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  Mod Approval Process - CivScale - Scale
Posted by: Ruff_Hi - July 5th, 2006, 15:09 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (6)

CivScale does two things ... 1) change various scaling items (cloud depth, city sizes, unit sizes, etc and 2) change the interface colour and transparancy. This thread is aimed at discussing the impact of changing the scaling items.

Mod Approval Process Wrote:Once a mod is submitted for approval (by the submittor starting a thread in the approval forum), the community should use a rigorous standard to judge the mod:

Most importantly, does the mod give the player any edge over not having it? Graphics mods would probably pass this standard easily, but it's important to note that terrain mods could possibly make it a lot easier to see the squares at the "edge" of the fog, based on the tile blending -- that would be enough to exclude it.

The general principle is that the mod should not give the player information he should not otherwise have -- the foreign affairs advisor mod that included the "gold available for trade" would explicitly fail this test.
I will post a review of the scaling features of this mod as well as a list of files that it affects. I will also post some screenshots of the impact of changes.

Mod Approval Process Wrote:Secondly, is the mod useful? Does it benefit enough players in some way, and is it a benefit to the RB community that players use it? Blue Marble would almost certainly also pass this check, since many players[1] would say it makes the terrain a lot prettier. Autologger might not pass this test, actually, since there is quite a bit of opposition to its use as the "bulk" of reports.
Not much to do here - guess we just look at how many people post in this thread to gauge the interest.

Mod Approval Process Wrote:Finally, does the mod bring something new? If we already approve ($DEITY help us) ResourcesAsNFLIcons 1.1, we don't also need ResourcesAsNHLIcons 0.98c.


What I need from "the committee":
  • Is a mod "Graphical"? (Affecting appearance).
  • Is a mod "Utilitarian"? (Affecting player's interface).
  • Is a mod "Rebalancing"? (Affecting game rules).
  • Which components are modified? (World Builder, XML, Python, C++)
  • Which files are affected?
  • If Python or C++ are involved, the mod needs to be certified free of trojans.
  • VISUAL EVIDENCE showing and explaining what the mods actually do.
  • A simple "aye" or "nay" from each committee member as to their personal recommendation on whether or not to approve a given mod. (Explanations may follow but are not required.)

My initial take on these is ...
  • Is a mod "Graphical"? - YES
  • Is a mod "Utilitarian"? - YES
  • Is a mod "Rebalancing"? - NO
  • Which components are modified? - Graphics
  • If Python or C++ are involved, the mod needs to be certified free of trojans. - NO code was changed in the making of this mod

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  In Adv 8, why stonehenge?
Posted by: pholkhero - July 5th, 2006, 09:20 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (5)

I'm curious to know why so many people built stonehenge in Adventure 8? i finished later than most, yet didn't build since, us being Creative, we didn't need it for border pops or anything.


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  Adventure Nine
Posted by: regoarrarr - July 3rd, 2006, 10:21 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (15)

rolleye [whistles]

Also, is there any info on what a Fractal map is? I didn't see one in the Map Scripts guide

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Posted by: Galileo44 - July 2nd, 2006, 22:08 - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (1)

Hi, I'm new. I have been lurking this site for a while and it is the best one around. The funniest too. smile

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  Bulwark's Adventure 8 Report
Posted by: Bulwark - June 29th, 2006, 16:25 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (1)

I humbly apologise for my delay in posting this report.

Commitments outside the realms of gameplay forced the delay upon me.

As i wrote in my other post, this is my first attempt at both a Realms Beyond game and a report.

The game was won by domination in 1966
7 civilizations were destroyed

I hope this link will work:


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  Adventure 8 --- RESULTS / SUMMARY
Posted by: mostly_harmless - June 29th, 2006, 09:32 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (15)

Here is a preliminary overview of the results posted so far.
Of course we are not in only for the naked points on a ranking, so read the reports! nod

In order of points awarded and finishing year:

11 . 1812 . Munterpipe thumbsupCONQUEST thumbsup
10 . 1838 . Blake
10 . 1955 . "The player who does not want to be listed in the results" eek
9 . 1906 . Bede
9 . 1939 . Atlas
8 . 1967 . Brackard
7 . 1926 . mostly_harmless
7 . 1935 . Wellington
7 . 1935 . ZuperT
7 . 1966 . bulwark
7 . 1975 . Coolhand
7 . 2032 . notoptimal
7 . ???? . scavenger
6 . 1840 . regoarrarr
6 . 1884 . VoiceOfUnreason
6 . 1904 . pholhero
6 . 2020 . Touro73

6 . 1795retired . lorken cry
1 . 100BCretired . Compromise cry

? . ???? . mihau huh

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  Adventure 8 not-really-a-report
Posted by: Dark Savant - June 29th, 2006, 06:09 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - No Replies

I played for fun, but please don't list me in the results, since (1) I'm quite far from being a newbie at this point, and (2) one tactic I used I now think of as exploitative.

I got a two-headed Hindu/Jew hydra going, then expanded peacefully. Caesar adopted Hinduism (my chosen state religion) and I selected him as my best buddy. Endless war began (starting with Mali) right after room ran out; I built all wonders except for the Oracle and the Mahabodhi, and eliminated 10 opponents and about half of the Roman empire before AD 1955, when domination kicked in. Oh, and this was another game in which I had more great engineers than I knew what to do with. lol

I gave a large number of cities to the Romans later in the game to prevent myself from triggering domination; this wasn't explicitly forbidden, but it soon felt like it violated the spirit of the game, especially after I figured out the rough conditions under which a city would be accepted as a gift.

-- Dark Savant

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Posted by: dev_tej_kohli - June 29th, 2006, 05:27 - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (1)

I am new to this forum.

Thnx for accepting my registration .

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  Some D2 Fun
Posted by: ShadowHM - June 28th, 2006, 06:35 - Forum: Diablo - Replies (2)


For those of you who *might* like to fire up D2 for a run, I would like to pass along an informal team game rule-set that has been rather a lot of fun for me. It has been run as a tourney over at the Amazon Basin - hence the scoring rubric, but it need not have any such competitive side to it. It is just fun to do. [Image: lol.gif]

It takes an hour of game time (plus any set-up discussions) and requires no other gear/dedicated time slots/pre-existing characters.

The Quest: Escort Baby to visit that evil demon Andariel.

The Structure: Three new characters start the game – two will be the escorts for Baby.

  • Baby must walk/run the entire trip.
  • Baby must wear no gear, drink no potions, take no waypoints and use no town portals. Baby may, however, make use of Shrines and Wells.
  • Baby does not fight. Baby may, however, herd monsters and call Boss Mods.
  • Baby does not collect gear for the other players.
  • Baby spends no skill points but may spend attribute points.
  • The escorts play untwinked. (This means that no gear can be donated/used from outside the ‘Quest’ game.) There are no restrictions otherwise on the escorts.
  • The game is over when Baby dies or one hour is up, whichever comes sooner.
  • One point for every clvl Baby has at the end of the game. (i.e. if Baby dies at clvl 10, 10 points are scored.)
  • One point for every main area Baby sets foot in on the path to Andariel. (No points for side trips to other areas. No points for finding waypoints. The Quest is to get Baby to Andariel.)
Hence, points awarded for getting as far as each area as follows:
  1. The Blood Moor
  2. The Cold Plains
  3. The Stony Field
  4. The Underground Passage
  5. The Dark Wood
  6. The Black Marsh
  7. The Tamoe Highlands
  8. The Monastery Gate
  9. The Outer Cloister
  10. The Barracks
  11. The Jail 1
  12. The Jail 2
  13. The Jail 3
  14. The Inner Cloister
  15. The Cathedral
  16. The Catacombs 1
  17. The Catacombs 2
  18. The Catacombs 3
  19. The Catacombs 4
A five point bonus if Baby survives to Andariel’s death. Note: Baby must stay in the Catacombs level 4 while the escorts tackle the Demon Andariel, should the team go for the bonus points.
  • Have Baby be your timekeeper. Use the /time command as you depart the Rogue Encampment, and check every now and again.
  • Baby should drop all starter items on the ground in the Rogue Encampment and then use the /nopickup command to prevent accidental pick-ups.
  • Setting Throw as the default skill(s) will prevent accidental monster touching.
  • If one of the Escorts dies or you are nearing the end of the allotted hour of play, a streak by Baby is permissible. i.e. Baby can make a run for the next area(s) to see how far he/she can get before dying
  • Side quests are permissible, if the escorts wish. For example, a side trip to kill Blood Raven is allowed, if the escorts want to have mercenaries. Baby, however, cannot return to town to claim one. It will be your call on whether the time spent to do this is worth it.
I just did one of these yesterday, with YogiBaar and Zyr. I got to play Baby this time. Zyr fell in the Cathedral, Yogi fell in the Catacombs 2, and I got to do one glorious streak (aided by one Health Shrine) all the way to the feet of Andariel before a Fallen got me. [Image: lol.gif]

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  Coolhand's Adv 8 report
Posted by: Coolhand - June 27th, 2006, 19:45 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - No Replies

Note- added varient the Noble French did not use Slavery, The Draft or Nukes.

I killed off (or helped kill off) Saladin, Kublai Khan, Isabella, Mansa Musa, Elizabeth, Bizmark and Alexander. 1975 Domination Victory.

I was number #1 in everything by quite a bit. Population 11856600, approval rate 77%, LE 62 years. I had the Number 2, 4 and 5 cities. Time 16:34.

Score 14898 -} Hammurabi


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