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RBP2 Lurker Discussion Thread - No Players!

What does he have? Say he has 4 cats, and 5 phalanx, plus his 8 preats, that would annihilate the slow stack. The question is the fastmovers. I don;t think Jowy has his units in the right position to stop them from taking out his core...
Current games (All): RtR: PB80 Civ 6: PBEM23

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 Games ded lurked: PB18

Spullla's other option:
NE-NE, onto the copper. Yes, it's flatland, but only Argos units could possibly hit them there. Then, NE & threaten Argos, and the Thebes units won't be able to attack the stack (they'll be able to defend in Argos). With the catas suiciding, then Spullla could strike. Or camp on that forest, while their fast-movers run up from HR and burn down Sparta and Athens. It's not a fork, but a flanking maneuver: catch Jowy with his Thebian army out of position. While the other flank comes in and chops The Great Wall and such to shreds. hammer

If they had brought 2 chariots, I'd have guessed they were going for this, to then cut the copper.

novice Wrote:Just noticed that with their fast workers India can do that move in one turn.

Yup...I'm feeling dumber and dumber for arguing against us taking India on the first leg of the snake pick. India has used them to great effect in this war.


I predict they will use their two fast workers to road the tile one north of "SLOW STACK" and then move their slow stack 2 north to the forest tile where they can split the defenders and threaten 2 cities at once. They will road the tile marked "road 1" which will allow them to move their "FAST STACK" from outside of Jowy's visibility to the forested hill one tile SW of Thebes. I predict they will make this move of their fast stack only after jowy re-arranges his troops to meet the threat of the slow stack (unless he doesn't do that).

They will probably move the slow stack early in the turn (say, 10-11 hours left), then their fast stack @ 5minutes. Jowy won't be able to move any units after Spullla moves the slow stack anyway, but he won't be able to change builds in response to the fast stack.

Quote:The stack they have is mostly Dantski's axes and newly whipped catapults, which means that alot of their older troops are still somewhere hidden.

jowy can see the second attack coming, whether he can do anything to stop it is another matter

I hope jowy posts something this turn....

Krill Wrote:15 HA would be a reasonable force for hte west coast...

True, against a skilled MP opponent. Looks like half that will do in this case lol.


funny that sulla w/ his knowledge of history would compare the moves to germany 1940... guess we know who the good guys are in this war then smoke

meatbalz Wrote:funny that sulla w/ his knowledge of history would compare the moves to germany 1940... guess we know who the good guys are in this war then smoke

The best generals don't always work for the good guys.... on the other hand the good guys in WWII also did several dastardly deeds in said war, not that I regret the fall of the 3rd Reich or Imperial Japan!
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind

- Mohandas Karamchand "Mahatma" Gandhi, 1869-1948.

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