February 2nd, 2015, 23:30
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Thoughts on the scoreboard, starting from the bottom and ignoring the lurker civ:
Bacchus: Dead and he knows it.
yuris: Dead and he knows it too.
Xenu: Dead and he doesn't know it. But when wetbandit falls BGN is going to either force him to play his turn every two days until this thing is over or put him out of his misery. Probably the latter because Xenu has culture blocking a few city sites of wetbandits and nothing to stop cossacks.
HAK: Dead the moment someone has 20 spare galleons. Probably has a good stack of units in size which means someone has to dedicate too many units to kill him for minimal return. Probably makes it to the end of the game. I see some players garrisoning his cities with their own troops to gaurd airship bases.
CH: Harder to kill than Ruff because Plako will also pick at the corpse, so probably not going to be invaded by TBS, Jojo or BGN. Not worth it for BGN IMO, and tech position is backward to say the least. I think he makes it to hte late game unless someone invades and kills Plako as well (maybe TBS could pull it off, or me if everyone ignores me and plays their own game). Can research Rifling.
Ruff: Dead even if it takes me 20 turns to do it. Not sure if BGN piles on though, if he doesn't this war is going to take a lot longer than I expected.Will make it to Rifling but I believe by that point will not have the ability to draft them so...yeah, not going to make too many.
Wetbandit: Dead if BGN wants to spend an extra 5 minutes on the next 10 turns.
Dreylin: One of three targets OT needs to kill for more cities. Would extend naval border with BGN, which is good because of more angles of invasion and bad because of more angles of invasion. Should die IMO.
Moloch: Not going to die, no one near him is dangerous, but then again he isn't relevant to the tech pace either. Just another player taking up land and playing in the game. Can do his own thing and no one is going to care.
AT: As above, he'll make it to the end game unless there is a big war on the continent of mediocrity.
Gavagai: him and William share a continent. Not sure if there is going to be a final war over there in the sense of a fight to the death but they are fighting. If the war goes on too long then TBS may consider his options for more land. Harder attack for TBS than hitting CH and Plako though. Has Rifling.
Pindicator: Same problem as Dreylin, OT need to kill him or take dtays southern core and Pin is just weaker and has better cities (Hindu shrine). I've seen Aztec boats in the straits so I'm fairly sure he is going to die. The only questions in my mind are what happens when dtay and OT clash again, and how much do I help dtay...
Plako: No expansion avenues, but power is rising so he probably plans to kill CH because he lacks Astronomy. Can research Rifling. Bloodbath in the making.
WilliamLP: Another inconsequential war. Will make it to the end, seems to be winning, will own his own continent yet. Has Rifling, so that's a war with rifles on both sides.
GermanJoey: Finally a player that matters. Has 1 more city than me, 5K gold, up Corp and Music, down Rifling, Steel. Could hit CH, needs to defend against TBS. Is on the continent of mediocrity with Moloch, AT and yuris after eating most of Bacchus, should probably just take hte entire continent over. Cannons would be useful to push straight east. If he did that then he would border BGN. Too late for him to contest the game though.
After that you get to the top 5 in score, more on them (us?) later.
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February 2nd, 2015, 23:55
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Some thoughts on tech speed.
We make 1650bpt at max bpt, losing slightly less than 800gpt. Corp should be worth minimum 180 commerce per turn. I expect to underestimate that and it's closer to 250 commerce per turn, and the repositioning of trade routes to better cities with better multipliers...isn't going to happen.
That's because the trade routes give more commerce but as our costs are constant, the trade route commerce is essentially only affected by the beaker multipliers, and frankly we don't have many. But we do have quite a few gold multipliers and by saving gold we can wait a few turns whilst we get more beaker multipliers in place (which is relevant if we are expecting war or not because of the universities for OU).
Depending on the KTB varying between 2 and 4 civs, Steam Power would take between 3 and 4 turns of 100% research. Assembly Line between 6 and 9. Scientific Method with the 1.4 multiplier would take 2 turns of 100% and 1 of breakeven right now. Biology is 4-5 turns, Physics about the same but more likely to be a 5 turn tech. Out of all these, only Steam Power is the tech that is worth researching for itself (coal gives us ironclads, but they aren't relevant except as a deterrent). So after Corp, I believe that we need to save about 10-11 turns worth of deficit gold if going for AL. With Corp, I believe that we would be saving around 1100gpt, so about 8 turns worth of saving gold for Al and 5 for Biology, 6 for Physics.
So I believe that we can get AL by T210, Biology by T204, and Physics by T206 if we beeline them. RR I'm not sure about, though I expect it to be around the same time as AL at T210 despite being cheaper due to fewer people researching it. OU will take 19 turns to complete from this turn ignoring overflow cascades so does not factor into this beeline. Wall Street doesn't factor either: no good city to build it.
FP might be worth building in Pass Mustard though, it only takes 5 turns and is close to holdings in Ruff land. I'd prefer to closer but then I don't suppose we are going to capture somewhere that could build it.
I'm also assuming that we only research techs that at least 2 people have already researched. With our shit tech rate, I do believe that saving gold after Corp is going to give us a higher KTB than that. In effect, I am underestimating this and we're probably going to let our tech path be defined by what other people want to research because frankly, there isn't anything which is that interesting to us if dtay leaves us alone; doesn't matter what BGN does nor OT we can't fight them and win, only be a pain.
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February 4th, 2015, 10:27
(This post was last modified: February 4th, 2015, 10:27 by Krill.)
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Played the turn. Tech needs changing to Corp after turn roll.
novice, if you end up playing the next turn, you can move all the shit at Marblehead towards Ruff in a single stack leaving about 12 units behind to defend. There is a galleon with a single rifle on it. You need to unload that rifle and then load the three rifles on the island into the galleon, move the galleon back into Marblehead and unload the rifles. Those rifles should be promoted to CG1,2 and left behind with the garrison of muskets and, say, 3 cannon. Maybe 12-15 units total.
Other than that, improve the dtay border tiles whilst we have enforced peace and scout out his northern core with the three sentry chariots in his lands: he accepted OB. And change OT back to working a hill tile not a plains farm. There's nothing else that's important that I haven't noted down in game on signs.
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February 4th, 2015, 12:58
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(February 2nd, 2015, 23:30)Krill Wrote: The only questions in my mind are what happens when dtay and OT clash again, and how much do I help dtay...
After that you get to the top 5 in score, more on them (us?) later.
What action do you think OT should have taken instead of signing peace?
Looking forward to the top5 analysis.
February 4th, 2015, 13:09
(This post was last modified: February 4th, 2015, 13:09 by Krill.)
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I'll probably do the top 5 assessment one per day, but I have to grab something to eat and go to work in half an hour so not right now.
I have to question why OT offered peace. What it's given them is the use of their navy and any units that were on boats to threaten dtay. Could be all the boats were empty and they just go the navy back. That means they are going to either invade someone ie Pin or Dreylin or they are going to declare on BGN. Note I'm not saying invade BGN rather they may just block his cities and slow him down.
The latter seems suicidal, because of the sheer number of boats there are going to need to deal with BGN. They couldn't block all his cities, BGN would stack up on frigates and SoL on the north and south of his continent and then slowly push OT back on both sides. The "advantage" is that BGN would spend the next 25 turns dealing with OT, but that slows OT and hence is not much of a help to them: it lets TBS, dtay and myself catch up. Arguably BGN would have greater difficulty to attack Ruff but it looks like he isn't going to anyway, so OT attacking BGN doesn't slow him down there as BGN hasn't even started.
So I think OT are going to attack Pin or Dreylin, yet they now have no method of stopping dtay from also piling onto Pin and fighting for the shrine. They pissed me off by leaving me to deal with dtay alone so I'm not going to help them by pegging dtay back. I'm fairly free of naval requirements so could send a lot of my frigates passed dtay to go and pillage a bunch of seafood and annoy OT. OT could get Inf and DD, but then so could dtay and myself (although dtay is technically on a beeline to DD and myself to Inf, OT can't reach me with naval units).
What do I think OT should have done? I think they should have stacked up sooner and gone to hit Pindicator and Dreylin whilst they had dtay pegged down. Non of this building malarky, build some units and kill people. If they make a move now they are going to give everyone around them a window to fuck them up.
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February 5th, 2015, 12:25
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OK, I'm going to start with #5 in score...which is dtay. Blah blah cliche about the mighty falling and other shit like that.
dtay in his current position is a little bit fucked, because there isn't much that he can do that has any real meaning, but he is also the first player that will, without any doubt on my part, be there at the end of the game if he wants to be.
dtay has two separate empires that have no cultural connection and someone in between, which I think is the first time I've ever seen this happen outside a Terra map. Normally I'd say this matters because he needs more units to defend less than compared to holding the land in between but since I'm the person that holds said land and has zero intention to screw with dtay that just doesn't matter any more. He has about equivalent tech to myself, he has a better GNP but much lower MFG and CY. He can beeline DD and TR and screw with OT if he wants to...or at least do enough to make an attack on himself a bloodbath and hand BGN the win.
dtay basically has about 3 choices. 1 is to attack me again. That just leads to a stalemate for both of us. 2 is to attack Plako. He would need to build a real navy to do that though and get Arty to really make it work, so he'd not move for a while. 3 is to attack Pindicator when OT do and to make some gains there and piss in OT cheerios, which I think is the most likely outcome. Simply razing the holy city would hurt the move for OT. But really, the crux of the matter is that dtay is going to react to other peoples decisions for a while.
Tech differences between us: dtay is up SM, Lib, Music, MT. Down: Steel, Constitution.
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February 5th, 2015, 13:20
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No one else has had the fun of playing with two disconnected empires before?
What if we ran a pit boss terra map, but have everyone starting with two cities settled, their cap on the main continent, and a second with FP on the other continent? Everyone gets to join in on the fun.
February 5th, 2015, 14:40
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(February 5th, 2015, 13:20)BRickAstley Wrote: No one else has had the fun of playing with two disconnected empires before?
What if we ran a pit boss terra map, but have everyone starting with two cities settled, their cap on the main continent, and a second with FP on the other continent? Everyone gets to join in on the fun.
February 6th, 2015, 03:23
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Better idea is to play it as a teamer. 8 teams, X civs per team, 1 civ per "continent" and then basically design a bunch of 8 player maps then stitch them together.
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February 6th, 2015, 13:27
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Next turn I'm thinking of dumping the knights out of marblehead and into the main SoD. Move onto Boston. Ruff just doesn't have enough units to kill that stack. Once Boston falls capture and Garrison. If Ruff retreats, we raze Lynn and move to capture and hold Cambridge; bomb Cambridge if needed but I'd prefer not to. Then we just raze every city ruff has until he fights us, and we resettle each city immediately. We would need to build more settlers though, we have two completed and one at 73 hammers in KM. We want his land for the cottages, I couldn't care less about the city improvements.
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