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[SPOILERS - PBEM17] darrelljs - Elizabeth of Egypt

Pop for T38

5/3/1 (9)
3/2/2/1 (8)
[4/2/1 or 3/3/1] (7) (7)
[4/3/1 or 3/2/1] (8) (6)

We are at 8, with one granary. I wouldn't worry about it.
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

Uh, shit, FUED!

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0381.jpg]

no food frown

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0380.jpg]

Our GNP should be 4 higher, CY 3 higher, but an unhappy face grew. It'll be a happy face next turn when the gems are connected

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0382.jpg]

This is why I want Fued. Realistically, I say change tech to Sailing>Archery>Writing>Maths and cram a city down on that dye asap. Perhaps 1SW of the dye. That's Nospace up there and they are close.
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

BTW, Plako, nice map. Me likey.
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

Rather long chat log with Krill:

Quote:Krill: Save is here
do you want me to play it for you now or leave it?
Darrell: Today is my 14 year anniversary so I can't play tonight
so go for it probably dislike my micro but follow it anyway smile
Krill: Congrats
Darrell: thx
Krill: ooh, more islands
no food
Darrell: you alwasy find food
Krill: Writing in 2
Darrell: somethings wrong
FWIW, I think 8 is the max number of settlers if we minimize the HG date
Krill: OK, we are top in GNP by 4 when researching a 1.2 tech
Darrell: assuming we save chiops for MoM
Krill: 51 to 47
Darrell: gems next turn will help a bit smile
Krill: top by 11 on Writing
gems this turn for tech
Darrell: we shoudl be better than 51 with gems :S
I want to say it was 57
Krill: 58
Darrell: now that's a GNP lead I'm comfortable with
Krill: It's because writing is a 1.4 tech
but yeah, we're doing well
about 5 bpt above the leader
GNP should increase by 4 but hasn't because of unhappy face
Darrell: what
Krill: crop, we are at 37, highest is at 47
Darrell: that unhappy won't be there for real
the raod makes it go away
Krill: yup
but the others won't know that
Darrell: pbem resolves in an odd order
Krill: and next turn the slave comes in so the numbers look worse
Darrell: yup
Krill: but are better
Darrell: if we get poly and an 8 city HG (still don't think we get 9 due to worker over settler at hindu holy city) we will have a lead that's not possible to hide
Krill: oh-ho
Darrell: really?
Krill: nospace are to the north east
seriously close
Darrell: so those islands aren't islands?
or do you think he settled them
Krill: I think change in plans is justified
that isn't an island
Darrell: by change in plans you mean what?
Krill: I think we need sailing asap
Darrell: before math even?
Krill: and a city on that peninsula
HG is not as important as defensible borders
Darrell: you mean grey dot
Krill: grey dot?
Darrell: Do you mean on his land mass?
Krill: yeah
Darrell: I think that woudl be needlessly provocative
Krill: but I don;t think that is "his landmass"
Darrell: Unless we plan on going AW with him
Krill: I think it's one huge landmass
I'm thinking of settling 9666 of India
Darrell: the map was supposed to be individual continents, unconnected by reachable by Galley
Krill: on a dyes
next to gems
Darrell: screenshot would be nice smile
Krill: with clams
I'm doing it now
Darrell: cool
Krill: Also
Darrell: yes yes
did we make contact?
Krill: <>
Darrell: that's wild
Krill: Maths is not a big tech...
Darrell: how did yo uget that swirly pop up
Krill: ping
press p
Darrell: funny
by big you mean important?
Krill: big as in long to tech
Darrell: yes
6 turns
Krill: but it can wait
Darrell: if we get henge fail gold I guess not so big
Krill: IMO
Darrell: you want sailing -> math instead of math -> sailing?
Krill: Get sailing and archery, galley and 2 archers and drop them over asap and then drop off a galley
Darrell: or wait even longer?
Krill: Change right now to Sailing>Archery>Writing>maths
Darrell: its aggressive, I'll give you that
Krill: And get that damned city down
our culture is not going away
Darrell: I'm trying to decide what I would do if I was them
Krill: tbh, that clams is ours
Darrell: given the logistics, I'd probably come in with about 8 swords
Krill: That's why Fued is critical
Darrell: they are what, sury of india?
Krill: Yeah
Darrell: you want a big tech, that would be feudalsim
and with lots of prereqs
Krill: and not really in the lead like they should be
Darrell: hard to say since we see one sliver
Krill: I want Fued after maths
And I would not accept a city that close to our holy city
Just not happening
Darrell: I like the dyes
Krill: Yeah
if we could work something out peacefully I'm all for it, but frankly, they are not settling right on the border like that
the dyes would make Calendar a nice tech
Darrell: yes
Krill: And fwiw, it's utility of those cities for them are pretty low
Darrell: two happy then
incense and dyes
without contact we can't really negotiate
you know
whithout roads started we can probably get there faster
Krill: Shit wait
That might be an island
Darrell: it would make moer sense IMO
Krill: or maybe not...
Darrell: ctrl-alt-f
Krill: zooming in now
Darrell: you will see it or not
if its an island settle north of the clams
I doubt its an island
and I bet our little stick of land goes to someone else
Krill: <>
Darrell: to the SW
Krill: stupid hotlinking
Darrell: I cna't tell
Krill: [Image: Civ4ScreenShot0383.jpg]
Darrell: I think I see blue, but its got a plans tile for sure
its so hard to tell
Krill: yeah
Darrell: they might not see us too
Krill: I think it's a plains tile 1NE, but that doesn't prove anything
Darrell: right
Krill: right now they don't
they see the border of the row of tiles right north of India
Darrell: no, I mean next time they get the save
Krill: they still won't see us
the 3 black FoW tiles
are thiles they see
they then see the borders of tiles right below that
and our borders are the row below THAT row
Darrell: if the tile 99888 of india is theres, they can see the corner of our BFC
but I don't know if the corner shows up
bleeds over I mean
I agree we shoudl settle that land though, its pretty much equidistant to us
diplomacy will be tricky
Krill: because that tile, is a coastal tile, they don't get 2 tiles range yet
Darrell: we need IW sooner rather than later I guess
Krill: they would need optics
Darrell: oh ok
that free spread in india was important
so whip a settler in india, whip a galley in usa, overflow into two archers?
settle it ungarded?
archers hard to come by
Krill: there is a grass hill to mine and a forest to chop
Darrell: and the stone is 0/3 if we have to
Krill: can take a warrior/archer pair over first
Darrell: yeah
warrior from brazil actually, we get two from overflow on the settler whip
I was going to send one SW and one to NE for gally scoutng
so sailing next
then hunting/archery?
its simpler if thats an island, but it doesn not seem likely
Krill: Hunting Archery are 3 turns
Darrell: sailing is at least 2
and one turn defiict
so 6 turns
if we dealy math I'd like to whip granaries in india and usa
Krill: damnit, 5 beakers short of Sailing in 2
can overflow out granary in USA
Darrell: yeah
question is do we settle the corn spot form india, and then go for the dye spot
Krill: can land a warrior on the gems to scout
Darrell: 4 turns for india to grow
we need a damn granary
Krill: and not show our hand to novice
Darrell: he wont see it due to jungle?
Krill: it'll grow in 3 with a shitlod of food overflow
due to sight rules
Darrell: borders see two tiles over flat
Krill: 1 tile
2 tiles if it is a hill
1 tile if coast
Darrell: how come we see east of the clams
Krill: eh, land is the screwy one.
Darrell: we dont' see NE of the clams
Krill: if you have coast and then coast/land
you see the land
if you have coast
and then coast/coast
you only see the first coast
Darrell: we see the grass hill 74 from teh stone too
Krill: the gems for them is coast/coast/gems
Darrell: but I do think the jungle will hide us
Krill: so too far to see
Darrell: I think we shoudl salve a granary at india, then salve a settler
Krill: pop for this turn
Darrell: everyone has 3 finally
Krill: slave a galley in USA
overflow out the granary
Darrell: and slave a granary in india , overflwo to settler, grow while on a warrior or acher, then salve a settler
so galley/granary/archer from usa
granary/settler/warrior from india
Krill: yeah
Darrell: usa's first warrior can go scout, we wont be unhappy I think
might have to revolt, I dunno
that would not be worth it
oh yeah
Krill: thought reevolting after next turn when settler for Henge is on the way?
Darrell: warrior from brazil and go back to usa
that was my initial plan, yes
it delays all those techs by 1 and the island settler
we can claim we thought it was an island later smile
Krill: That's what I was thinking was the best bet
but I think they'lll figure it out
Darrell: Feudalism is so far away
if they watn the city they can take it out
Krill: Fued is what we want for when they turn up with 6 swords
Also, they will be slow teching to IW
doubt they go that way
anyway, I have to go to work
back in 13 hours...
Darrell: so sailing -> writing -> mathematics -> priesthood -> monotheism -> monarchy -> feudalism
have fun
if that is possible

Long story short, Krill suggests and I agree that we want to prioritize settling the Gems/Dye island ASAP. To achieve that we will change research to Sailing->Hunting->Archery before continuing with Writing->Mathematics. Plan is to get a Warrior on the Gems tile to scout, then follow up with a Settler/Archer pair. I think for production reasons we need to finish Granaries in India and USA. Tentative plan, subject to micro, is slave a Galley in USA, use the overflow to finish the Granary, and follow up with an Archer. Current Warrior goes on the Galley, and an extra Warrior from Brazil back-fills the garrison. In India, we slave a Granary, overflow into a Settler, swap to a Warrior while growing, then swap to and slave the Settler.

I think after the Henge city, the next Settler from Brazil has to go to the Copper site. Its not really negotiable.


Micro of those cities really works out.


Attached is a sandbox for t45 (Stonehenge just built). An overview:

[Image: civ4screenshot0118.jpg]

Workers are about to go on a mass cottage binge. Brazil:

[Image: civ4screenshot0121.jpg]

In two turns its still a two pop whip, and the overflow is enough to complete an Archer. That's the Settler for the island. USA:

[Image: civ4screenshot0122.jpg]

The Galley whip is going to complete the Granary, and then its on to an Archer, with only 2 hammers of overflow. Note the Galley can load that Warrior as another Warrior from Brazil can step in as a garrison. India:

[Image: civ4screenshot0123.jpg]

India has a complete Granary. At this point I have the overflow going into a Workboat for the Clams, but I'm not sure that's the proper move just yet. USSR:

[Image: civ4screenshot0125.jpg]

Stonehenge done obviously, with a GP due in 16 turns. The workboat completes in 3 turns, and after the Fish puts us to size 3 I'll probably run a Priest to speed up the Shrine. The other cities should each whip a Settler (with an Aqueduct in Brazil followed by chops for the Hanging Gardens. I should be able to get to 8 cities easily.


It's Feud, Krill. Feudalism. wink

Also, what's up with that GS in the capital?

NobleHelium Wrote:Also, what's up with that GS in the capital?

He costs me 1 gpt, to correct the maintenance cost difference between my sandbox and the real game smile.


NobleHelium Wrote:It's Feud, Krill. Feudalism. wink

Au contraire smile.


Wouldn't it be better to figure out why the maintenance is off...? I imagine it's due to map size or whatever, which you can just look up in the game settings?

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