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RBP2 Lurker Discussion Thread - No Players!

Except that there is no Iron to settle onto.

[edit : by the other side of the river, I mean the river just next to Athens, not the sea smile ]

The closest is 1W of their capital.
Their is an unclaimed one 8S of their capital (which while not optimum would lead to a very good city), but I can't imagine them walking freely their.
There are none in the island (but their is copper).
And all the land ones around are already taken (including 1 in Paris-Endor smile )

Having just looked at the map, Byz can actually settle for copper, fish, wheat and whale to their north east. If they drop of both workers, then could get the copper hooked the turn after settling, and that would be a great city for an island capital.

They have no chance of hooking up the iron next to their cap unless they get a load more archers, and risk Ottomans playing risky, attacking over a river without odds to immediately capture the workers. If the Ottomans reposition the units, then Byz will be forced to withdraw their workers back into the city, and the iron still won't be settled.

Also, looking at the timetables that both sides have drawn up, it looks like Athens might fall before they can get any spears into the city, what with the extra 6 HA turning up and some archers having to get evacuated to hold the new city.

Anyone care to place a bet on if peace will happen if Byz become an island nation?
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I'd say the war is already dragging on a bit longer then they wanted so there would probably be peace. It would take them some time to have a galley over there to ferry enough troops to take something out that could potentially have spears by that time.

They definitely should seek resolution sooner than later. It's hurting them more than helping them already, imho, to keep pursuing this war.

It would be a wonderful coup if they survive.

Also, I don't think HRE would pounce on Dantski immediately. Maybe after Speaker's whipped out of thin air SOD starts capturing things. They are probably a little more worried about Rome burning through Korea at this point since Dantski can't really hurt them and vice versa.

Also the Roman/Korean truce is over.

antisocialmunky Wrote:They are probably a little more worried about Rome burning through Korea at this point since Dantski can't really hurt them and vice versa.

Gotta disagree with this. Rome can't really afford another war after the one with Korea is over (he can barely afford that one lol). Beyond that though, by the time Rome could even attack them, they should already have catapults and axemen and thus be pretty safe from Rome.

What I mean is that Rome gets Korea, stops, and then goes into growth mode and expands in the other direction where HRE can't touch him. Korea is basically a hammer sink to keeping Rome from otherwise expanding into Mortistan.

Regoarrarr sure seems to be rather paranoid about conspiracies againt him hehe. He may be somewhat right in this case but it doesn't look he's ever even considered that a civ might not want to make an enemy of what they feel will soon be their neighbour for no reason other than to *maybe* have a weak enemy in a civ that was practically destroyed.

Logically it really doesn't make much sense to me to help them and they never had a strong relation, just the typical stuff of two civs early that don't want to fight.

Spronz Wrote:Regoarrarr sure seems to be rather paranoid about conspiracies againt him hehe. He may be somewhat right in this case but it doesn't look he's ever even considered that a civ might not want to make an enemy of what they feel will soon be their neighbour for no reason other than to *maybe* have a weak enemy in a civ that was practically destroyed.

If he gifted regoarrarr iron (even briefly) they might not be neighbors all that soon. Yes he would take a diplo hit, but at the same time, allowing regoarrarr to make a couple of spears and axes would greatly slow down kathlete. Even if they were to later become neighbors, kathlete would be badly behind from having to expend such energy to kill off Byzantium. I just wish Jowy would post in his thread so we could know what he was thinking.

Jowy has nothiung to gain if he supports Rego. He would get a diplo-hit with Kathlete and still have a close neighbour that would wish to settle some more cities. If he lets Byz die he gets more land than if he helps them survive.

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