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Warrior moved NE, revealing nothing.
Move bowman back onto cows?
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Borders pop eot right? Then moving to cows is fine IMO
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Turn 57.
It seems the french defend their cities a bit more vigilantly than the babylonians.
Stand by for border expansion and AH revealing new map information.
I have to run.
May 28th, 2014, 07:11
(This post was last modified: May 28th, 2014, 07:11 by Krill.)
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Well, I think that firms up the dotmap somewhat...
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May 28th, 2014, 07:48
(This post was last modified: May 28th, 2014, 09:12 by Krill.)
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View on capital and DS micro affecting dot map stuff:
Next city after this little spree is definitely Free Reign for copper, on the labelled position. That is a coastal city, needs copper hooked and ideally we could figure out MM to still get the size 1 granary in place. Only needs roads on tiles 8 and 87 of the city tile, plus the copper mine. Then whilst waiting for hte border pop chop out forest 7 of FR and road the deer. Road should be done on the turn that the border pops. Then camp the deer. That gives long enough working the mine that the granary finishes on the first turn of working the camped deer. Need 2 workers and 1 warrior to fogbust. Trivial. Use the worker that farms the wheat at TtL and either worker whipped from TtL or worker at WH. Settler comes from DS after regrowing it to size 3 (or 4 using 1 pop whip EDIT: After running a sim, settler for 2 turns, then grow to 4 starting T64, then build settler)? Settler eot T71 with 1 pop whip @size 4. DS really ought to sit at size 5 IMO working 2 hill mines but there are more pressing needs for worker attention IMO.
Capital MM is bitchy. Capital lacks hammers for granary or happy cap to use it well. Suggestion is that it needs to work all three hills. That takes 78 food to grow to size 5, which means 10 turns. Needs 15 worker turns for the hills....which we frankly don't have. Suggestion is to regrow to size 3 and 1 pop whip a worker. That takes an additional 6 turns if we dump the overflow from the settler into the worker, so worker eot T65. Then use that worker to mine the hills one at a time, ignoring roads. That worker finishes the last mine on T80, but microing the worker over from the gold means that all mines could be finished by T74. Capital would grow to sizes 3/4/5 on eot T68/72/75. By that time should be able to function at size 5 having put out 30 hammers whilst growing on the forests (ie 2 warriors for fog busting). Then it can make 13hpt/3fpt, no additional investment needed for a short while, when it comes to grow again can build a 5 turn granary whilst half filling the food box. The Capital built worker would need to leave either the grass hill or the plains hill 7 of OT for the gold worker to improve.
Meanwhile better cities to get granaries in IMO are TtL (could get it with a forest chop from wheat worker prior to running to copper city on tile 66 of TtL and them 2 worker chop on forest 9 of TtL). FP could get one with a single chop and working a 1 pop whip as there is only 1 good tile to worker there...but that city probably needs to be size 3 ASAP for emergency whip.
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May 28th, 2014, 08:18
(This post was last modified: May 28th, 2014, 08:20 by Krill.)
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In fact the micro is surprisingly easy to work out for this. The gold worker can move thus:
- T68: 71 road/cancel
- T69: 17 mine/cancel
- T70: 31 road/finish
- T71: to captail hill
- T72: mine
- T75 mine/finish
That means the settler from DS could found FR on T75, copper hooked T76. That means the road on copper has to be completed T74, so worker has to be on the copper on T72. The wheat is farmed T64, so wheat worker:
- T65: 89
- T66: chop
- T68: chop/finish
- T69: 8 whatever/cancel
- T70: 72 chop/cancel
- T71: 96 chop/cancel
- T72: 33 to copper
- T73: road
- T74: road/finish
Meanwhile TtL:
- T64: eot grow size 2, work wheat.
- T65: work cow/wheat, +7fpt
- T67: eot grow
- T68: build worker, 32/60 (chop lands)
- T69: whip worker, 73/60
- T70: who cares
- T71: chop lands (+20 hammers)
New TtL worker
- T70: 9 chop
- T71: chop/finish
- T72: 96 chop/cancel
- T73: 3 road
- T74: road/finish
Don't even need to use the TtL worker to road for copper, the deer worker at FP can be used to mine the grass hill 3 of the city...which places it in perfect position to swap all of the workers around and use any of them to road for copper city or finish the forest chop on the plains forest that will take the cottage filler city (camp finished T68 if roads done first). It's not a problem to use 1 worker for another chop to get a granary in TtL, or just to pound out another worker if wanted. The hammers are all chops or overflow.
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BTW sim is missing a wines at FP.
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May 28th, 2014, 09:02
(This post was last modified: May 28th, 2014, 09:25 by Krill.)
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Just ran an unoptimised sim. 8 workers total, trivial to get by T75. Depending on what you want to do with FP, well, definitely have spare pop to whip units. WH really has to grow to size 4, finishes the bowman, then build a worker until 1 turn from completion. Whip the worker, overflow into a granary (41 hammers) then build another worker or even settler whilst the worker chops the forest to finish the granary. Grow to size 5 and double whip something. We have Sailing so could get a galley instead of a granary...and intercontinental trade routes sound nice. But really can't get another settler out that quickly, so granary and then double whipping the galley sounds better.
dtay front city is also a bit of a bitch to MM, but that is because of the delay in getting the worker there for the rice. It might actually make more sense to simply build a worker at size 2 and whip it, rather than moving a worker back to the rice. Which would free up a worker to do anything...fuck do we actually only need 3 workers for 6 cities? EDIT: Can run the fourth worker back to DS to mine a hill. It delays teh settler 1 turn for copper, but we don't have to whip can grow straight to size 5 and work two mines for 8fpt and 8hpt from T76. The delay in the settler 1 turn also means that we have a few spare worker turns which we can use to get a grass hill mine down for FP, or put down a cottage at FP or TtL. Which frankly we need as commerce is going to get tight again.
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I wanted to settle where the northern horse is. :/
Haven't absorbed anything else just yet.
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Yeah I don't think we're settling on horse even if it is a 2 hammer plant. That city is perfectly food neutral working the horse and 3 mines with just the crab. The fish is overkill for that spot. Just means we have to get a galley out and go settle that stone.
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