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Joined: Feb 2013
Russia is showing 2 great general points per turn. I know pretty much for a fact that it's from Strategos, because besides two lavras he has a completed campus, no way he also has a completed encampment, and a third city. Still, this is bad news for us. Russia's faith generation means that he can get the general if he really wants to, and Strategos shows that he does. This in turn means we don't really have time to wait until legions. I'm going to complete HBR in line with the encampment and pump out a couple of horsemen, then hit Ichabod's second city with absolutely everything we've got -- three warriors, two horsemen, two promoted archers. Not a massive army, but that's what we can get online before he gets a general. He will also get Defender of the Faith, I presume, which makes things even more annoying.
Should I have gone for an archer rush originally? Maybe. I definitely underestimated just how powerful the Russian start is, I think it is absoultely ridiculous and I'm looking forward to reading his thread. He obviously got the inspiration for PP, which helped, but then he also must have GotOS for this massive faith generation, but even that's not enough, he has to have yet more sources of culture.