Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[Spoilers - Flauros (sunrise089 and darrelljs)]

Good planing then.

darrelljs Wrote:Plan is to raze and force blight whilst my cities are at size 7/8. Empyrean holy city should just about do it I think smile.


See what I said about you regretting your "I SHALL RAZE DEM ALL" statement? :neenernee

NobleHelium Wrote:See what I said about you regretting your "I SHALL RAZE DEM ALL" statement? :neenernee

Bah smile. AC is at 29, blight will hit next turn. Infernal Pact is in, but Deception is a 2 turn tech. So I'll triple switch to Sacrficie the Weak/Slavery/Undercouncil so the one turn of anarchy is during Blight. I'll be growing during Blight, and really growing not long after smile. Here's the combat log for this turn, really the only thing that's mattered in the lands of the Calabim for several turns:

[Image: civ4screenshot0033.jpg]

Edit: Read from bottom right-hand corner to top left-hand corner.

Edit: Yes, I'm stupid and didn't learn duh. I should have held some Spectre summons in reserves in for Lucian softening. A 72% vampire odds battle scared me and I wasted two more summons getting the odds over 80%.


darrelljs Wrote:Empyran turns evil neutral, and neutral good. Its considered a good religion for sure.


I think Empyrean only changes Evil -> Neutral, and not Neutral -> Good - Only Order does that, IIRC.

Order: Forces Good
Empyrean & RoK: Forces Evil to Neutral
FoL: No alignment change
OO & CoE: Forces Good to Neutral
AV: Forces Evil

I just tested it and you are right! Razing the city will not cause any extra bump in the AC.


Errr, what?

Due to city size it will add 2 to the AC. For some reason uberfish was under the impression it would be extra high as a holy city, but it doesn't seem so. Then again uberfish also thought Blight hit at an AC of 30 smile.


A holy city being razed doesn't instantly affect the AC unless it is an Order or Veil city... However I think it's the shrines themselves that affect the AC, Octopus Overlords raises AC so razing it lowers it... I also think the Empy shrine Lowers AC so razing it makes it go higher.

At least that's my assumptions on it all.

darrelljs Wrote:I'll also take pictures of Stephanos ravaging my lands for your later viewing pleasure.

So no, this was not some poor joke:

[Image: civ4screenshot0039.jpg]

Vampires from the Mist front are being rapidly recalled. If he shows up with a bunch of units next turn I'll look pretty silly. Speaking of bad spawn locations, how about those Gargoyles sprung by the Infernals?

[Image: civ4screenshot0040.jpg]

FINALLY got a hit in with a Spectre. Also, they are no longer stacked up nicely. I am hoping that injured one enters my borders this turn, I think I should be able to get him if he is following me. Obligatory Blight pictures:

[Image: civ4screenshot0035.jpg]

After next turn's triple civics swap, most of my cities will have a food surplus, and some cities will have a substantial food surplus [Image: icon22.gif]. The crop yield chart shows something interesting:

[Image: civ4screenshot0043.jpg]

Ilios has not been idle with the whip, that's for sure. Amelia in the meantime is working towards popping some Krakens or something:

[Image: civ4screenshot0042.jpg]

Just in case, I sent the following message:

Calabim Wrote:Amelia,

Quite a lot of troops you are massing to my west. I am pretty sure you are just going to explore that epic lair, but wanted to remind you also we do have a long term NAP :-).

Armies of the night:

[Image: civ4screenshot0044.jpg]

Tech disucssion:

A - Priesthood - So I can build Ritualists and spread Ashen Veil around
B - Masonry/Contrustion - Needed since Serdoa was more reliant on irrigation chaining than I was.
C - Archery/Military Strategy- Not for Command Posts, but for the HE and lumbermills at my HE city.
D - Fanatacism/Malevolent Designs - Losha Valas, Beasts of Agares, Eidolons, Mardero

Game for the lurkers, order A/B/C/D based on what you think I'll do smile.



If I'm not mistaken, Miro will be razed next turn, which is a pity. At least you'll get Stephanos item, which will be pretty good (it gives 30% conversion chance if you attack and kill a unit).

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