Gold Ergo Sum Wrote:I thought Kyan agreed to stay off our island?
Yeah I know. I know. I'm leaning towards giving in to Krill on this one to shut him up, but there is no chance Kyan will settle that spot, he's clearly playing this game honest.
We have a deal with Shoot:
Quote:Shoot: Hey, you around? (I figure replying to your email will simply be easier in chat than email) Darrell: sure, what's up Shoot: I think something along the lines of you most recent proposal is something I could agree to Darrell: It was eye opening when Krill said I was being unreasonable. I looked back at our previous chat and I guess it kinda was :-S
Krill never thinks anything is unreasonable Shoot: yeah, I know that from PB 3
anyway, what would you say to 50g when you give me the GP and say 5gpt for 10 turns upon building the shrine? Darrell: that seems okay Shoot: The reason I say that, is the city I'll have you dropping off the GP at is the shrine city Darrell: hah-hah...nice
very nice Shoot: yeah, so that just spaces out the payment like it seemed like you were thinking of doing Darrell: yeah, that seems fair Shoot: we have a deal then
the city is 9N, 11E of thailand fyi Darrell: okay, I will start running the math on when I can ge tit to you Shoot: although dropping it off on the tile 8N, 10E will be easiest and quickest Darrell: well once I am in your borders (with 1 MP left) I can gift it to you Shoot: ok, that sounds good
yeah, I only really need somewhere around 5t notice just so I can come up with the 50g without it screwing up my tech plans Darrell: sure.
If memory serves its 8t from teh prohet, then...let's see then 2 turns to get out east, then it sounds like about 6 turns of travel
so ballpark is 16 turns Shoot: and I'm 12t from scientist, 2 turn west and 6 travel
so 20t ballpark for the GS Darrell: that's what I figured...I could have done one faster but the 100g makes up for it Shoot: ok, sounds good for both of us then Darrell: yeah...that's what I thought too.
darrelljs Wrote:Yeah I know. I know. I'm leaning towards giving in to Krill on this one to shut him up, but there is no chance Kyan will settle that spot, he's clearly playing this game honest.
I trust Kyan to not settle our island, but he can settle his tentacle and still get cultural control of our ivory.
Actually, according to Darrell that is an island he wants to settle. So, diplo corps head Mad Doctor Darrell needs to sort something out about that. Possibly we settle our banana and steal his sugar, he settles to steal our ivory and we gift the resources to each other?
Me and Darrell got into a fair argument over this settler. I want to settle NoSpaces' end tentacle. Darrell won't let me, saying it'll break diplo agreements or some such. I call him stupid for even considering letting NoSpace settle a city that could galleon attack 7 of our cities. and will be surrounded on at least 3 sides by our culture.
I settled Cyan? Why? Because the warrior showed that the land to the south of the tentacle is an island. And the city site that fits perfectly with Kyans' dot map...doesn't take the ivory.
Or I'm a really nice guy and want to let Darrell make his own mistakes. Take your pick.
NoSpace are #1 in GNP. Kyan is #1 in CY. I'm happy with our position, and Cyan cost us 10 gpt. Next turn we get 27 cpt in new trade routes, so meh.
Two very long chat logs, posted because Darrell liked them.
(9:21:55 PM) Darrell: we have a deal with shoot
(9:22:03 PM) Darrell: and I am going to go for the ivory city just to shut you up
(9:22:05 PM) Darrell: so, cheer up
(9:22:09 PM) Krill thank you
(9:22:16 PM) Darrell: its 7 fucking turns
(9:22:17 PM) Darrell: to get there
(9:22:32 PM) Darrell: but at least it blocks
(9:23:01 PM) Krill shouldn't have sent that damned settler down there
(9:23:30 PM) Darrell: I still think cyan makes more sense, the sheep is imprved before you blink and those forests can chop out a granary
(9:23:36 PM) Darrell: then whip a few workers and...
(9:23:45 PM) Krill that's 20 frigging turns
(9:23:50 PM) Krill to get those workers out
(9:23:57 PM) Krill that city can be settled in 10 from Kyan
(9:24:14 PM) Darrell: Kyan said he wouldn't settle our land, and I'm inclinded to believe him
(9:24:20 PM) Darrell: there is no race for ivory
(9:24:37 PM) Darrell: he point blank told me he would not settle and land on our continent, and diverted a settler when he found out it was attached
(9:24:38 PM) Krill the ivory can be claimed from his land though
(9:24:48 PM) Darrell: its not connected to him, its connected to us
(9:24:56 PM) Krill it's 2 tiles from his land.
(9:25:28 PM) Darrell: I get it
(9:25:36 PM) Darrell: the maintenance is going to be insane
(9:26:52 PM) Krill the maintenence is going to be nasty no matter what
(9:29:35 PM) Darrell: Krill
(9:29:41 PM) Darrell: the save is in but I can't play for some time
(9:29:44 PM) Darrell: you want to take it?
(9:29:48 PM) Krill sure
(9:29:53 PM) Darrell: you're not durnk, right?
(9:29:56 PM) Darrell: just testy?
(9:30:00 PM) Krill yes
(9:30:03 PM) Krill bad day at work
(9:30:07 PM) Darrell: sorry dude
(9:30:08 PM) Krill then rego
(9:30:12 PM) Darrell: yeah
(9:30:41 PM) Krill got trade routes with Kyan
(9:30:51 PM) Darrell: nice
(9:30:51 PM) Krill and finally got full trade routes with NoSpace
(9:30:56 PM) Darrell: yeah I saw tha last turn
(9:31:02 PM) Darrell: man I wish we could get currency this turn
(9:31:05 PM) Darrell: its way too far off
(9:31:12 PM) Darrell: we'll run 50% next turn
(9:31:56 PM) Krill Whatdoes USSR build?
(9:32:19 PM) Darrell: Warrior I think, and then whip a Worker at size 4.
(9:32:31 PM) Krill It has 7 overflow hammers
(9:32:35 PM) Darrell: hmm
(9:32:38 PM) Darrell: two warriors?
(9:32:48 PM) Darrell: ej
(9:32:50 PM) Darrell: eh
(9:33:02 PM) Darrell: worker for overflow
(9:33:11 PM) Krill don't really need the warriors so worker makes sense
(9:33:37 PM) Krill which tentacle city to settle?
(9:33:46 PM) Krill Black with 2 fish
(9:33:47 PM) Darrell: what's the rush on banana?
(9:33:58 PM) Darrell: we have two WBs coming out right now for 1W of orange
(9:34:02 PM) Darrell: wiat, what?
(9:34:03 PM) Darrell: black?
(9:34:06 PM) Krill or Scarlet with fish/clams and longer to hook the clams?
(9:34:18 PM) Krill Black dot is 1W of the sugar on the NoSpace Tentacle
(9:34:19 PM) Darrell: I'm so confused, lemme open the picture
(9:34:26 PM) Darrell: this is jungle tentacle, not forest tentacle, right?
(9:34:29 PM) Krill yes
(9:34:30 PM) Darrell: oh no
(9:34:31 PM) Darrell: not there
(9:34:35 PM) Darrell: not yet at least
(9:34:38 PM) Krill why not?
(9:34:41 PM) Darrell: definitely on our tentacle
(9:34:47 PM) Darrell: because I told them I wouldn't without further discussion
(9:34:59 PM) Krill They are on chat...
(9:35:08 PM) Darrell: no way dude
(9:35:10 PM) Darrell: too early to broach that
(9:35:15 PM) Darrell: they are not anywhere near settling that spot
(9:35:20 PM) Krill They just got Pyramids and are a target
(9:35:23 PM) Krill and we don't have an NAP
(9:35:40 PM) Krill And they do need to worry about having hte target on their back
(9:36:41 PM) Darrell: 1W of orange
(9:36:44 PM) Darrell: two fish
(9:36:50 PM) Darrell: only junle city worth anything right now really
(9:36:55 PM) Darrell: that is on our tentacle
(9:37:15 PM) Krill the fish/clams?
(9:37:20 PM) Darrell: yeah that spot
(9:37:41 PM) Darrell: chatting with nosapce now, there is no amusement
(9:38:06 PM) Krill From a defence PoV
(9:38:09 PM) Krill if they settle that spot
(9:38:26 PM) Krill they can reach 7 of our cities with galleons
(9:38:46 PM) Darrell: I'm not saying we let them settle that spot, I'm just saying we don't right now either
(9:39:02 PM) Darrell: its a gray area, and I don't see the need to push it just yet
(9:39:03 PM) Darrell: once we have feudalsim I'll fell much better about it
(9:39:15 PM) Krill They are likely to beat us to fued...
(9:39:21 PM) Darrell: if they head there
(9:39:23 PM) Darrell: but that's okay too
(9:39:25 PM) Darrell: LBs don't attack
(9:39:34 PM) Darrell: and we cna pre-settle with archers a few turns ahead anyway
(9:39:40 PM) Darrell: and we'll see them coming a mile off
(9:40:14 PM) Krill Can I declare war on them please?
(9:40:26 PM) Darrell: dude you are pretty funny :0
(9:40:33 PM) Krill not actually a joke
(9:40:37 PM) Darrell: Its good you are around, you will keep me from being a wuss
(9:40:40 PM) Darrell: no, you may not
(9:40:42 PM) Darrell: yet
(9:40:53 PM) Krill we have no deal that precludes war
(9:40:56 PM) Darrell: take heart, there will be a 3 week stretch I'm in spain and not much internet access
(9:41:07 PM) Darrell: you can indulge all your latent agression
(9:41:13 PM) Krill I don;t want war when it's at a bad time of hte game though
(9:41:24 PM) Darrell: now isn't?
(9:41:33 PM) Krill Now isn't good for either
(9:41:46 PM) Krill but we can get Archery in 4 turns while still getting Currency
(9:42:00 PM) Krill They have StM on one side with axes and a GLH city to defend
(9:42:06 PM) Krill they have a Pyramids city to defend against us
(9:42:14 PM) Darrell: let's be patient and if anythign arrange something with shoot later
(9:42:28 PM) Darrell: they can more afford a war now than we can, that's for sure
(9:42:43 PM) Krill Disagree
(9:42:54 PM) Krill identical crop yield
(9:43:10 PM) Krill we have 2 settlers off and currently have ame number of cities
(9:43:17 PM) Krill and we have the forests
(9:43:18 PM) Darrell: I'm. A. Big. Wuss.
(9:43:23 PM) Krill Blame. Me.
(9:43:30 PM) Darrell: Which we should convert to settlers and workers, not axes
(9:43:38 PM) Darrell: which will do jack against CRE cities defended by...Axes
(9:43:49 PM) Krill and vice versa
(9:44:00 PM) Krill now is the time to get that city
(9:44:06 PM) Krill not when they have Fued and we are lagging
(9:44:18 PM) Krill we have one flank fairly secure, we can trust Kyan IMO
(9:44:29 PM) Krill NoSpace no not to start a war when it isn;t a good time for them
(9:44:33 PM) Krill *know
(9:44:33 PM) Darrell: I have told them I woul dnot settle there tentacle without discussoin, and I meant that dude. I can't go back on that, even if its the right move in game.
(9:44:39 PM) Darrell: So even if youare right, its moot.
(9:44:44 PM) Krill Can I talk to them?
(9:44:54 PM) Darrell: Uh...after a good day?
(9:45:06 PM) Krill I never have good days
(9:45:10 PM) Darrell: this chat is so going on the forum
(9:45:19 PM) Darrell: its almost like a sitcom
(9:45:41 PM) Darrell: What could you possible say to them?
(9:47:00 PM) Krill Straight forward: We would like to settle the end of the continent With the sugar. We are willing to gift you a set of bananas straight up once we get calendar and, if you agree this deal, we are going to priorise settling for a second sugar with our next settler
(9:47:14 PM) Darrell: I know the answer they will give
(9:47:17 PM) Darrell: The answer is no
(9:47:29 PM) Krill And if that is the answer once feud is in?
(9:47:33 PM) Krill We at least discussed it
(9:47:36 PM) Darrell: then...
(9:47:41 PM) Darrell: I envision a different world then
(9:47:44 PM) Krill we settle it next turn
(9:47:46 PM) Krill after the discussion
(9:47:53 PM) Darrell: wait, what?
(9:47:58 PM) Darrell: next turn after feudalism?
(9:47:59 PM) Krill They would have galleon access to 7 cities
(9:48:04 PM) Krill no
(9:48:06 PM) Krill we talk this turn
(9:48:09 PM) Krill and settle next turn
(9:48:15 PM) Krill and we don't tell them we settled the city
(9:48:22 PM) Krill we discussed the site
(9:48:26 PM) Krill as promised
(9:48:34 PM) Krill if they say no this turn
(9:48:40 PM) Krill will they say yes in 20 turns?
(9:48:48 PM) Darrell: I believe the actual agreement was not to discuss, but to reach an agreement
(9:49:00 PM) Krill and if we can't reach an agreement, then what?
(9:49:25 PM) Darrell: that's an excellent question I have no answer for
(9:49:37 PM) Darrell: But I do know we're not settling black dot of death this turn or next turn
(9:49:37 PM) Krill I'm having a shower, you can think of that
(9:49:45 PM) Krill about that
(9:49:48 PM) Krill stupid typeo
(9:49:52 PM) Darrell: I actually ahve to get back to work...gonna be stuck here for a while.
(9:50:07 PM) Krill should be
(9:50:09 PM) Darrell: There isa 0% chance I'm chaning my mind on 1W of orange dot
(9:50:14 PM) Darrell: no, I'm also having a bad day :P
(9:50:27 PM) Darrell: usually thinking of leavintg now, not thinkgin of what I'll be ordering for dinner
(10:28:11 PM) Krill I settled Cyan
(10:28:17 PM) Krill Just for you
(10:28:47 PM) Krill And I wasn't a rebel, I moved the settler to scarlett
(10:30:31 PM) Krill Cyan cost 10 gpt
(10:33:48 PM) Krill Hinduism spread to Thailand
(10:37:27 PM) Darrell: Nice
(10:43:41 PM) Darrell: Sent kyans map
(10:43:41 PM) Darrell: Haven't looked at it probably noy untkil morning
(10:43:47 PM) Krill how come we got the two uber tentacles?
(10:43:56 PM) Krill go be productive
(10:58:05 PM) Krill posted
(11:11:07 PM) Darrell: Will check it in an hour, and thanks
(11:11:25 PM) Krill no problems, will forwardyou good chat with Kyan when it ends and I go to bed
(11:18:10 PM) Krill ok
(11:18:13 PM) Krill forwarding chat
(11:18:16 PM) Krill it's worth reading
(11:33:25 PM) Krill Fuck up
(11:33:32 PM) Krill We should have settled black
(10:31:27 PM) Krill: Save has been sent to NoSpace, you shouldhave it shortly
(10:31:49 PM) Kyan: thanks
(10:31:59 PM) Kyan: do you remember how to do the flying camera thing? i owe you guys pictures
(10:32:11 PM) Kyan: was in a hurry this morning and couldnt remember
(10:32:14 PM) Krill: Alt+F
(10:32:19 PM) Krill: no worries
(10:32:30 PM) Kyan: new laptop- dont i need to delete something in the script or so?
(10:32:44 PM) Krill: posibly do have to, in the configuarion settings
(10:32:50 PM) Krill: they are in the My games folder somewhere
(10:33:07 PM) Kyan: ill go try it without
(10:33:13 PM) Kyan: but im sure i did that before
(10:35:55 PM) Kyan: ok google found it
(10:36:05 PM) Krill: all hail google
(10:36:12 PM) Krill: hey, just a quick question...
(10:36:44 PM) Krill: we have a warrior at hte end of our southern tentacle, and we see your borders. probably your SW city
(10:36:56 PM) Krill: just wondering if you are going to besettling downthat tentacle any time soon
(10:37:19 PM) Kyan: i already promised darrell i wont settle on your continent mate
(10:37:28 PM) Krill: We have no wish to settle your land, just that depending on how you settle you might control an ivory resource
(10:37:29 PM) Kyan: there's an island beneath it i'd like to settle though
(10:37:36 PM) Kyan: ah i see
(10:37:46 PM) Kyan: im trying to take screenies for you now
(10:37:50 PM) Krill: no wories
(10:37:51 PM) Kyan: but i am being a div
(10:37:56 PM) Kyan: cant 'hide' my cities
(10:38:11 PM) Krill: scroll in
(10:38:16 PM) Kyan: i dont mind showing the map, but seeing all my cities built list is kinda undesirable
(10:38:24 PM) Krill: hit the button 3 from the left above hteminimap
(10:41:39 PM) Kyan: sent
(10:41:48 PM) Kyan: last turn before anything done screenie
(10:41:52 PM) Krill: cool
(10:41:57 PM) Krill: you got our maps?
(10:42:00 PM) Kyan: yeah
(10:42:43 PM) Kyan: that corn to the west looks like a new island
(10:42:50 PM) Kyan: either that or your arms are very different to mine
(10:42:58 PM) Kyan: thats as far your way as i'll go
(10:43:03 PM) Kyan: all other expansion would be south
(10:43:20 PM) Krill: Probably for the best, we kinda need to hem NoSpace in with theirtwo wonders
(10:43:47 PM) Kyan: aye and someone else is going for HG
(10:43:55 PM) Kyan: likely rego
(10:44:09 PM) Krill: You get it this turn, right?
(10:44:17 PM) Krill: Ah, no, IIRC you said you were delaying it a bit
(10:44:23 PM) Kyan: im playing dangerous
(10:44:39 PM) Kyan: which might bite me but feck it
(10:45:09 PM) Kyan: i'll be settling a few new cities in short order
(10:45:16 PM) Kyan: taking the gamble i guess
(10:45:20 PM) Krill: yeah we get our 8th next turn
(10:45:28 PM) Krill: 7th just cost a fair whack of commerce though,
(10:45:31 PM) Kyan: i teched straight for maths
(10:45:34 PM) Kyan: yeah
(10:45:38 PM) Kyan: although, someone is sucking
(10:45:53 PM) Krill: Not us...
(10:45:54 PM) Kyan: because im at 0% right now as my screenie shows, and im never last when at 0%
(10:46:01 PM) Kyan: yeah i appreciate culture
(10:46:10 PM) Kyan: but there are people on 2 less cities like shoot also
(10:46:29 PM) Kyan: it aint you or nospace
(10:46:30 PM) Krill: StM has 2 size 8 cities
(10:46:55 PM) Kyan: scary sizes, us dutch are claustrophic
(10:47:00 PM) Kyan: if things get too busy, we whip it down
(10:47:02 PM) Kyan: much nicer
(10:47:10 PM) Krill: I agree with that.
(10:47:14 PM) Kyan: if god gives you lemons...
(10:47:17 PM) Kyan: well, plako gave us food
(10:47:39 PM) Krill: they don't squeeze so well
(10:47:47 PM) Kyan: bah
(10:48:00 PM) Kyan: lets hope sullla was right and that early game food is everything
(10:48:04 PM) Kyan: its my one saving grace lol
(10:48:31 PM) Krill: that 90 CY is you, right?
(10:48:44 PM) Krill: I figured either you or StM and probably you
(10:48:50 PM) Kyan: yeah
(10:48:54 PM) Kyan: ive been top for awhile
(10:49:04 PM) Kyan: topped 100 before i whipped
(10:49:10 PM) Krill: Since you were first to 4 cities and then ever onwwards? Yeah,it does that
(10:49:56 PM) Kyan: i guess so
(10:50:10 PM) Kyan: i expanded as fast as i, as a player, am capable
(10:50:39 PM) Kyan: seems i met nospace
(10:50:57 PM) Krill: They are ging for circumnav
(10:51:08 PM) Krill: would be nice if that boat got...lost
(10:51:13 PM) Kyan: ha
(10:51:16 PM) Kyan: know where it is?
(10:51:23 PM) Kyan: got a few galleys
(10:51:24 PM) Krill: At a guess directly to your south
(10:51:41 PM) Kyan: map traded with them?
(10:52:28 PM) Kyan: if so, get me a more accurate guess and i might try find it
(10:53:03 PM) Kyan: ha they offered me OB ingame
(10:54:40 PM) Krill: That's always gong to get turned down
(10:55:11 PM) Kyan: lol i met them because they landed on a 1 tile island 2 tiles from my core
(10:55:16 PM) Kyan: just a fast worker on there though
(10:55:21 PM) Kyan: i settle that in 4 turns
(10:55:52 PM) Krill: wait, what?
(10:56:01 PM) Kyan: on the map i sent you
(10:56:09 PM) Kyan: the 1 tile island next to my island
(10:56:11 PM) Krill: To your north or east?
(10:56:12 PM) Kyan: has a fast worker on it
(10:56:13 PM) Kyan: alone
(10:56:16 PM) Kyan: south
(10:56:16 PM) Krill: oh that one
(10:56:33 PM) Krill: hmmm
(10:56:37 PM) Krill: galley warfare!
(11:02:45 PM) Kyan: ha novice are planning to settle both my islands
(11:02:54 PM) Krill: not likely, right?
(11:03:08 PM) Kyan: they can try
(11:03:15 PM) Krill: *popcorn*
(11:03:37 PM) Kyan: ha he's trying to be clever with words. straight talkers my ass
(11:04:03 PM) Krill: They currently have Darrell running scared
(11:04:15 PM) Krill: well
(11:04:18 PM) Krill: I say scared
(11:04:27 PM) Krill: I'm not actually sure if that is his default setting yet
(11:04:43 PM) Krill: their power is shoddy
(11:04:48 PM) Kyan: yep
(11:05:01 PM) Krill: they have a mediocre crop yield
(11:05:11 PM) Krill: and they have a target on their back
(11:05:48 PM) Kyan: apparently, they thought it was rego they were settling up on
(11:05:58 PM) Krill: That's an oops
(11:08:57 PM) Kyan: he's admitted the islands are near than me
(11:08:59 PM) Kyan: he wont say more
(11:09:05 PM) Kyan: so it must be pretty far
(11:09:26 PM) Krill: I'm kinda of a proponent of might makes right
(11:09:42 PM) Krill: he can want the islands all he wants but if you have 4 axes in 2 galleys they are yours
(11:10:04 PM) Kyan: oh ive threatened plenty
(11:10:10 PM) Krill: good man
(11:11:41 PM) Kyan: apparently, they wont back down because 'im winning'
(11:11:50 PM) Kyan: says mr great lighthouse and his open borders with the world
(11:11:59 PM) Kyan: which, now that i mention it... seriously???
(11:12:11 PM) Krill: worse than that
(11:12:12 PM) Kyan: everyone has given them to him. that's crazy
(11:12:15 PM) Krill: My GLH+Mids
(11:12:19 PM) Krill: *Mr.
(11:12:27 PM) Krill: I wouldn;t say given
(11:12:36 PM) Krill: can't speak for the rest, but I wouldn;t say given
(11:12:44 PM) Kyan: yeah im sure you got significant concessions
(11:12:49 PM) Kyan: but i doubt others argued as much
*snip* Took out personal info. Me, Darrell and Kyan have all had bad days, let's just leave it at that.
(11:16:03 PM) Kyan: all too often literally i bet
(11:16:11 PM) Krill: we try to not let it
(11:17:34 PM) Kyan: ha you would be proud
(11:17:40 PM) Kyan: novice wants to 'sleep on it'
(11:18:27 PM) Kyan: apparently im a different kyan
(11:18:31 PM) Kyan: i blame you
(11:18:46 PM) Krill: I'm a bad influence, I admit it
(11:23:02 PM) Kyan: damn novice is just like a quiz master
(11:23:07 PM) Kyan: wants to be fed information
(11:23:24 PM) Krill: Darrell trained him to be greedy
(11:24:01 PM) Kyan: his answer to man you fish a lot:
(11:24:05 PM) Kyan: novice: don't you?
(11:24:09 PM) Kyan: novice: am i fishing?
(11:24:13 PM) Kyan: novice: too much?
(11:24:15 PM) Kyan: ...
(11:24:28 PM) Krill: I'd be really patronizing in reply to that
(11:24:37 PM) Krill: good job I'm not the one quizzed
(11:24:49 PM) Krill: Darrell has technically banned me from all diplomacy
(11:25:14 PM) Krill: Something along the lines of "I'm not running round appeasing people you;ve pissed off"
(11:26:14 PM) Kyan: haha
(11:29:07 PM) Krill: FWIW, I think this map is pretty much perfect for the players in this game. I've seen a few screenshots of peoples lands and wow, it's different but balanced.
(11:29:48 PM) Kyan: heh they want me to hold the save til 6pm tomoro
(11:30:09 PM) Kyan: which i do kinda get, as he needs to speak to his team mate
(11:30:14 PM) Kyan: but still annoying
(11:30:34 PM) Krill: FWIW, you you do play the save, they would get the save around that time at the absolute earliest
(11:30:43 PM) Krill: *if you do play the save
(11:31:03 PM) Krill: So I suppose you offered something and they want to know if they can accept.
(11:32:27 PM) Kyan: i offered OB
(11:32:35 PM) Kyan: for settling rights to both islands
(11:32:44 PM) Kyan: it should be an easy choice
(11:32:47 PM) Kyan: cos they take that
(11:32:52 PM) Kyan: or i take them by force /shrug
NobleHelium Wrote:If I'm reading Kyan's map correctly, the obvious spot to plant looks like 1NE of the corn, which will catch the ivory.
Also, you are definitely insane if you let nospace settle black, darrell. Holding off for goodwill is fine, though.
1S of the grass hill: he is FIN/Netherlands so coastal tiles are very good for him.
Darrell, MM for you this turn:
Chop the wb in USa, work the rice/fp/gems, overflow into a worker, next turn work fp/fp/gems/coast for 19 production into the worker, turn after double slave and go back to working the rice/gems.
Move the second worker up from the cottage to finish the chop at Brazil, triple slave, work corn/hamlet/fp. Next turn work the corn/rice/fp for a 1 turn worker.
India, work standard tiles this turn, slave next turn and work fish/stone
USSR, work sheep/fish (1 food short of 1 turn growth)
Japan, build something other than a wb (we'll have 4 and are paying unit costs already before playing this turn). Perhaps a galley, or even GW.
Thailand, build WB, slave next turn.
Currency at 20%?
oh, and we'll be losing 3 commerce from lack of trade routes at Scarlet. TBH might as well settle it now rather than shift it over to Black.
The worker from USA can go up and mine the hill along with Guile at Purple, they both finish on the same turn and can move to chop the 2 forests at Purple, and then improve the corn. Next turn Zangief, Honda and Dhalsim can cottage for Japan so it always has a cottage and then I suggest we send them over to USSR as a lumber jack crew. Can keep Japan as a size 4 slave pump for a moment, likely slave out a worker, overflow to settler, regrow to size 6 for the settler slave while the lone worker cottages Japan then roads over to White then Red/Scarlet/Pink.
Brazil can overflow a settler after the worker, or just say screw it, load it into the library and regrow asap for another triple slave. We'll have 6th worker from Brazil, 7th from USA and 8th from Japan and could finish a quick 9th in USA from the double slave putting us at about 30/40 at size 2. That should be plenty. 2 at Purple, 2 at Cyan, 1 at Japan leaving 4 for chopping.
Krill Wrote:I settled Cyan? Why? Because the warrior showed that the land to the south of the tentacle is an island. And the city site that fits perfectly with Kyans' dot map...doesn't take the ivory.
Or I'm a really nice guy and want to let Darrell make his own mistakes. Take your pick.
I'll go with c), its the better short term site.
Krill Wrote:Ooops.
I can't tell where that Galley/Worker is, but likely going for the island spot. I agree 1S of the grass hill makes the most sense for Kyan, and that makes Ivory in the 3rd ring. Let's see though. Kyan, just for future reference its probably a good ideal to delete all those signs and have no units selected when you send screenshots out .
Krill's micro is tight, I didn't see anything improvement possible. I like how Brazil can get a one turn Worker next turn (for the forest tentacle). I like how we can bang down a cottage at Japan just as it grows. Cities:
Krill Wrote:1S of the grass hill: he is FIN/Netherlands so coastal tiles are very good for him.
You would plant there, but I doubt he would. If you look at his cities, they are well spaced with very little overlap. Planting 1E will only pick up two extra coast tiles, and would also cause overlap, and move the corn to the outer ring. I expect him to plant next to the corn instead.
Can we mine the grasshill at India anytime soon? That stone tile is shit.
And you are cottaging the 2/0/0 tile at Japan this turn right?
Completed: SG2-Wonders or Else!; SG3-Monarch Can't Hold Me; WW3-Surviving Wolf; PBEM3-Replacement for Timmy of Khmer; PBEM11-Screwed Up Huayna Capac of Zulu; PBEM19-GES, Roland & Friends (Mansa of Egypt); SG4-Immortality Scares Me
NobleHelium Wrote:You would plant there, but I doubt he would. If you look at his cities, they are well spaced with very little overlap. Planting 1E will only pick up two extra coast tiles, and would also cause overlap, and move the corn to the outer ring. I expect him to plant next to the corn instead.
Well, if I had a Worker with the Settler I'd want to start the Corn ASAP. I am not sure that means planting right next to it however. I think its moot though; he'll see the Ivory tile when he lands the Settler and move to grab it in all likelihood. I don't think it will connect to his trade route easily . He'd need me to build a road, which of course I'm willing to do for some type of quid quo pro.
Gold Ergo Sum Wrote:Can we mine the grasshill at India anytime soon? That stone tile is shit.
Yeah. Yeah it is. I'll see what I can do, but the city will be pretty small most of the time so hopefully it won't be a huge issue.
Gold Ergo Sum Wrote:And you are cottaging the 2/0/0 tile at Japan this turn right?
Correct. In fact, just in case rego is going to read this one day and make fun of me for having city pictures showing unimproved tiles being worked, I will elaborate. I take my screenshots after the turn is played, so the grassland tile GES refers to will actually be a cottage. The coastal tile in Thailand will be whipped into a workboat. Now, let me post some chat logs with nospace. I think usually its space but I can't tell for sure. I have about a 1000 lines, and its tough for me to figure out what's important or not. First, a dotmap discussion he sent me some time ago that I never noticed :
[b Wrote:novice:[/b] Btw, should we discuss dotmaps?
we were kind of planning to grab the clams 3W6N of your capital, you see...
also, regards to islands: the tile 3W of said clams is on our arm
the tiles sw of that are not, though. I think they're part of someone else's arm.
and sw of that there's a 4x4 tile island which is your colony island, I think that's the only dedicated island each player has
Summary: He thinks he's going to grab purple dot's Clams . He's also confused, because 3SW of those Clams are definitely on my continent. Anyway, as we already new that little nub of land is on his continent.
Quote:Darrell: you do realize once you give your people the vote, they'll turn lazy and shiftless right?
I think you made a bad civics choice that last turn
and there's the save
maybe krill can play
still there? novice: I'm trying to think of the other options in the government column Darrell: despotism? novice: I haven't given them the vote, just a select few representatives Darrell: hand picked by the regime?
that's good
That's very good novice: all nephews and cousins
or is that nepotism Darrell: That's it
Krill is indeed playing and cursing my settling choices novice: ooh
so we'll see a save soon? Darrell: yeah novice: yay
how does that work, him playing the turns, if you don't have a micro plan? Darrell: I post instructions in thread, he belittles them, I defend them, he belittles them some more, we get on gchat and debate, etc.
eventually he either convnices me, wears me down, or is forced to do something he doens't believe in and I have to hear abot it
he's pretty good about not saying "I told you so" though
for example, right now, he is trying to force me to settle antoher city on yoru tentacle
so be glad he's the lurker novice: Heh
I would prefer it if he was our lurker Darrell: he's an awesome lurker
he puts the dedicated in dedicated lurker
but dont' worry, I won't let him make me mean
Summary: I just posted this to let Krill know, deep down, I really do appreciate him .
Quote:novice: We've met Kyan now for the full set
what about you? Darrell: start taht UN thread
no, not rego yet novice: ok, so you haven't heard any dogpile plans yet then? Darrell: one or more teams have expressed concern
but no dogpile plans yet
I'll let you kow what happens when I meet rego
at this pont though I have no idea when that will be Darrell: FWIW, given the failure of every single dogpile in every single RB game, I doubt one will happen novice: heh Darrell: and besides, most of the players in this game feel good enough to try and outbuild you. you've had a smoking start, doesn't seem right to punish you for it
better to beat you at your own game :P novice: well I hope you try for that
and fail miserably Darrell: novice: How is your missionary production going? Darrell: Let's see what I can do...tbh odds really aren't great you've built a very strong position
Its rego's fault for not getting the pyramids, let's dogpile him in revenge
0% novice: good plan Darrell: I did build the shirne and i've gotten a few free spreads
but I don't have the tech/civics necessary to biuld my own just yet novice: I feel like we're being squeezed from all sides Darrell: with trade routes, youmight get one pretty soon
its a tight map
kyan and I have really bad borders lined up
he's a tough nut too, not sure how that is going to end up novice: He is tough
have you had problems agreeing on borders? Darrell: well...
it hasn't hit the "problems" stage yet, but we don't have a border agreement
I could see it hitting the problems stage sooner than later though novice: I didn't realise how tough he was until we met him, I've never realized from lurking
so if it reaches the problems stage be sure to consult us for possible "solutions". Darrell: I have not lurked any of his games, so didn't come into it with any pre-conceptions.
He's not really that far from Krill
will do
and vice versa novice: yuo
I guess we'll just have to wait a little longer for that missionary then
gotta go, ttyl Darrell: sorry man...I'm hoping you get a free spread novice: me too Darrell: I think our tech path will enable them soon novice: we already have buddhism Darrell: boo
it's an evil religion I tell you
evil novice: OK I'll keep that in mind
Maybe we'll just grab CoL Darrell: its sitting there waiting
It doesn't break our deal for you to spread around your own religion as well, and I can probably cut you a deal on a Great Prophet novice: Is that worth it though? Darrell: No
Not typically
unless you are SPI maybe
Courthouses are nice on thsi map too novice: Or planning to go Free Religion Darrell: or planning to go free religion novice: well we'll see. Gotta go though. See ya Darrell: okay, talk to you later
Summary: nospace is feeling cramped (go Kyan!) and seems interested in what I had to say about Kyan. Now, the reality is we don't have a border agreement with Kyan and he's taking our Ivory probably, but that's small stuff compared to the Pyramids and the Great Lighthouse. I'm not joining any CoW, those things are asinine. However, I am definitely wanting Kyan to claim as many of nospace's city sites as he can .
Summary: This one is long, and older, and worth reading if you want to participate in the diplomacy with nospace. Basically, I did NOT promise to talk about or not settle on his land. I really thought I did. I really thought he said he DoW me if we did. When I searched the chat logs I could not find any such reference though. So...yeah.