Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[SPOILERS - PBEM17] darrelljs - Elizabeth of Egypt

The gist of it was this. I talked to Kyan about NoSpace trying to claim the island from us. Kyan said StM wanted to cut OB this turn with NoSpace, and then that rego agreed with that (which had to come from StM as rego and Kyan don't have contact).

After that, I pointed out that our only issue with doing something is we felt we would be the prime target of retribution. Then StM said he would kill a NoSpace GM if we all agreed to declare war, which basically sealed the deal from my PoV. rego agreed and said hewould send a few triremes at NoSpace from the long way around. Kyan agreed to war because he is the #2 and wants to be the #1. I agreed to usurped Darrells power because I'm being greedy and want as much land as possible and we need to cripple Nospaces' research. And we've done that, now they are at 156 GNP, we are at 130 (I started research because we are hooking wines).

Then starting with Kyan, everyone played their turn and declared war on NoSpace. Next turn will likely be aslow one, they just lost 50GNP and a GM that they sent to StM. Painful...and it only took us about an hour to organize.
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

T64 was fairly easy to play. Continue with the settler slaves in the east and prepare the defensive slaves in the east.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0533.jpg]

Armies of workers...need to beware that HK can get one moved from the FoW, it needs spear archer pair there...or a galley to choke behind AP.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0532.jpg]

That's more reasonable. Kyan is top CY due to HG, he is about to slave about 15 pop though (we just slaved...4 this turn, 3 last turn, 3 next turn...)

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0534.jpg]

Note that power isn't exactly spectacular. Around 75k power, they must be at at least 30 pop so 1k in pop, at least 20k in tech (we are at 26k). So no more than 40k in soldiers. So, 3 galleys, that's another 6k...probably axe or two, at most?
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

Krill forwarded me the chat log...I'll format it and post it but probably can't until Tuesday. Just an insane busy time.


Krill Wrote:Note that power isn't exactly spectacular. Around 75k power, they must be at at least 30 pop so 1k in pop, at least 20k in tech (we are at 26k). So no more than 40k in soldiers. So, 3 galleys, that's another 6k...probably axe or two, at most?

My guess is Chariots. Speaking of which, if we had that Horse settled by now we could make our UU.


So should this thread be renamed? lol

Okay, so here's the very long chat log between Krill, Kyan, Shoot, and rego:

Quote:Darrell: Boo!
Krill: rego sucks
Kyan: agreeing to no OB before rego joins and i get gagged tongue
regoarrarr has joined
rego: are you still at the store darrell?
00:19 Darrell: No
Krill: Where were we?
00:20 We all need to do something about NoSpace?
Shoot: exactly
rego: we were all going to close borders with nospace because they've had the save for 15 minutes and haven't played it yet
Shoot: haha
Krill: you're screwed then rego
00:21 Darrells' phone is crashing again so I get promoted it seems
Shoot: ok, so I'd say just do it next time everyone sees the point waiting around is there?
Krill: Well, there is one point Darrell asked me to make.
00:22 We have cities on their island, and an understanding (Darrells fault!) that we had a medium term deal for OB.
One issue that Darrell has is that he feels we wouldbear the brunt of any reprisal.
00:23 Personally I think we're screwed either way
00:24 but here's the point. We're able to keep you informed of troop movements if they do move on us, because we are hoping to a somewhat more permenant solution to this problem
Can someone please raze that bastard GLH?
rego: that sounds very ominous coming from krill ;-)
Shoot: from Kyan: we could send a message explaining that this is a joint decision by the other players. However, if any one person is victimised for this, we will all react in turn
00:25 Krill: While I like that as a first step, I hope we all realise that we don't want to go the route that all "dog piles" have gone in the past, of one team crying uncle and wimping out.
00:26 If this were to start in 10 turns I'm about 95% sure we could handle most things
Happen this turn? Eh, not so sure
00:27 And yes I do appreciate that, say, 5 turns worth of OB with all of us is worth about 200 commerce
Which is basically MC.
Shoot: does nospace have anything they could throw at you this turn anyway?
Krill: in 10 turns
00:28 this turn? They are angling for another island city
I don't think we can stop them getting it. That would put them at at least 3 island cities they cn have
00:29 Kyan: i blame the rest of you for that tongue
00:30 Krill: fwiw, if you lot all agreed to send that letter, settle towards NoSpace (that's the obvious choice anyway), and most importantly, declared war (to destroy the sustained peace bonus) Then I think I can persuade Darrell to do the same.
Problem is the guys a wuss
00:32 Shoot: I also have a bit of a situation with nospace currently
00:33 Krill: That's good to know
Kyan: easy solution though... wink
Shoot: they have a GM of theirs 1 tile away from one of my cities
if we close borders now and all declare war, I kill it
Krill: OK
I'm sold
Shoot: and will probably take more of the brunt of their anger than you guys
00:34 to piss them off that badly though (they will think I double crossed them in saying I would allow their GM into my city) I need assurances from you guys that this alliance doesn't deteriorate
00:36 Kyan: i would agree to all the above
Krill: I don't want it to...that GNP isscary
You're hte guy with the triremes...
00:38 Shoot: in all honesty though I'd feel a lot safer not pissing them off and just allowing a gm mission (in a size 2 city absurdly close to them to boot), but if I have assurances of your backing I'd do it
00:39 Kyan: it wont make a difference. should be at least 650 gold minimum
Krill: That's like an extra, what, 900 beakers to them?
That's a free CS, easy
they'd be at Lib by t100
00:40 Kyan: i have the turn
so we need a decision if you want it this turn
Shoot: I do honestly feel bad about having told them they could go to my city and then killing it, but if that's the way it falls
Krill: I'm happy to declare war this turn
And definately up for solidarity
StM, is the GLH city near you?
00:41 Because we are right up against the Pyramids city
if they leave either one underdefended it's a tasty target
Shoot: let me check
give me a minute though, I'll need to check city order and where they settled first and old screenshots from them, so it could take a minute or two
00:42 Krill: no worries
rego: hi
sorry i'm putting the kids to bed
back in about 10 mins
00:46 Shoot: I * think * it is close to me but I can't confirm it
00:47 Krill: Well, it's either the north or east I reckon...
Krill: So that's a yes?
00:48 rego: yes to what
Shoot: everyone declaring war on nospace this turn
kill their trade routes and get rid of peace bonus
00:49 and a yes to supporting either darrell/krill or I if they come after us heavily for revenge of either settling on their continent or killing their gm, respectively
00:50 Krill: 3 triremes wandering through their lands wouldn't go amiss
Shoot: through their lands would be quite amiss
00:52 rego: yeah i'll get some triremes that way
does anybody have any screenies of the north of their lands
i have a WB to the NE of their city of gold rush
wondering if it can make it somewhere safe
Kyan: north of them
is me
00:53 Shoot: and east is me (although I don't know where gold rush is)
Krill: We're south
Shoot: oh, and everyone will need to be careful as the got circumnavigation last turn
Krill: obviously
that works to both sentences
Shoot: some of you I don't think have seen that news yet
00:54 Krill: I only saw it to see if they actually got a GM
Im busy working on MM
not really looking at that log
Just another reason to go hurt them
00:55 Darrell is happy to agree to everything discussed here
I've talked to him about it
rego: they got circumnav?
it doesn't show up in my log?
Shoot: that was more for kyan and darrell -- they haven't seen the news because of turn order
for some reason, it only showed up and the end of the actual turn, not just theirs
00:56 so once I hit enter it showed up
rego: oh
Kyan: ok, so all parties have definitely agreed to this?
before i end turn
Shoot: yeah, so that's why I'm giving everyone the heads up
yeah, I guess (feel really guilty about baiting their gm, but them's the breaks)
00:57 rego, krill?
rego: we'll do it
Krill: We're doing it
Darrell: Did I miss anything?
Krill: even ifI have to hide Darrells body in a ditch somewhere
Shoot: ok, it's a go then
Kyan: mutual NAP for a period?
00:58 and all open borders with the others- to minimize loss of income and help us all gain on nospace
Shoot: was just about to say that myself
00:59 I definitely want mutual open borders and am fine with whatever in regards to NAP
Krill: I agree
my only reservation is if someone tries to steal each toehrs sites
ie settler spam
01:00 Shoot: mr 11 cities here tongue
Kyan: ok, just toe OB for now then?
i havent settled on anyones islands or continent! tongue
Krill: I've settled oon NoSpaces, I thought that was a plus?
Kyan: haha
01:01 Shoot: haha
rego: we'll OB with shoot this turn (Already h ave with krilljs) and kyan whenever we meet
Kyan: next turn
01:02 Shoot: except of course you couldn't be saying that to rego right now tongue
Kyan: i didnt
you said that
for me
Shoot: precisely
01:03 rego: lol
Shoot: just as I did for rego there too
rego: shoot can you tell kyan to go ahead and offer ob in game then next turn when he gets the civ?
civ = save
Shoot: certainly, kyan go ahead and offer ob in game then next turn when he gets the civ?
civ = save
01:04 rego: btw this is hilarious
it's too bad all the lurkers are on pb4
Krill: Eh
You have bigger problems in that game
Shoot: can you imagine the turn splits of this if it were pb? tongue
01:06 Krill: I'm trying not to
Shoot: got enough of that in pb3?
Kyan: someone please tell rego he has the turn tongue
Krill: yes
rego hurry up or we dog pil you next
01:07 Shoot: and I'll nuke you in pbem 8 tongue
Kyan: i think there should be a no dogpiling rule to take place with immediate effect after this one tongue
rego: so now that kyan has passed the save on
are the rest of us in agreement that we were just kidding about the war declaring?
01:08 Krill: yeah, I thought we were supposed to be gifting gold to NoSpace?
rego: no, that was to me
Darrell: No
Kyan: similar to how rego was kidding about building HG?
Krill: ouch
rego: you suck
Shoot: I'm not declaring war to kill the GM if the rest of you aren't, that's all I can say
rego: who founded confucianism?
01:09 Kyan: nospace got a big tech last turn
so that would be them
Krill: not discovered on our turn
rego: kyan you declared war? I can't see
since i haven't met you
Krill: so, NoSpace
Kyan: i have
rego: err shoot can you ask kyan that?
Shoot: he has he said
rego: great
Kyan: hqhq
rego: thanks for relaying that
Kyan: *haha
Krill: this should have gone off hte record so long ago...
Shoot: no problem
also for your information rego, kyan cannot type
01:10 or at least not accurately type haha tongue
rego: thank you for alerting me to that
Shoot: also, can you all hurry up and play the turn so rego and kyan can finally meet tongue
rego: that will come in handy in deciphering his communiques
once we finally meet
war declared
01:11 Krill: At least this is easier to organise than the damned t63 tech trading in PB3.
01:12 Shoot: with your best techer having met like 2 people?
Kyan: you guys think you had things hard in that deal?
try being outside the frigging hydra frown
trying to reunite the rest of the world was interesting
Krill: You trying building Oracle with with no BW frown
Shoot: hehe
Kyan: i raise your no BW
Krill: Never. Again.
Kyan: * i see your no BW
Shoot: pretty sure you didn't chop a forest until maths was in that game, did you?
01:13 Kyan: and raise you TT as a turnplayer
Krill: um
I fold?
Kyan: haha
Shoot: haha, whoever posts this chat in their spoiler thread should cut that out
rego: shoot with war i lost my trade routes with darrell
Krill: You trypersuading StM to declare war so we can get an easy turn split in a war tongue
01:14 Kyan: someone please relay rego's comment, if he made any
so i know whether to respond or not tongue
Shoot: hey, it worked out so I didn't lose my capital!
rego, you are being told by kyan to play the damned turn faster so that he can say something dreadfully important to you
Krill: rego, just send a wb west
from the end of your tentacle
Kyan: i didnt say thattongue
Krill: we're sending one towards you now for TR
01:15 Shoot: as far as rego knows you did tongue
rego: i'm playin man
Kyan: if rego has OB with me, or rather when, he should get trade routes back with darrell
Shoot: better think of something important to say fast
Krill: get another beer?
rego: tell kyan that i won't have TRs with him
Shoot: haha @ krill
Kyan: tell rego he's a lazy bugger as i'm his neighbour and starting to feel left out
01:16 Shoot: you might through me rego
rego: done!
Kyan: im off to bed chaps
nite all
Shoot: next turn I think I should have TRs with Kyan
Kyan: someone tell rego nite from me tongue
Krill: cya Kyan. Don't know when you can expect the save tomorrow
Kyan: depends how bad they rage lol
Kyan has left
01:17 rego: man shoot and krilljs
you guys must really suck
if you're behind ME in score
Shoot: one gm less in this game...
rego: lol
01:18 Shoot: and I feel like a complete douche for it too
Krill: You get used to it
Shoot: hahahaha
Krill: Darrell is pissed, says I've turned him into a liar. He forgets he has been one since PBEM2
01:19 He also liked theidea of a dead GM
That guy has some identity issues.
Shoot: I can confirm nospace has confucianism
I can see the holy city
rego: which city is it?
Krill: oooh
another target
01:20 Shoot: trading post
their eastern most
01:21 rego: would a trireme be better on the north or south of their west tentacle?
(both of course but where shoudl the first one go)
Krill: north
rego: ok
Krill: we have the south visibility, there is nothing down there
we basically control that via culture
01:22 the north we have no vis on
you got any idea how long it would take a triremem to get there?
Shoot: I know the tentacle from a map
rego: 14 turns frown
Krill: that's a long way
01:23 Shoot: ah yes, you would know it better than I anyway, haha
rego: that's to gold rush
which is the first coastal city i can see
Krill: StM, you got a city on your tentacle that is a canal city? And if so, any idea how long it would take a trireme to get there, rego?
rego: i doubt it's much sooner
01:24 Krill: probably true
Shoot: which tentacle?
jungle or northern?
Krill: south
Shoot: not on south, no
rego: i was going east to them
away from the jungle tentacle
01:27 Shoot: rego, I have TRs with Kyan but not you, so if you can defog to me you should have all the TRs you need I believe (if I understand TR mechanics correctly)
rego: okay
i'll see what i can do
01:28 so on the regoarrarr scale
where does them opening the save tomorrow to find everyone has declared war on them rank?
01:29 Krill: 0.8
rego: wow i was going around 0.25
though i forgot about the merchant
Krill: that would be if we cut OB
Merchant is 0.25
rego: i think 0.8 is too high
Krill: war is 0.3, when it is with everyone
01:30 rego: shoot - the regoarrarr is the unit of measurement for disappointment / shock / horror upon opening a save
01:31 i think we go about 0.5-0.6
Krill: 1 = finding some total bastard has just razed your capital, when, what, 8 turns from an SS win?
01:32 rego: no it was like 3t
that's the scale
Shoot: haha
yeah, the gm definitely adds to it
anyway, I need to go for dinner
01:33 rego: i coined it after errr a certain turn in errr pbem8
in my thread
which is why krill knows about it already but you don't
Shoot: but you weren't anywhere near completing a SS tongue
01:34 Krill: Um
rego: no it references pb1
Krill: He is closer than you right now...
rego: but i didn't actually come up with the scale till pbem8
Shoot: in pbem 8?
01:35 I've gotta run ,so talk to you guys later
01:36 Krill: cya
rego: by guyes
regoarrarr has left

Upshot is:

1. We all declared on nospace.
2. Shoot killed nospace's Great Merchant.
3. We are in a NAP/OB with everyone for an unspecificed time frame.
4. I'm now a scummy hypocritical liar frown.

My chat with Krill:

Quote:Krill: please please get back here asap
7:46 PM OK, I'm hereby assuming executive authority...
Darrell: Sigh
Krill: yeah
StM is going to kill a GM
Darrell: I absolve myself of any decisions made during the coup
Krill: if we all agree to declare war
Darrell: Nice!
7:47 PM Krill: That's going in the thread
Looking good
Kyan is up for it
7:48 PM StM wants to do it
if the rest of us do
I'm willing to considering hte power graph
and rego is going to weasel his way out somehow
7:51 PM Are you willing to declare war if the rest do?
That's the question
7:52 PM We have enough gold for 5 turns of 100% tech
7:54 PM that's about 300 beakers of Feud left
7:55 PM Darrell: Wait 3t
7:56 PM Krill: to start teching?
think only need to wait 2t
7:57 PM Turn is going to shoot round and then stop dead for a day
8:00 PM Darrell: Updat post eta?
Krill: post eta?
8:02 PM Darrell: I figure this desrerves mention on the dorum
Krill: oh, it will be
before and after shot of F9 and F4
blue lines, turning red
Darrell: Sigh
8:03 PM Krill: shrug
They played a damned good game
Darrell: You've made me a liar
Krill: no
I'm hiding you in a cupboard
Darrell: I said I wouldn't join a dogpile
Krill: also, go re-read the emails
Considering PBEM2
8:04 PM I'm not sure you weren't already
Mr. Gold Island
8:05 PM Darrell: Eh?
Can shoot kill the gm this turn?
Krill: yes
he gets the save
declares war
kills the GM
Darrell: Cutthroat bunch
On a boat?
8:06 PM Krill: dunno
He just said, it dies
Darrell: Can't see how otherwise
8:08 PM Gold to nospace?
8:10 PM Krill: joke
rego said that now Kyan has DoW'd. are we in agreement it is all a joke
8:11 PM rego lost HG on turn order, btw
Kyan is thrilled
rego is screwed

6 minutes

8:18 PM Krill: StM: one gm less in this game...

35 minutes

8:54 PM Krill: ok, the turn needs discussing
8:55 PM NoSpace planted the settler...1N of hte end of hte tentacle

7 minutes

9:02 PM Darrell: its back to us alrady?
Krill: yes
F4 is pretty
Darrell: ddi we agree to dow this turn or in two turns?
and did everyone else DoW?
Krill: This turn
9:03 PM everyone DoW'd
Darrell: even if our borders popped he would be ablet o settle that spot, yes?
Krill: no
Darrell: dude we need garrisons in the north
9:04 PM Krill: and he has settled already
Darrell: horribly, terrible
Krill: and he has no garrisons either
Darrell: preist in USA
Krill: not in new city
2 workers chopping out a granary though
9:05 PM Darrell:
Krill: their power isabout hte same as ours, they have more pop so more power though
taken eot
Darrell: and can get metal casting,e tcl
the only thing is at least everyone else did it
and shoot killed the GM
so, uh...
main target I woudl think
course he has axes
Krill: yeah
Darrell: are we allowed to say we plan on making no offensive moves at least?
Krill: we can chop out the granary this turn, turn into archer next turn
9:06 PM then slave the turn after
I wouldn't say it
Darrell: ok
I have to find some way to respond to that email
did you forward the chat logs?
Krill: I'd say that we feel they can't be allowed to play on unmolestered.
to you, now
Darrell: how much trade income did e lave?
Krill: he lost over 50 gnp
Darrell: its pretty slimey promsing OB then declaring war
need to defog shoot and rego asap
9:07 PM Krill: that's all tech he lost as well
Darrell: oh he did
waht about us?
back in 20
you might be asleep smile
Krill: shrug
doubt it

9 minutes

9:17 PM Darrell: I gotta reply to that email now
find some wya
Krill: Say they've played a good game
But we aren't going to just let them play a peaceful game and out tech us off a single wonder.
9:18 PM Or that We're happy to race them to the island
Darrell: yeah, but its a pretty slimey wayt o get out of our deal
Krill: and to their new city
don't forget, they need units now as well
Darrell: yeah
Krill: Er
Darrell: saving grace is its a concerted effort
Krill: We agreed to a substantial length OB, right?
Darrell: yeah
no number that I could say
Krill: We gave the 50 turns as an example, and they agreed
Darrell: see
9:19 PM 50t was probabl what they expected
Krill: now, I agree that it's not exactly a nice way to get out of it
9:20 PM Darrell: I never lied in pbem2
9:21 PM Krill: Youdid rectify the situation by gifting me two cities though
Darrell: It was a misunderstanding, I assumed you'd agreed to the deal when I sent it, and I guess you didn't think you had
and yes, I did rectify it
Krill: the only difference here is hopefully we don't rectify anything
9:22 PM Darrell: yeah
9:23 PM sent reply
forwarded to you
going to get a very late dinner now
Krill: cya in a bit
9:24 PM Darrell: we have the save still?
Krill: yes
Darrell: ok
don't wait oin me to play it wink
Krill: need your advice on USSR
can we go for the northern island city?
9:25 PM would need to chop galley and overflow spear
and can I stack slavery unhappy to slave a worker at China
and can I tech to Monarchy now, to hook those wins?

10 minutes

9:36 PM Darrell: yes, yes, and yes I guess
in for a dime, in for a dollar
Krill: good
means I can chop the granary in HK then
it finishes this turn
9:37 PM or
9:38 PM I can chop it into an axe in HK
personally prefer the granary
can slave an axe/archer at size 2 if wanted
Darrell: granary for sure

And, my note to nospace:

Darrell Wrote:Well this all became moot rather fast. You're not going to be happy with anyone when you get the save back. There's no point in trying to make excuses with you, but I will say its your own fault from playing such a tight game so far ;-). Things developed...quickly, I guess and here we are.

I don't see any point in trying to justify what just happened to them because...its impossible. I'm basically now a hypocritical liar and it would be selfish to try and hand wave away my role in it. In the end its my civ and if I had wanted to put a stop to it I could have. So, if/when you read this nospace, sorry frown.


Yeah, what we did obviously wasn't nice, but we might as well call the game right now if they were going to us the GM for a trade mission and then tech to Lib in about 15 turns. They played a solid game and we let them do it - I felt (and still do, to an extent) that we could have kept up with them in tech if they hadn't gotten the Pyramids, but that puts them over the top. I'd hold that it's the best (early) game played on RB so far.
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

Quote:Yeah, what we did obviously wasn't nice, but we might as well call the game right now if they were going to us the GM for a trade mission and then tech to Lib in about 15 turns. They played a solid game and we let them do it - I felt (and still do, to an extent) that we could have kept up with them in tech if they hadn't gotten the Pyramids, but that puts them over the top. I'd hold that it's the best (early) game played on RB so far.
Well you didnt read all the spoiler threads i supose, and Mids its a very strong wonder isn't?

Depends how you use it. Rep for happy doesn;t really give a huge bonus in itself, and you still have to trade 2 food for 7.5 beakers. But on top of the GLH, it'll put them out of reach too quickly, even if we'd be able to out grow them in the long run. They'd just come at us with circumnavigation powered galleons and frigates and we'd have a dog pile later on.
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

Poor sportsmanship.
If you know what I mean.

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