NobleHelium Wrote:Until the AI builds the Manhattan Project and declares on you.
I know you're jesting, but the AI takes way more time to go hands-full and build up to declare than is left in this game. And if it somehow did anyway, tell me and I'll DLL that sucker back to peace right quick.
Quote:Sorry, didn't realize you were holding up the save for this. You're safe from my end -- I really don't have enough interest in this game to want to put in the time another war would take.
I asked for a 30t NAP with both myself and nospace to "formalize". Brief chat with Dave:
Quote:Darrell: Hey
so it looks like its just you and not shoot? Dave: yep Darrell: you really want to fight me and novice on your own? Dave: who said anything about both of you? Darrell: Well, you did engage both cooldowns at once so that seemed like what you were shooting for. We have discussed things and now have an agreeement to switch to 100% military (full space race pause) until you are at peace with a NAP to cover the end of the game. I thought you should know that before we move ahead.
I was going to type some crap up to try and talk you out of it so we can continue our space race, but that's kind of lame. So I'll just leave it at what I said and let you be Dave: fair enough
just didn't like having my options limited by an NAP Darrell: Okay, I understand .
The game is more interesting this way anyway
It could indeed by he was trying to buy time for a culture win.
Square Leg Wrote:unless you get a save game with everyone else retired as of last turn with just you and novice in it.... then you can play it out.
So, as novice probably just posted in his thread, this is what we plan on doing . Full chat log:
Quote:Darrell: hey
would you like to finish the Fusion race just to leverage all your overflow?
without shoot to wrry about I think its okay to delay things a turn
we can still pause on all builds, and no other spaceship techs research after Fusion
I guess you get Fission for free out of this, but its okay novice: let's talk to Dave, if he backs out we can just resume our race
we already have fission btw Darrell: I did talk to dave novice: ok, let's kill him then Darrell: that'll work...what about Fusion then?
I say we either let it finish out or the race winner disbands the GE novice: disbanding it is just wasteful Darrell: well I can't see a way to split it... novice: ok, we can finish the Fusion race, but Apollo must be halted immediately Darrell: so let's just let the race finish
agreed novice: can we add a no rushing Apollo clause?
seems unfair to get a head start that when we resume the SS race novice: we should build the Internet for denial, so Shoot doesn't get any clever ideas Darrell: yeah novice: and apollo is not rushable, apparently Darrell: with the no rushing you mean no overflow?
you could cheese overflow a ton of hammers into it novice: I meant with the GE from Fusion Darrell: no space elevator
rushed or not
since it would not be a factor otherwise novice: agreed
and no overflow into Apollo? Darrell: agreed novice: cool
what should we tech after Fusion then Darrell: I was thinking stealh bombers should help
sirian doctrine seems the overall way to go novice: ok
so you build the air force and I build the ships? Darrell: How about I gift you a bunch of stealh fighter
reading my mind
I was going to say you navy it up
mr. magellan novice: actually I guess the main thing is that I control the ships Darrell: and I'll build stealth fighres
we will share the duty on marines
I have a tone of shipyards
ton novice: as many as is practical at least Darrell: my military is about 15 destroyers, a few transports, and not much else novice: I think we have 1 or 2 destroyers, 1 transport, and barely enough units to garrison our cities
I disbanded some obsolete units a while ago
and we have a few airships
so yeah Darrell: lol
I did the same last turn, I got rid of about 5 warriors
dave has a bunch of obsolete junk
his navy was mine, and I had a return clause so I got them back novice: just now? Darrell: about 10 turns back
whenever rego died novice: ok
I would kind of like to get Ecology or Genetics for health Darrell: hmm novice: especially if I have to build drydocks everywhere Darrell: we can go 1:1 on spaceship techs I guess.
Let's do Genetics, I don't think either of us have it novice: I have half of Medicine for some stupid reason
but if we're getting stealth bombers that means satellites and composites Darrell: crap you are right I just checked that novice: I'm all for clearing out the tech tree as part of our war effort, of course Darrell: uh-huh
here's an alternative
we kill dave
then we go back to the save I am sitting on and play it out with AI takeover on dave/shoot
that way our hands are not tied during the war novice: that makes sense actually Darrell: okay let's do that then, free for all on Dave!
who can make better use of the GE?
I don't need anything except HE, but I have Marble novice: lol
sounds like a bad use of it Darrell: oh this is good, I can pave over some towns and trigger my GA
if you have a use for it, go ahead and take it
I don't need fusion to kill dave so I will skip it novice: we can use it for a GA Darrell: okay take it then
I'll trigger my GA next turn novice: although it's kind of pointless to bulb fusion for a GE Darrell: lol
well it is up to you novice: not that we have any use for the GScis Darrell: I am ont going to compete on it
you could settle them :P novice: ok, we'll grab fusion
we'll workshop everything so our economy will cease to exist
we can just pump navy and marines Darrell: yeah
I want flight
but I will workshop most things as well
do you want me to get stealth jets?
or just fighters? novice: oh, and police state ftw! Darrell: who gets the GG? novice: Dave
... Darrell: bastard novice: we have the mids Darrell: this will be a fun diversion no doubt
that's right
and cristo novice: lol
sunglasses Darrell: and I obsoleted the kremlin to save about 200 beakers novice: lol
your sissy towns are no match for our military state! Darrell: well they wont be towns long if you don't want stealth :P novice: how long will it take you? Darrell: with a GA and all the overflow? novice: and is workshopping your towns best, or using cash to upgrade units? Darrell: I think I need 4 techs, probablya bout 6 turns
I'll actually have to do the math now, since kremlin is gone novice: I think we want it then Darrell: Tell you waht, give me the over/under and when I go do the math I'll know which way to lean novice: 9 turns Darrell: I love working with decisive people novice: could you build bombers and upgrade them to stealth bombers Darrell: yes
that would be my plan
bombers dont fit on carriers
I mean, some bombers
for coastal defence
but mostly fighters I think novice: well what's the bomber range, 12 tiles? Darrell: its silly
something like that I guess
I want to say 10 novice: it's 12
so we can reach most things from our own cities I'd think
and we have first strike, first and second in turn order Darrell: we just need to pound him into submission
is city gifiting prohibited?
probably is novice: do we need that? Darrell: dunno
probably not novice: I think I'll grab Ecology for recycling centers Darrell: okay
I guess I can give you those hit whatever it is you wanted novice: lol
yeah, that is the only duplicate resource you have that I lack
I also envy your sheep and banana, but you only have one of those Darrell: I think I have two sheep
one might be going to dave, which I can rectify novice: oh good
reminds me that I should cancel my trades with him too Darrell: yeah, no sense in helping him out
need to keep his tech backwards novice: he's giving me pigs, but then I can get your sheep instead novice: hey Pentagon is still unbuilt
Maybe I'll rush that with the Fusion GE, and build myself a 10xp ship to enable HE
actually, build a crapload of 10xp ships with navigation 2 Darrell: #winning
I talked with Dave about it after I popped my third low odds GE, and neither he nor shoot were interested in it