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Maybe a bit less water than 32, actually. I think you get my point though.
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Re: the banter thread - we're all grown-ups. Can't we just say that if you start to think about making a post that you know you're making to try and impact other players strategic choices, don't do it? I know all of you guys pretty well-ish and I trust and respect you enough to do that.
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I'm thinking pre CS, pre-machinery improvements. Dry plains would be worth 4.5 points. Lakes script is a good idea. I think I have to add the 20-tile requirement for shipbuilding, but that's easy enough to implement.
Having the same distance between all neighbours is not at all obvious on a random map, so the minimum capital distance shouldn't be too large. Equidistantish capitals might work pretty well on a lakes map, though.
I have to run.
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Can you also specify minimum number of unique luxuries and health resources? I think we can agree that a vast expanse of bare grassland is inferior to a large amount of plains with decent resources.
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oledavy Wrote:Might consider banning diplo victory.
An unofficial ban, I'd hope? I'm fine with this but I like the ability to run a priest economy with the AP.
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As long as we have some time to discuss the map, might as well throw some opinions out there on the following:
Base script
Land/water ratio
Strategic resource balance
Wonder doubler balance
Anything else...
Size/Difficulty/Wrap should be linked, naturally. If we do Small/Monarch/Toroid we can save ourselves the trouble and just give the game to Commodore now. Obviously Yuri would prefer no marble/stone on the map, etc. I suspect we can find some middle grounds. I'll leave this out there for folks to ponder and then cast some votes later.
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Honestly, much as I'd love Small/Monarch/Toroid, that's not fair to anyone, and particularly Miskabod. What about Standard/Prince/Toroid? I'd rather not see techs fly at the Noble/Warlord rates, but Standard lowers the distance maintenance. I like everyone able to border(at least somewhat) everyone else, which makes Flat/Cyl Lakes a bit hard. Flat/Cyl Pangaea still works.
I favor stone and marble, but not easy to access stone and marble, getting them early ought to have a real price. I also favor strat resources being near but not in the capital Kurio Limit, but multiple sources so if, for instance, someone captures a single city and artist bombs it you aren't totally SOL.
All this just my opinion, though. I trust the lurker council.
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The effect of world wrap on maintenance is enormous. We just played 29, which was Prince/Toroidal, and we know what happened with Sumeria vs the two Imperial civilizations there. I really don't think Toroidal is going to work even if I like it on a philosophical level.
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Is there any way to fool the WB file? Make it a toroidal map but with cylindrical maint calculations?
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Not that I know of. The maintenance cost formula directly checks the number of axes that wrap.
Is Prince difficulty that terrible for toroidal maintenance? Maybe throw in a bunch of extra rivers to compensate.