As promised, an update on my plans for the Hippus. Let me divide it into three stages.
Converting to triple A (Aristocracy/Agrarianism/Apprenticeship) is the objective. According to my micromanagement txt file it will happen in turn 106 (105 being a turn of anarchy). To make this work I'll have to go below 50gc for several turns. I'm not comfortable with it (I prefer to keep at least 50gc at hand in case of a "great prophet" event) but I don't want to delay Agristocracy any further. City #4, founded on the Yellow Dot, is scheduled in turn 106, unless something bad pops out of the barrow. Or if Bob suddenly finds this area interesting.
After the switch I'll research Festivals and build Markets in three cities (#4 being busy working on a Monument). At this stage (about turn ~112) my commerce should pass the one hundred mark.
With a decent research rate I'll finally grab some military techs. The cadidates are Archery and Horseback Riding. Archery will most likely go first, unless I'm sure that the Priests of Winter are not a threat, in which case I'll go straight for HR.
With horses ready to roll I'm going to declare on Bob. Not to wage a full-scale war with city sieges etc., but to do what Hippus are the best at: choke, fork, pillage and in general force him to waste resources on defense instead of beelining Feudalism. In the meantime i'll try to settle the Purple and then the White Dot.
Before I spill the beans on this one let me elaborate on the options that I've rejected.
The least favourite: Currency -> Guild of the Nine -> Mounted Mercenaries. It is available very early (only 907 beakers after Code of Laws!),
but the cost of mercenaries is a real turnoff. It's 180gc for a str 5 move 3 unit worth. For that amount of gc I can upgrade one scout to horse archer and another one to horseman, keeping a gc/hammer ration close to 2, not 3 as in case of the mercenary (assuming such a unit is worth 60 hammers).
Another route, which I've been considering for some time is: instead of researching Stirrups (1185 beakers including Archery) beeline Construction and Trade (1474 beakers) and build chariots. Without bronze they are quite weak, but from Trade there is a relatively short route to Honor (1379 beakers). With Honor comes Empyrean and with Empyrean come rathas whose Blinding Light is a game breaker. With mobility II rathas I could immobilize stacks from 3 tiles afar and then pillage everything in sight like a Hun on steroids. Eventually I'd get Chalid and from then on siege would be no longer a problem.
I'm not going to go that way though. First, I don't like Chalid - he's so uber that when he's around, no matter on which side, it's no longer fun to play. Second, I don't want to skip horse archers. With Hippus (and with Defender civs - Illians!), they can reach 95% withdrawal rate (imagine a pillaging Roomba 8)). Third, there is another option with fun factor 100x greater than those above.
I am going to summon Hyborem.
Not to play them though. Before summoning I'll have to research Fanaticism to be able to get Malevolent Designs via the Infernal Grimoire. Now there is a conflict of interest between Hybo and the summoner (assuming both are controlled by humans) - they both want to get the Grimoire (to grab MD that gives Eidolons, Beasts of Agares and Mardero) and the summoner is much more likely to be first. While it is possible to build the Grimoire with Hyborem, it requires causing severe self-injury to the summoning civ (starving production cities that could compete with the Infernal capital, chopping all forests in vincinity etc.). I don't want to do that to an eventual successor, so I've decided to stick with Hippus and work things out diplomatically with the Lord of Balors. Of course not getting Malevolent Designs wouldn't mean that Infernals are destined to be weak. In fact I'm afraid that with a constant influx of evil souls they might eventually emerge as a winner.
And then I'll be happy to get my slice of what used to be Erebus, MWAHAHAHA