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Guild "Storage" |
Posted by: FoxBat - July 16th, 2006, 21:46 - Forum: Guild Wars
- Replies (4)
Since Anet is taking forever implementing a guild storage vault, I decided to take almost as long implementing my own version of this. 
You folks haven't seen me around, that's because I'm trying to not spend obscene hours in online games like I inevitably tend to do when getting hooked on one. ( Accumulating 1,000 hours on GW in about 5 months isn't something I'm terribly proud of... ) I don't plan to be using this account much in the future either.
So I went and wiped my two advanced characters and sold off their customized gear, moved the remaining materials onto a new community mule. The nudist monk Foxbat Stargazer is still intact, though with a much cleaner inventory. (And a few stat/skills she "shouldn't" have so mind that when nudisting...) Any items short of her starter wand/tengu mask are up for grabs to trusted guildies. I'd like the account to serve as a viable community mule, so take whatever you can use, purge absolute crap if space is needed for better items. (Yes, please consider dumping half-decent gear here for a later guildy to discover, rather than vendoring it!)
One character slot is currently a PvP (with about 80-85% unlock) and there's an additional empty slot. These could be used to introduce newbs to GW, though extra storage mules might be more useful. I guess that should be default if no-one sees the other uses as terribly important. Of note is the account is prophecies-only (the prospect of coughing up another $50 seemed like a good excuse to get out )
The login is [email="realmsbeyond@gmail.com"]realmsbeyond@gmail.com[/email], the password is the OLD password us diablo vets used to use just before the current one (the more recent password is too short!), I guess a vet can change this if it is too confusing.
Hope this is of use to the guild warzers, it's been awesome gaming with such a friendly, well-spoken, and downright silly bunch of chaps. You might convince me to still fill in for nudists whenever that starts back up, but hopefully you can recruit some fresh blood to replace me instead. I'll still be around these boards anyway for a good while. Peace!
Bow down to the Barbs - Imhotep's unfinished Epic IV |
Posted by: Imhotep - July 14th, 2006, 09:00 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports
- Replies (3)
Sorry, I'm late both with a summary and a report due to my holidays. It may very well be that I can post the report not before July 23 - but that doesn't matter since I have not finished the game and retired at around 1200 AD. But I read that Sirian was interested in the course of the game of those who didn't use his 12 moves. I was one of them and therefore will report...
Game Update - July 13 |
Posted by: WarBlade - July 14th, 2006, 08:04 - Forum: Guild Wars
- Replies (13)
The full list
Kagno's gone as we knew he would be. Quite what he intends to do with all of those orbs is anyone's guess. 
Quote: Added a crafting material storage upgrade for the Xunlai Agent storage vault. To purchase the upgrade, visit one of the new Xunlai Representatives in Shing Jea Monastery or Kaineng Center. (PvP characters gain access to the crafting material storage once any roleplaying character on the account purchases it.)
I wanted event item storage, but this'll do for starters. 
Quote: Added the ability to split stacks of inventory items. Holding the Shift key while dragging a stack of items allows you to "split off" a portion of the stack before moving it.
Woah. I was daydreaming that the game needed something like this and not more than 24 hours later, PRESTO! It happens. Anyone else have any wishes they want me to daydream about? I could be on a roll here. 
Quote: Updated Warrior Ascalon and Knight's armor sets so that the damage reduction applies only when the corresponding location of the body is struck. The damage reduction applies only to physical damage, and the amount of reduced damage was increased from 2 to 3.
Ahh, there we go. The reason I bothered to make this thread.
Back in the beta I saw the updated Knight's and decided it was a sign of things to come with the damage reduction being split to a location-specific system. I'm a little surprised that we didn't get this updated in March/April, but I swell with self righteous puffyness that I was right and everyone else can dodge the spittle spouting off my vigourously waggling tongue. 
But... Physical only? WTF? NOOOOOOOOooooooo
Warriors are the poor bastards who have to either stand in the Maelstroms whacking away at imps or opt to break off and find something else to hit (or wait patiently at the side looking worried at their adrenaline supply).
- Platemail suit with Knight's boots? Gone. Good riddance.
- Knight's suit itself? Severely diminished. Who wants an end game armour tuned to stopping small damage hits from physical attacks? Not me. I was going to build a Sentinel's suit and hang onto the Knight's for special occasions, but now the Knight's is starting to look like salvage bait.
Quote: Updated shields, armors, and runes with damage reduction abilities so that they only reduce physical damage.
'Tis a sad day for damage reduction. I'd rather keep the -2 than have a -3 Physical adjustment. 
EDIT: BOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooo
After bouncing with glee at the prospect of being able to hoard things a little better I re-read the fine print and scooted around Tyria fearing the worst. They've gone and added the storage upgrade agents to Shing Jea Monastery and Kaineng City only! Why not Ascalon City and Lion's Arch I wonder? More to the point, why not the Temple of Balthazar where one would assume that players need their competitive edge retained and not eroded further. Honestly, if the reason is some silly notion of providing another incentive to get Factions they've really gone the wrong way about it IMO.
Dragonfest: Carrot 
Cantha-only storage upgrade: Stick
Epic 4 - Jet's summary |
Posted by: Jet - July 13th, 2006, 20:17 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports
- Replies (3)
Jet's RB Civilization 4 Epic 4 Game Summary
A one-line summary is at the end, if you want to jump down.
I took the started save. I was nonplussed - "hey, this save isn't all that" - but figured I wouldn't have done any better, so, cool.
First, a perverse thanks to Kael. This game was like Fall From Heaven raging barbs on Noble. Unit shuffling for promotions, lots of Medic II's to help with that, then City Garrisons. But I didn't get much exploring done, and I think that was the beginning of the end.
At BW I don't think I had seen the copper tile to the east, nor had I figured out that I was on a penninsula. So city #2 went on the desert iron tile to the northwest.
So far so good, but in extreme paranoia I put city #3 out on the iron tile that was yet farther to the northwest. In hindsight, that sealed my fate. It was a poor way to turtle. Sealing off my penninsula would have been the best way, but failing to realize that I was on a penninsula, I should at least have tried to build the first 3 cities in a tight triangle, so that I could protect some cottages in the middle. (That belated insight helped later, in a The Ancient Mediterranean game as Egypt on Dionysius's Fertile Crescent map, which is huge and has pretty killer barbs. Recommended.) But in Rome I was so into the fear that even the triangle prospect appeared too difficult.
I hut-popped Metal Casting and rashly put a quick city on the coast (and not in the two-sheep-one-fish spot either; I hadn't explored that far) in an effort to bag the Colossus. Well sure, if I had gotten the Colossus it would have been a superb source of income - barb galleys aren't bad - but of course, the Colossus fell when Colossus City was like 4 turns into its forge.
I did get some cottages going around Rome, on Pig Hill for example, and a road from Desert Iron City to Rome. I did fine protecting the 3 cities and could partially protect the improvements. I sent a force to take a fur city to the southeast, but too late: it had a cultural defense, an axeman, and a big stack of archers. I had no catapults, and was afraid of losing a lot of Praetorians. Meanwhile, supporting my defenders and having only a few improvements wrecked my economy. Once or twice, I lost units to striking. So Construction took a long, long time. With catapults I did take Fur City, but I failed to notice the counterattack force until too late. It was razed, as was Colossus City in a separate attack. I didn't have quite enough troops to go around. Oh well.
Gandhi came by. I didn't have anything to give him for the first impression bonus, but he was still congenial. I was stagnant in my 3 cities. Gandhi started giving me techs, nothing great, but Machinery was definitely helpful. I was extremely jubilant when I reached the end of my 75+ turns to research Monarchy. But of course the barbs were, shall we say, uppity. Swordsmen... Macemen. Uh oh. Grenadiers... Riflemen. Oh, crap. The Praetorians, Crossbowmen, and ancient Medic II and CGIII Archers in City #3 braved out the first few waves before the city was enveloped in barbaric darkness. The lone surviving worker fled in terror through the jungle, failing to notice the tasty smell of light purple curry to the northwest...
I braced for the end, trading Combat II Praetorians for pillaging Grenadiers. There were fewer than I expected, and no killer stacks. It dragged on. Slowly, it dawned on me that something was up. I figured out that I had a neighbor. Two neighbors, in fact; by now, Qin had Paper (probably Future Tech, too! ), so I did world map for the first impression bonus. Qin and Gandhi were both Confucian and Pleased with each other.
With less barb action than expected, I finally said, all right, my settler and CGII crossbowman are going to pull a Thelma and Louise and make a run for the ruins of Fur City. There should still be some barb-built cottages, so a city should support itself and turn a profit if it survives. They got down there in one piece and had the following conversation:
THELMA: Look: the ruins of Fur City! And the cottages are still intact!
LOUISE: Great! Let's get down there and get busy!
THELMA: I don't know, Louise. What about that hill? I don't have to tell you about barbs in this game. You could protect me a lot better if I settled there instead.
LOUISE: Good lord, Thelma - that hill is one tile off the coast! I don't have to tell YOU about barbs in this game. Even THEY had the good sense to put their city on the coast, this time! If we start settling cities one tile off the coast, won't that make us even more barbaric than the warriors and archers we've been fighting since 3820 BC? What about culture? What about CIVILIZATION? [long speech]
And so was founded, until the end of the game, the city of F***that,Louise.
Well, since seeing the first barb grenadier I'd also figured I'd better try and find an island to retreat to for my last stand, so I got out settler galleys to look for one. When I finally got around to the other side of the continent, there was no free land except for the one-tile tundra island in the southwest. I came close to doing it. But by that time I wasn't so sure: did I really need it?
With no AI attack, and very little barb trouble, I had gone into full land-grab mode, and got ten cities around Rome. I could have gotten more if I could have fought the barbs, but no way. The barbs were mysteriously quiet, and I figured if the AIs attacked I was preposterously screwed anyway, so I didn't even build any military units. To my amazement, they didn't attack... Open borders, no attack... and after far too many turns of nail biting, I finally got some Confucianism up in that piece. Ahhhhhhhh. AI cities up to my borders, no attack... so I'm like, all right, I guess I'm still in the game. I explored the world and researched the rest of the tech tree. Yeah, you know, the rest of the tech tree - yeah, I researched that. I had fun building up my little empire and was pleasantly surprised with how it came out. A city to the north of Iron Desert City that I had grabbed in desparation turned out to be really good for Ironworks (it was the coal tile, as it turned out); Two Sheep One Fish City was good for GP farming; East Coast Copper City was good for Heroic Epic; Rome got Oxford and Wall St. Meanwhile Gandhi and Qin were alllll good... did a couple resource trades each ("sure, no no, I wasn't using that gold at all, Gandhi!) Eventually I signed defensive pacts with both of them - I wanted to do everything I possibly could to keep from getting run over! Gandhi threw me a second-rate tech once in a while, and even Qin eventually gave me one.
I explored the world and, in a grand military adventure, used Frigates andCRII grenadiers to capture the rifleman barb city on the island off the east coast of the big continent. I thought it was really odd that the AI hadn't nabbed it - that was a great city. By my standards at that point, anyway . I triumphantly put another city on the one-tile island off the larger one. Hell, yeah. So land area was like Gandhi 54%, me 10%. I would have been delighted to finish the game with an AI domination by gifting cities to Gandhi, and me surviving at peace. But I couldn't do that without more land. I put a fishing village up in the tundra off China, but clearly even with more villages, that wasn't going to cut it. I finally eventually got a map trade from Louis, with, to my extreme relief, no demerit from Gandhi, who was Annoyed with him.
Now, I probably would have tried nukes, but with SDI I wasn't optimistic, and I didn't know whether nukes could cross the mountains. But more importantly, my land grab did not secure me uranium, and the AIs were like, no thanks.
I imagined France and Spain were probably designed with some tricky solution for capturing them, but I didn't know, and I didn't solve it. Gandhi did "fight" Louis once, but by the time I got my caravels up there to see what was going on, the action was over.
The other thing I thought to try was a brute-force attack, relying on tech equality and predictability in the AI. First, research as many future techs as needed for happiness to never be a problem. Of course, build every building in every city. (I did get pretty close to that, actually.) Second, find out how many Mechanized Infantry my economy could support, and build them all. (My land grab failed to secure any oil. I was working on a culture attack for the oil tile to the west, but it was a long shot. Still, with extremely prolonged Great Artist farming, who knows.) Then attack one of the AIs. Probably Qin, although his portion of the Rome continent (the east) had no oil - Arrrgh! Also, it seemed like Qin would be easier tactically because he preferred Police State, and so he couldn't do much with his gigantic reserves of wealth. But Gandhi, if he used cash rushing at all intelligently, that'd be one modern armor per city per turn for a practically infinite number of turns. Ugh.
Well, to tell the truth I never did get to the end of the tech tree; I had six techs to go. And of course, each turn was like a minute and a half to complete. I was playing in windowed mode with FreeCell games on the side, etc. I just couldn't do it any more. I put the game aside for a while and was never motivated enough to continue. I reloaded one last time to check the year: 2183.
Thanks for reading!
Summary: barely survived barbs; both AIs friendly; stalemate.
(I had to post this late because of registration problems. So there!)