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The Seven Samurai- A Most Honorable Competitive SG

I don't think that either the Egyptians or the Ottomans can whip yet, so what you see is probably what you get. I expect the Egyptians to fall this set, and a start on the Ottomans too.

Both Kublai and Zara will be more challenging: Creative Slavers. We may want to combine our samurai for them.

Strike with one mind.

thestick Wrote:One thing before I play: Bob, you might want to change the title of this thread.

Good point. How do I do that?

When Thestikazi regained control of his own body, he found himself in command of the samurai. Matahachibod, Jkaenmaki, Ittomise, and Sareln were preparing to invade Ottoman lands, Bobiro was stranded in the north, and Fusajironstar was accompanying Thestikazi in destroying the Egyptians.

Thestikazi also noticed several slaves scattered in all directions. He ordered them marched to the capital to begin their forced labor.

Fusajironstar learnt the art of healing and became Medic Level II.

On T44, Thestikazi had healed to a reasonable level. He feared that the Egyptians would conscript additional Archers, and wasted no time in charging into Thebes:
[Image: T44%20-%20Thebes.jpg]

After a nail-biting few seconds...
[Image: T44%20-%20Egypt%20Destroyed.jpg]
...the Egyptians were no more.

In the east, the four Samurai had assembled and were invading Istanbul.
[Image: T44%20-%20Istanbul.jpg]
Thestikazi wondered why Sareln and Matahachibod had not mastered the art of Morale. Although there were several Archers in Istanbul, Archers stand no chance against the brave Samurai.

On T45, Jkaenmaki attacked Istanbul with 94.8% odds, but broke both of his arms and legs, as well as his lung, leaving himself with only 1.6 health left. Afterwards, Ittomise attacked at 94.9% odds and defeated the Archer at the cost of 2.6 of his health.

On T47, Matahachibod the Medic attacked Istanbul at 86% odds. Due to his knowledge of medicine, he only broke his arm and survived with 6.6 of his health left.

On T48, Sareln the City Destroyer finally made his way to Istanbul, and destroyed an Archer at 99.8% odds without even taking a scratch. With one Archer left, Ittomise attacked at 95.8% odds, destroying the city of Istanbul.

[Image: T49%20-%20Istanbul%27s%20Ruins.jpg]

In the deserted northern Mongolian steppes, Bobiro was reasonably healed by T44. However, that turn, the Mongolians settled the area:
[Image: T45%20-%20Turfan.jpg]

Bobiro, having mastered the basics of City Raiding, immediately began the assualt on Turfan. He survived with only a broken arm, surviving with 6.1 health. Next turn, Bobiro, having learnt to wield his katana with his left hand, charged again with 95.7% odds. Luck smiled on him, and he won without a scratch.

In domestic news, Thestikazi ordered the two companies of slaves to move to march to their new home. After the completion of Pottery, research was directed towards Writing so that Libraries of books about the exploits of the Samurai may be written. On T49, a Granary was completed using slave labor. The peaceful villagers settled the city of Tokyo:
[Image: T45%20-%20Tokyo.jpg]

Thestikazi and Fusajironstar are currently moving through the central jungles to the Mongolians, as it turns out the Egyptian lands do not connect to the Mongolian lands.
[Image: T49%20-%20Ironstar%20and%20thestick.jpg]
Bobiro, Matahachibod, Jkaenmaki, Ittomise, and Sareln are currently healing in preparation for the next strike.

However, while Thestikazi was moving through the jungles, a mind-controlling parasite stuck to his head, causing him to lose control of his own body again. Furthermore, while it is attached, he is forced to obey all orders without question. Fusajironstar, the medic, predicts it will take 42 turns for the parasite to be safely removed, possibly less if medical supplies earmarked for other samurai were directed to Thestikazi.

The Egyptians are dead! Also, we have four workers. Horray for super-early rushes! Um, where exactly are Zara and Willem? I can only see Suleiman and Kublai Khan. What do we want for research? Also, where should Fujironstar and Thestikazi move next? Is our teamate counted in the Conquest victory condition? The screen says '5 rivals remaining.'

I have no real plan here. Basically, the only plan is to get EXP and kill enemy civilizations without killing yourself or your other Samurai. I'll probably put the needs of the Samurai over my own.
More people have been to Berlin than I have.

Bobchillingworth Wrote:Good point. How do I do that?

NobleHelium Wrote:Fun fact: if you double click a thread that you started in the thread listing, you can edit its title.

Haven't tried it, though.
More people have been to Berlin than I have.

Domo arigato, thestickazisan smile

OOC: Well-played!

Met Willem at the SW corner of Ottoman capital, so he may be further southeast? Never saw anything from Zara.

Took me a while to try to get imageshack to look passable. Time to figure out dropbox, I think.

Good to see we made it once through the batting order.

The normal way of editing the thread title is just by editing the first post. I just noticed that shortcut by accident when I was hosting WW12.

Bobiro was impressed. 49 days had passed since the Seven had took to the field, and their enemies were scattered and dying, while the Samurai had only grown stronger. It was as Master Muashi said; "When you become used to wielding the long sword, you will gain the power of the Way and wield the sword well". Each bandit they felled sharpened both mind and weapon.

The burden of command had fallen once more upon Bobiro, who found himself grateful to be waging a one-man war against the gang of raiders calling themselves "Mongols". Clearly his companions held his fighting skills in the highest esteem to entrust him with personally clearing an area of so many miles.

Bobiro dispensed his commands through smoke signals from a bonfire of carrier pigeons. First, noticing a surplus of labor at Kurosawa City, he offered a gift to the Peaceful Villagers, who seemed alarmingly unskilled at performing farming or other basic peasant functions:

[Image: 2012-05-20_00001.jpg]

In the Southeast, Jkaenmaki razed the capital of the so-called "Ethiopians":

[Image: 2012-05-20_00003.jpg]

Sadly, in every war there are casualties:

[Image: 2012-05-20_00002.jpg]

A band of peasant warriors, too undisciplined to have yet earned an honorific, perished uninspiringly.

As Kurosawa City finished its barracks, Bobiro pondered its next build. Further labor was unneeded, and club-armed peasants were proving themselves to be of meager use even as plucky comic relief. There was the option of a wall, a Great one:

[Image: 2012-05-20_00004.jpg]

But No! What man could consider himself a true Samurai, who trusted his defense to some dull edifice instead of his blade? But a great stone sword point, stabbing the heavens?:

[Image: 2012-05-20_00005.jpg]

That was acceptable.

In the field, Thestickazi and Fusajironstar began a long and uneventful journey to regroup with Bobiro, which consumed the next seven days.

Bobiro killed Mongol archers with great cleaving blows in the field, but, unable to entice the well-entrenched camp defenders out of their ramparts, eventually found himself destroying hovels and farms in a rage at his enemy's cowardice.

The other four Samurai continued to search for new bandits to destroy, finally coming across a filthy collection of "Dutch" bandit dwellings toward the end of Bobiro's tenure. Jkaenmaki meditated on the art of Tactics:

[Image: 2012-05-20_00006.jpg]

Some of the other Samurai scoffed at his new "withdraw rate", but Jkaenmaki responded-

"The sage Paulsan once proclaimed, 'I can take pot or leave it. I got busted in Japan for it. I was nine days without it and there wasn't a hint of withdrawal, nothing.' "

And jeering voices quickly subsided into silent contemplation.

Meanwhile, the Peaceful Villagers, inspired by the heroic feats of the Seven, adopted a curious strategy of replacing nearly the entirety of their peasant militia with Axemen.

Eventually Bobiro's command ended and Jkaenmaki again took up the mantle of leadership. The Samurai had survived yet another week:

[Image: 2012-05-20_00007.jpg]

What would the future bring?


Spoiler Stuff:

I think this somehow ended up being too easy a concept lol A combination of some of the Samurai snowballing into super-elite death-dealers and the AI's insistence on offering up random archers for us to murder on flat terrain is turning the game into a slaughter. I probably should have been a little less cautious with my play; I didn't want to get any of the others killed because I didn't want to be responsible for ending their games early & my taking a nasty -15% score penalty, but I probably could have risked Bobiro on some 84% odds fights in Mongolia. But I figured, eh, might as well let Jkaen or whoever take those battles for me, that way if I die his score gets zapped and I get +10 pity points :neenernee Uh, in the most honorable way possible, of course!

You guys just aren't trying to win enough. smile If I were playing, the other samurai would have had some unfortunate accidents by now.

P.S. What's up with not taking more drill promos?

Game complete, will write up later.

Everybody alive

The Save

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