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  Mod Approval Process - Editing Civ4Theme_Common.thm
Posted by: T-hawk - July 29th, 2006, 09:50 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (25)

The file Civ4Theme_Common.thm (located in Civ4\Resource\Themes\Civ4) is approved for manual editing
in the following sections: "with .Size", "with .Color", and "with .Font".
Only simple value edits are allowed; no changes to the structure of the code.

The Color section has lots of potential. In general, each GColor value is made up of four numbers that range from 0 to 255. The first three are red, green, and blue in that order (higher numbers being brighter.) The fourth value is called alpha or opacity; lower numbers mean more transparency. Here's a few examples.

with .Color //All default color types are set for dynamic color change.
    .TextShadow_Default = GColor(  0,  0,  0,255);
    .TextShadow_Select = GColor(  0,  0,  0,255);
    .TextShadow_Inactive = GColor(  0,  0,  0,255);
    .TextShadow_InactiveSelect = GColor(  0,  0,  0,255);
    .TextShadow_Disable = GColor(  0,  0,  0,128);
    .TextShadow_DisableSelect = GColor(  0,  0,  0,128);

Here's the example I was going over with Ruff_Hi in the other thread. By changing the fourth value (alpha or opacity) of each of those GColor expressions to 0, the text drop-shadow can effectively be disabled by making it transparent. (Example) (Example)

with SF_CtrlTheme_Civ4_Control_Color
    GColor .BG       = GColor( 69, 93,156,217)

This is the single color setting defined by the "BG Color" setting on the Text tab of CivScale. Here's a (butt-ugly) example of it set to GColor( 0,254, 0,255) which means bright green and full opacity (no transparency.)

.Link_Default      = GColor(  0,  0,  0);
   .Link_Select      = GColor(  0,  0,  0);

Here's another example of a specific text-color setting (with the green from the last section still on.) I've changed the color for the "link" category of text to black.

In the Font section:

with .Font
   with SF_CtrlTheme_Civ4_Control_Font
    GFont .Size1_Normal   = GFont("Sylfaen",  "Regular",  12, GFlags(GFontFeature, GFC_FONT_ALPHA))'

The values here are pretty obvious: font name, style, size. The CivScale setting "Sans Serif" simply changes all the font names to "seguibk" (example). Any Windows font can be used, such as "Comic Sans MS" (example). The CivScale setting "Font Size" simply increases all the sizes by a few points.

In the "with .Size" section:

with .Size
   .ItemSpace       =  2;
   .ListItem       = 24;

These control spacing between items in a list. Lower values are useful to fit more data on-screen at the diplomacy table (Example) and the file dialog boxes (Example). But do observe a reasonable minimum, as certain screens can get messy (example).

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  RB22 - Huayana Capac the Despot.
Posted by: Qwack - July 29th, 2006, 00:28 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (3)

I thought of an interesting variant idea just a few minutes ago, so here it is.

Leader: Huayana Capac (Can be changed)
Map: Fractal - random climate and random sealevel
Difficulty: Monarch or Emperor
Speed: Epic

Variant: Cannot ever change civics eek eek eek

My friends, this is going to be a grind. I think the biggest loss is in slavery which is probably the stronget civic in the game. But lets not forget free market, beauracracy, state property, and ofcourse all of the religious civics.

Looking for 4 people to fill up the roster. Post preferred difficulty when you signup. I would personally prefer not to go below Monarch. thumbsup

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  The Definitive Warlords Change List
Posted by: Chairman Kaga - July 28th, 2006, 02:54 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (17)

For the benefit of those who do not have Warlords yet (and maybe even for those who do), here's a complete list of changes and additions.

The Great General Unit
Great Generals are generated like Great People, except instead of Great Person Points generated by cities, it uses the total XP of your army. Like GPPs, once you accumulate enough XP, a Great General will appear in one of your cities, the accumulated count resets to zero, and you start working toward your next Great General (which, like other Great People and GPPs, takes a progressively higher number of accumulated points for each one).

The Great General has three special abilities:

  • Join a city as a Great Military Instructor. All new units built in that city receive +2 XP.
  • Construct a Military Academy in a city. The city receives a +25% production bonus when building military units.
  • Lead another unit as a Warlord. To do this, you select a unit in the same tile for the Great General to attach to. Upon doing so, the General grants 20 bonus XP divided evenly between all units on the tile. The unit you attached the Warlord to receives two additional benefits as well:
    • All future upgrades for that unit are free. Additionally, the unit retains all of its experience after the upgrade.
    • The unit gains access to several advanced upgrades. These are only available to units that have been joined with a Warlord.
      • Combat IV (+25% strength)
      • Medic III (+15% healing rate to units in the same and adjacent tiles)
      • Tactics (+30% chance to withdraw from battle)
      • Leadership (+50% experience gained from combat)
      • Morale (+1 movement range)

Vassal States
(This section is directly copied from the Warlords manual.)

A vassal state is one that has sworn allegiance to another state, providing its master state with some benefits in exchange for the master's pledge to protect and promote the vassal's welfare.

Benefits of Vassal Agreements
A vassal agreement results in some extra happiness throughout the master's empire, as well as some unhappiness for the vassal.

Other benefits for the master include a right of passage through vassal territory, and visibility inside all vassal cities. In addition, the master's units heal as fast as they heal in his own territory, and can take full advantage of the vassal's foritifications.

The master has the right to demand access to any resource under vassal control, even if it is their only one. However, there is one catch. If the vassal refuses to pay this tribute, the agreement immediately ends and a state of war automatically results between the two parties. That is the only case where a state of war can result between a master state and a vassal state. Normally, the two parties are prevented from attacking each other and in addition if the master goes to war against a third party, the vassal automatically enters the war on the side of the master. Vassal states do not have the power to declare war or make peace on their own.

Cost of Vassal Agreements
When possessing vassals, the Master civilization incurs a higher maintenance cost for its own cities. This cost increases as the number of vassal cities under his control increases. (Note that the master doesn't pay maintenance for the vassal's cities -- he just pays extra maintenance for his civ's cities.)

Types of Vassal Agreements
During peace time, a civilization can offer to become a vassal of a more powerful civilization with knowledge of Feudalism. This is a temporary agreement that can be broken by the vassal (but not by the master) after 10 turns. For this type of peaceful cassalage, when the agreement is signed, any civilization at war with either of the two parties is automatically at war with both parties.

During wartime, a vassal agreement results in capitulation.

Capitulation has the same effects as peaceful vassalage, but it cannot be broken by the vassal state even after 10 turns, unless the vassal state grows to more than half of the land area and population of the master state. Capitulation may also be annulled by the vassal if the vassal state loses half of its land area since the time the agreement was signed. Capitulation forces the vassal state to immediately adopt the master's war/peace state against third parties.

Victory Conditions
In terms of victory conditions and score, the master state gets credit for half of the land and population of the vassal state and the vassal state gets credit for the other half. (Note, however, that acquiring vassals is not necessarily a ticked to an easy domination victory, because the higher maintenance cost for your own cities may drag your economy to a halt.)

New Units For All Civs
  • Trebuchet
    • Siege Weapon
    • Strength: 4
    • Movement: 1
    • Cost: 60
    • Requires Engineering
    • Does not receive defensive bonuses
    • 25% withdraw chance
    • Causes collateral damage
    • +100% city attack
    • Can bombard city defenses (-25% per turn)

  • Trireme
    • Naval Unit
    • Strength: 2
    • Movement: 2
    • Cost: 50
    • Requires Sailing, Bronze Working
    • Upgrades to Caravel. Frigate
    • Cannot enter ocean
    • +50% vs. Galley

New Buildings For All Civs
  • Stable
    • Cost: 60
    • Requires Horseback Riding
    • New mounted units receive +2 XP

  • Monument
    The Monument is simply a renaming of the Obelisk (which now refers to the Egyptian unique building). No stats have changed.

New World Wonders
  • The Great Wall
    • Cost: 250 (Double production speed with Stone)
    • +2 [Image: culture.png], +2 [Image: greatperson.png] (Great Engineer)
    • Requires Masonry
    • Prevents barbarians from entering borders on continent
    • +100% Great General emergence inside cultural borders
    • Can only be built on Classical and earlier starts

  • The Temple of Artemis
    • Cost: 400 (Double production speed with Marble)
    • +8 [Image: culture.png], +2 [Image: greatperson.png] (Great Merchant)
    • Requires Polytheism
    • +100% trade route yield
    • +1 free Priest
    • Can only be built on Classical and earlier starts
    • Obsolete with Chemistry

  • The University of Sankore
    • Cost: 550 (Double production speed with Stone)
    • +8 [Image: culture.png], +2 [Image: greatperson.png] (Great Scientist)
    • Requires Paper
    • +2 [Image: research.png] from all state [Image: religion.png] buildings
    • Can only be built on Renaissance and earlier starts
    • Obsolete with Computers

New Leader Traits
  • Imperialistic
    • +100% Great General emergence
    • +50% production of Settler

  • Charismatic
    • +1 [Image: happy.png] in all cities
    • -25% XP needed for unit promotions
    • +1 [Image: happy.png] from Monument, Broadcast Tower

  • Protective
    • Free promotion (City Garrison I, Drill I)
      • Archery units
      • Gunpowder units
    • Double production speed of Walls, Castle

New Civilizations

Note: Unless otherwise noted, all unit/building attributes are in addition to the attributes of the base unit/building. Attributes changed from the base unit/building will have the base values noted in parens.
  • Carthaginian Empire
    • Leader: Hannibal (Financial, Charismatic)
    • Unique Unit: Numidian Cavalry (replaces Horse Archer)
      • Strength: 5 (Horse Archer: 6)
      • +50% vs. melee units
      • Starts with Flanking I
    • Unique Building: Cothon (replaces Harbor)
      • Cost: 100 (Harbor: 80)
      • +1 trade routes

  • Celtic Empire
    • Leader: Brennus (Spiritual, Charismatic)
    • Unique Unit: Gallic Warrior (replaces Swordsman)
      • Starts with Guerilla I
    • Unique Building: Dun (replaces Walls)
      • Free Guerilla I promotion for units built in this city
      • Obsolete with Rifling (except defensive bonus)

  • Korean Empire
    • Leader: Wang Kon (Financial, Protective)
    • Unique Unit: Hwacha (replaces Catapult)
      • +50% vs. melee units
    • Unique Building: Seowon (replaces University)
      • +35% [Image: research.png] (University: +25%)

  • Ottoman Empire
    • Leader: Mehmed II (Expansive, Organized)
    • Unique Unit: Janissary (replaces Musketman)
      • +25% vs. archery units
      • +25% vs. mounted units
      • +25% vs. melee units
    • Unique Building: Hammam (replaces Aqueduct)
      • +2 [Image: happy.png]

  • Viking Empire
    • Leader: Ragnar (Aggressive, Financial)
    • Unique Unit: Berserker (replaces Maceman)
      • +10% city attack
      • Starts with Amphibious
    • Unique Building: Trading Post (replaces Lighthouse)
      • Free Navigation I promotion for units built in city

  • Zulu Empire
    • Leader: Shaka (Aggressive, Expansive)
    • Unique Unit: Impi (replaces Spearman)
      • Movement: 2 (Spearman: 1)
      • Starts with Mobility
    • Unique Building: Ikhanda (replaces Barracks)
      • Cost: 60 (Barracks: 50)
      • -20% Maintenance

New Leaders For Original Civs
  • England: Winston Churchill
    • Charismatic, Protective
    • Favorite Civic: Nationhood

  • Rome: Augustus Caesar
    • Creative, Organized
    • Favorite Civic: Representation

  • Egypt: Ramesses II
    • Spiritual, Industrious
    • Favorite Civic: Theocracy

  • Russia: Josef Stalin
    • Aggressive, Industrious
    • Favorite Civic: State Property

Changes To Original Leaders
  • Asoka
    • Favorite Civic: Free Religion (was: Universal Suffrage)

  • Bismarck
    • Favorite Civic: Nationhood (was: Representation)

  • Catherine
    • Creative, Imperialistic (was: Creative, Financial)

  • Cyrus
    • Charismatic, Imperialistic (was: Creative, Expansive)

  • Frederick
    • Philosophical, Organized (was: Philosophical, Creative)

  • Gandhi
    • Philosophical, Spiritual (was: Spiritual, Industrious)

  • Genghis Khan
    • Aggressive, Imperialistic (was: Aggressive, Expansive)

  • Hatshepsut
    • Favorite Civic: Theocracy (was: Hereditary Rule)

  • Huayna Capac
    • Industrious, Financial (was: Aggressive, Financial)

  • Isabella
    • Favorite Civic: Theocracy (was: Police State)

  • Julius Caesar
    • Organized, Imperialistic (was: Expansive, Organized)

  • Kublai Khan
    • Favorite Civic: Bureaucracy (was: Hereditary Rule)

  • Mao Zedong
    • Expansive, Protective (was: Philosophical, Organized)

  • Napoleon
    • Organized, Charismatic (was: Aggressive, Industrious)

  • Peter
    • Favorite Civic: Bureaucracy (was: Police State)

  • Qin Shi Huang
    • Industrious, Protective (was: Industrious, Financial)
    • Favorite Civic: Bureaucracy (was: Police State)

  • Roosevelt
    • Favorite Civic: Mercantilism (was: Universal Suffrage)

  • Saladin
    • Spiritual, Protective (was: Philosophical, Spiritual)

  • Tokugawa
    • Aggressive, Protective (was: Aggressive, Organized)

  • Victoria
    • Financial, Imperialistic (was: Expansive, Financial)

  • Washington
    • Expansive, Charismatic (was: Financial, Organized)
    • Favorite Civic: Free Speech (was: Universal Suffrage)

Changes To Original Units
  • Chariot
    • +100% vs. Axeman
    • 10% withdraw chance (originally: 20%)

  • Cossack
    • Strength: 15 (originally: 18)

  • Horse Archer
    • -10% city attack
    • 20% withdraw chance

  • Quechua
    • Starts with Combat I

Changes To Original Buildings
  • Barracks
    • Cost: 50 (originally: 60)
    • New land units receive +3 XP (originally: +4)

  • Castle
    • +1 trade routes
    • Obsolete with Economics

Changes To Original Wonders/Projects
  • The Spiral Minaret
    • +2 [Image: commerce.png] from all state [Image: religion.png] buildings (originally: +1)

  • West Point
    • Requires a unit of Level 6 experience (originally: Level 5)

  • Heroic Epic
    • Requires a unit of Level 5 experience (originally: Level 4)

Unique Buildings

Note: Unless otherwise noted, all unit/building attributes are in addition to the attributes of the base unit/building. Attributes changed from the base unit/building will have the base values noted in parens.
  • America: Mall (replaces Supermarket)
    • +10% [Image: commerce.png]
    • +1 [Image: happy.png] from Hit Musicals, Hit Singles, Hit Movies

  • Arabia: Madrassa (replaces Library)
    • +4 [Image: culture.png] (Library: +2)
    • Can turn 2 citizens into Priest

  • Aztec: Sacrificial Altar (replaces Courthouse)
    • Cost: 90 (Courthouse: 120)
    • -50% anger duration from sacrificing population

  • China: Pavillion (replaces Theatre)
    • +25% [Image: culture.png]

  • Egypt: Obelisk (replaces Monument)
    • Can turn 2 citizens into Priest

  • England: Stock Exchange (replaces Bank)
    • +65% [Image: commerce.png] (Bank: +50%)

  • France: Salon (replaces Observatory)
    • +1 free Artist

  • Germany: Assembly Plant (replaces Factory)
    • Can turn 4 citizens into Engineer (Factory: 2)
    • Builds 50% faster with Coal

  • Greece: Odeon (replaces Colosseum)
    • +3 [Image: culture.png]
    • +2 [Image: happy.png] (Colosseum: +1)
    • Can turn 2 citizens into Artist
    • +1 [Image: happy.png] from Hit Singles

  • Inca: Terrace (replaces Granary)
    • +2 [Image: culture.png]

  • India: Mausoleum (replaces Jail)
    • +2 [Image: happy.png]

  • Japan: Shale Plant (replaces Coal Plant)
    • +10% [Image: production.png]
    • Provides Power (no resources required)

  • Mali: Mint (replaces Forge)
    • +25% [Image: production.png]

  • Mongolia: Ger (replaces Stable)
    • New mounted units receive +4 XP (Stable: +2)

  • Persia: Apothecary (replaces Grocer)
    • +2 [Image: healthy.png]

  • Rome: Forum (replaces Market)
    • +25% [Image: greatperson.png] birth rate

  • Russia: Research Institute (replaces Laboratory)
    • +2 free Scientist

  • Spain: Citadel (replaces Castle)
    • -50% damage to defenses from bombardment (except vs. gunpowder-based units)
    • New siege weapons receive +2 XP

Other Changes
  • Units
    • New promotion Guerilla III (+25% Hills Attack)
    • Drill II, III, IV: 20% collateral damage protection (stacks with each promotion)

  • Technology
    • Gunpowder is a requirement for the Pinch promotion

  • Buildings
    • City Garrison and City Raider promotions now apply to forts as well as cities
    • Forts provide defensive bonuses only to units on the same team (or vassal) as the cultural owner of the plot

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  RB Epic MP Game, Part Two
Posted by: Sullla - July 27th, 2006, 14:39 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (57)

Well, we won the first game, so time for the sequel! smile This thread will be used to plan how we want to go about setting up another game. Since the time we've been using seems to be working, I'd like to continue running MP events on Wednesday nights at 8:00pm EST (with apologies to our European friends!) Here's another game concept I'd like to try:

RBMP Epic #2: Deity Challenge
Large Pangaea, Solid form (sea level will depend on number of players)
5-8 humans vs. 3-4 Deity AIs eek
Always War

I'm sure Sirian remembers the night we tested a team of 5 humans against 2 Deity AIs, and frankly the 2 were beating the 5! lol I'm certainly open to altering these proposed settings depending on the number of players interested, or going with a different scenario entirely should the group decide on it. Since all of our players from the last game seem interested in continuing a new one, I hope that we can get 6 or even more humans involved this time. (Blake especially has a spot here if interested, since we unfortunately had to leave him off the roster for the last game.) Keep in mind though - don't sign up if you can't make Wednesday nights! Better not to signup if you can only make it "some of the time" or "once in a while", in all honesty.

Let's get some feedback. Is anyone interested in this idea? Am I being TOO crazy about this? crazyeye Let me know.

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  Anyone interested in a new SG?
Posted by: Olorin - July 26th, 2006, 12:19 - Forum: Master of Orion - Replies (15)

Just wanted to check if there were enough people out there who would be interested in playing an SG for MoO1. I've read through some of the reports of previous games on CivFanatics, and they sound like they were fun.

In terms of level/size/variant, that would depend on the players involved. I'm up for any level from average to impossible, depending on what interested players would like to try.

Olorin (OlorinStormcrow on CivFanatics)

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  RB21 Succession Game
Posted by: Sullla - July 25th, 2006, 21:58 - Forum: Succession Games - Replies (158)

Hi all. RB19 succession game proved to be a great success, but now I have in mind to try something a bit harder. smile I've always felt that simplest variants make for some of the best games, so here's one that should be a doozy.

RB21 - The Mongol Hordes
Temujin (Aggressive/Expansive)
Standard Pangaea, Epic Speed, Emperor difficulty
All victory conditions enabled, but we must win by Conquest or Domination
Variant Rule: No Promotions, ever! [Image: eek.gif]

I expect this game will be rather on the rough side. No City Raider axes or maces, no city garrison defensive units, no Medic units (!) or anything else. (We will have some Combat I units to ease the pain somewhat, but virtually no economic boosts whatsoever as Temujin.) Can we conquer the world, on Emperor, given those restrictions? Let's find out. [Image: wink.gif]

By special request, T-Hawk and Kylearan both have spots reserved for this game, should they find the concept interesting. I have also asked Sirian, but he has his hands full with RB20 succession game (you know how Huge maps are [Image: lol.gif] ). I am looking for one or two other players who would be interested in running this variant. I'd like anyone who signs up to have some familiarity with Emperor, given that this could be a toughee. But in the end, we'll do or die trying, right? [Image: nod.gif]

I'll generate a start file and open a CivFanatics thread once we have a roster set. Since my last succession game filled up in all of six hours, I don't expect that to take very long. [Image: tongue.gif]

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  Epic Four Results
Posted by: Griselda - July 25th, 2006, 00:39 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - No Replies

The Epic Four Results page can be seen here. This Epic had strong participation- 29 games made it to the results, not counting late reports or Sirian's shadow. From your thread titles I can tell that some of you actually even read the little blurbs I write up on the Civ site, too. thumbsup

It's also nice to see that there are 5 Epic heroes for this event, including three players who are newly recognized. :hippie: It's also fun to note that fully 2/3 of the players from the original Epic Four played this Epic Four.

Thanks to everyone who participated. I hope that you're enjoying the adventure!

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Posted by: regoarrarr - July 24th, 2006, 06:59 - Forum: Succession Games - Replies (43)

I don't know how many of you have heard of / played in the SGOTM over at Civ Fanatics. It's basically a succession game, but with multiple teams playing the same start.

I know that some folks here at RB played in the first one, which is just about to end. The signups for the 2nd one are starting already.

The start looks fairly interesting, from a variant perspective. You are Tokugawa on a fractal map at Monarch level. The twist is that in addition to your opening settler / warrior, you start with a city already founded, on a one tile island surrounded by ocean, quite a distance from your settler.

I don't know if there is room on the SGOTM1 RB team, or if there is enough interest from other folks here for a 2nd team, but I thought I'd bring it up.

What I'm looking for is a team of people that will be able to spend a day or two between turns analyzing things, and trying to reach consensus about the general plan that we're trying to accomplish, as well as be on-time and write good reports.

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  GOTM 8 - Regoarrarr
Posted by: regoarrarr - July 23rd, 2006, 15:08 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (9)

I don't know if any of you guys do the Game of the Month over at Civ Fanatics, but I just finished up my replay.

I thought some might enjoy it, and I know I'd certainly enjoy seeing if anybody else here at RB has a writeup for their participation. If you haven't played, there is still a week to finish the game. But since there already exists a spoiler thread in the GOTM Forums, I figure it's not a problem to post my completed game.

Needless to say, my writeup has spoilers for the game, so if you're planning on playing and haven't finished, don't read it (yet!)

Hopefully nobody at RB will mind my posting this - after all, there are no Epics / Adventures closing today, so that means a boring Monday with no reports to read!!!

My report is at

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  Epic Five : Results
Posted by: Kodii - July 21st, 2006, 21:44 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (16)

I went through everybody's reports and wrote down all the results. Here they are, in alphabetical order (no scoring):

Atlas - Conquest Loss - 1320 AD
Blake - Domination Victory - 1589AD
blid – Domination Victory – 1679 AD
Compromise – Domination Victory – 1208 AD
darrelljs – Conquest Loss - ?
Dreylin – Domination Victory – 1800 AD
Iustus – Retired – 1106 AD
Kodii – Incomplete – 1124 AD
mihau – Conquest Victory – 1679 AD
pindicator – Domination Victory – 1661 AD
regoarrarr – Conquest Victory – 845 AD
Ruff_Hi – Domination Victory – 1732 AD
sooooo – Conquest Victory – 670 BC
Sullla – Domination Victory – 1160 AD
T-Hawk – Conquest Victory – 875 AD
uberfish – Conquest Victory – 1142 AD

One order of flowers and affection for:

If I made any mistakes or left anyone out, let me know!

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