Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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RBP2 Lurker Discussion Thread - No Players!

Moving East lose
- 3 cottaged river-grassland,
- sharing copper for fast monument/granary
- (long-term) an incredibly huge levee (all but 5 tiles are river-side)

It has only 1 tile with coast, so it is far from AI building 1t away with zillion of coastal tiles.

On the other hand, they still need to build an 'harbor' both on the inside and outside sea...

White dot will give them an outer harbor soon. They may not have an inner harbor for a while though.

Something to consider: This world map is toroidal, and only standard size, so that city maintence is about to start going sky high for those teams that have reached 4 cities. They are going to have to start looking at finances pretty quickly, and I don;t think a single team really is other that Spullla.

Weird thing is, they are looking at expanding to around, what, 11 cities, without any on islands? so their slider is going to go pretty low to fund that, and they are getting the early academy, which is mainly going to be affected by the slider. I wonder just how big an advantage that Academy is going to be, if they continue the expansion plan.
Current games (All): RtR: PB80 Civ 6: PBEM23

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 Games ded lurked: PB18

Whosit has been looking at his finances (complaining about 30% research rate, jokingly referring to trashing his economy) which is understandable given his lack of economic traits. As to the others, Byz & Korea have more pressing concerns, and the rest have an economic trait to help out (IIRC).

If any civ is going to get a maintenance shock then it'll be the Ottomans if/when they take the Byz capital: distance, # cities, unit upkeep & underdeveloped lands will hit pretty hard.

On the other hand, they (Ottoman) are financial, have grassland with river and gold, so they should recover quite well WHEN they do convert to economy

Looks like Dantski's going run into problems by making demands of HRE when he's planning to attack in the other direction. Not smart.

It's a bit unfortunate there's been no updates to Dantski's thread lately, so it's a bit unclear just what he's planning. Same for Jowy actually.. perhaps they're coordinating their movements under the radar to avoid someone accidentally spoiling them?

Once DMOC and Nakor realize Dantski is overreaching himself, he'll indeed be in trouble.
We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing. - George Bernard Shaw

Byzance is going to discover that they have Iron just on the other side of the river.
Does anyone know/think they have a chance of mining it under the pressure (lucky, no road needed as wellsmile )?

How many archers will they need for that ?

If there are 3 charriots around (or is it 4), they need 4 archers to protect the worker since they are more likely to lose each battle, but they also need at least 3archers in the city to avoid losing it (and to kill the injured chariot). That means 7 archers minimum.

Or is there a better way, which would consist in attacking and killing each chariot first (costly especially if they are stacked) to get some breathing time/space. In that case, 7 archers is probably not quite enough in case of bad rolls.

Should they change their plans and go archers crazy or sailing to unknown is better from their pov (there is copper in the island, but they don't know for sure)

I'm certainly no grand strategist but I think their best bet is to get to the islands asap and rebuild there. The cost to get iron would be rather large due to the units they'd need and even if they get it they'll still have one hell of a time trying to expand in the area with only one very undeveloped city.

Plus I think it would interesting to see an island nation arise smile

Jabah Wrote:Byzance is going to discover that they have Iron just on the other side of the river.
Does anyone know/think they have a chance of mining it under the pressure (lucky, no road needed as wellsmile )?

They need to be able to settle on the iron, and have enough archers to protect both cities. They'd do well to sail to the Iron to protect the settler some more.

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