writing about the report. Simply put (and sorry for putting you all through the pain of reading the last few paragraphs), should I be taking notes as to what I am thinking as I play the game, or simply write about what I remember from screenshots and my own memory after I am done playing the game?

Having read many of reports, it seems like a huge task writing one, considering the amount of detail some of them go into.

Any other tips about pitfalls to avoid while writing are more than welcomed.


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