Okay, so Warrior moves NW and finds:
You know its a bad turn when 66.667% (edit: 50%) of the tiles your scouting reveals are desert hills. BTW, it seems screenshot 11 from the 4000 B.C. report died/never worked, so here it is for comparison:
You can see I settled, set the build queue to a Worker and start on Pottery. Per the plan. A long time ago, in a PBEM far, far less fun, Cyneheard tried to teach me the way of the C&D:
Cyneheard Wrote:What you need is all here: CFC's Demographics Primer
Lazy, I was. Ignored Cyneheard, I did. Gone, is that Darrell. Strong in the way of C&D, I will become! Done with the Yoda grammar, I am
. So first, let's take a look at the Top 5 cities screen:
This tells me one team settled in place. Let's see if we can puzzle this out
. First, let's assume symmetric starts. Might be true, might not. Its a good assumption for now. Its a very interesting choice for an EXP civ. As Krill points out, that southern plains hill with the forest is nice to enable the 25% Worker production bonus. For Sury, the pop comes on turn 2 and you get the Worker on turn 9. For Bismarck, the pop comes on turn 3 and the Worker on turn 9. In both cases, moving to pull the tile into the inner ring of the BFC gives a Worker on turn 9. So you've basically tossed 10 commerce by moving south. Unless I'm missing something, I don't think anyone moved south. So who settled in place? If you put a gun to my head and asked me to guess, I would go with regoarrarr. Reason? FIN likes more river tiles, IND likes more hill tiles. On to the demographics screen:
First, what does the GNP number tell us. The forumla is:
Total commerce + total culture + total espionage + (total research * research bonus) – expenses
So we get 8 (paalce commerce) + 2 (palace culture) + 4 (palace espionage) + 2 (tiles commerce) + 1 (free beaker) = 17. Why am I at 19? I am teching pottery and get a bonus for each arrow tech I know, so in this case 20%. Thus the total becomes 17 + 10*0.2 = 19 (all commerce goes towards research). What this tells me is my opponent who settled turn 0 is also researching a tech he has a 20% bonus on
. Starting techs:
novice (Mysticism, Mining)
kyan (Fishing, Agriculture)
regoarrarr (Mysticism, The Wheel)
shoot (Wheel, Agriculture)
Do we think novice is teching Masonry? No, that would be suicide as he can't improve a food resouce. Neither Kyan nor regoarrarr have access to a tech with bonus potential. That leaves
Shoot the Moon as the player who settled on turn 0! He is working the Corn tile as well, to get that extra commerce and pulling that single hammer from the city square. Life expectancy clinches it, as the extra health from EXP is the only way I'm not tied for first. The last screen I checked was victory conditions:
From the Domination, section, I can determine there are round(10/0.0111) = 901 land tiles. According to
this link, a custome continents standard sized map is 84x52 = 4368 total tiles, which wold mean 3467 water tiles
. Clearly I have something wrong here, but I'll have to puzzle it out later...I'm late for work!