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[SPOILERS - PBEM17] darrelljs - Elizabeth of Egypt

Tech is back on, Calendar is in.

[Image: civ4screenshot0079.jpg]

Brazil is pulling 94 beakers, and will be over 100 next turn as we grow and steal back a pair of hamlets USA is growing for us. Civil Service would be worth 50 beakers/turn. That's...a lot. Religion spreading nearly done:

[Image: civ4screenshot0080.jpg]

Two Hindu Missionaries complete in four turns, hopefully that's enough. They are conveniently the two closest cities to Mexico and Kenya. It just worked out that way, I didn't plan it. Much.

Rego and I chatted about a plan. We'd fund him for Liberalism. He'd pay us back the cash, plus half the beaker value of the tech in gold. He's still thinking about it. I suspect he'll go for it. We'd be netting about 700 gold, which is probably worth the delay. It would be swell if we could use our gold to fund him, and get Civil Service + Paper in the next 10 turns. We have a GS born at that point, so we could whip Universities and chop out Oxford. GNP would be well over 1000 at that point.


I just played the last turn drunk, after getting sucked out on with the nut flush on a goddamn river full house.


darrelljs Wrote:after getting sucked out on with the nut flush on a goddamn river full house.


Is that code language?

It means I had an ace high flush against my opponents set (a.k.a. three of a kind), and the board (the five face up communal cards) paired on the river (the last of the five cards turned up), giving him a full house (three of a kind plus a pair). Odds? 20%.


I'm afraid I've entered pbem4 mode for this game frown. Here's one problem:

[Image: civ4screenshot0082.jpg]

It would be nice to bulb Education. Its only a three turn tech however. Of coures, I don't have the libraries up to get the universities up to get oxford out fast anyways, so who cares if I get education fast anyways.


Quote:Darrell: ah well...I need to run to lunch
David: so, wait, before you run
let me make sure I understand the deal
I funnel you all my gold until you get to liberalism, at which point you pay me the the half the beaker cost in gold
If we don't get it, you refund me the gold I put into the project
and I research alphabet next turn
is that all right?
Darrell: yes sorry smile
I left before the "wait"
but that's the deal
in an NTT I think this is probably the only way to share commerce
David: I agree, though as a note, I do come out 500 gold less on this :/
Darrell: how?
David: but I would rather you get liberalism than NoSpace
and share in the benefit than miss out
I funnel you ~1350 gold
1/2 nationalism beakers
Darrell: oh, you missed an important point smile
David: 1724/2 = 862
Darrell: I am giving that 1350 PLUS half the beaker cost
I wouldn't try and screw you over like that smile
David: oh, thank you
i honestly was fine with the deal if it meant denying it to NoSpace, but I like this much better
Darrell: lol
I would think so smile
David: thank you for not taking advantage of that

So how mad do we think this chat will make Krill?

Nospace lacks Paper/Philosophy/Education/Liberalism, but will be bulbing Education at least. They are in Mercantialism now (just got it) and make a lot of beakers. I think its a close race.


I think we'd have won if you didn't make an academy. OTOH I don't think we'd have made anything decent out of it. That said, we should be able to get a quick oxford even now, not like we need 6 pop for each uni slave.
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

Okay, University plan:

  1. Brazil - Has library and 11 pop. No problem.
  2. England - Has library and 12 pop. No problem.
  3. South Korea has library and 6 pop. Krill would find a clever way to overflow 7 hammers on the turn Education comes in, so the University is a 3 pop whip, but I'm lazy so I'll just grow to size 8. I steal the Corn from Japan, which sadly works to non lighthouse coastal tiles as a result. Luckily the Lighthouse is built next turn smile.
  4. Spain has a Library and 4 pop. Ouch? Since the GS isn't in time anyway, I'll fire the Scientists and steal the Fish from Jamaica. I can grow 4 times in 4 turns and be ready to whip.
  5. Thailand - No Library but 10 population. And a ton of whip anger. Cest la vie, Library is queued for immediate whippage (ancillary beneift: +5 culture against the mids stealing our Gems).
  6. China- No Library, 9 population. It can grow to 10 in 2t. Over the next 3t I pump 23 hammers into a Library. Whip it the turn Education will come in. Plenty of overflow to make the University a 2 pop build.

Krill, you have one job smile. Open the save and give me a brilliant micro plan to overflow maximal hammers from the University whip into Oxford. We get 120H from chops and it would be nice to get an additional 38 from whip overflow. Oxford is 268H, with Stone, Forge, OR we need 108 hammers. 60 from forests and 19 from a whip would still put us 29 hammers short. Unless we work plains tiles or an Engineer or something, we make 2H/turn. Micro me up Oxford 5t after Education comes in, damn it!


Actually, you do know it is more efficient pop wise to just overflow all of those hammers into OU, then 2 pop slave OU?
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

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