July 5th, 2014, 16:33
(This post was last modified: July 5th, 2014, 16:33 by Krill.)
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Aye Aye Captain.
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(July 5th, 2014, 16:23)Krill Wrote: EDIT: If final 2 chops delayed until T98, then need only 17 hammers to finish Mids...which means we don't even have to slave it to finish it T99.
Ok that sounds good too.
I have to run.
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Need to make decision on T96 when moving worker onto second spice, but really chops can be held off a turn. Cost of flexibility is minor opportunity cost for 2 worker turns. Also, delaying chops until T98 mean can road plains hill at FR before moving to chop.
I have managed to micro FR workers to fit in with settling 4 cities between T96 and T99 (3 on south island and GE). Do not need second galley in southern strait. This includes city MP. Report to come shortly.
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July 5th, 2014, 16:44
(This post was last modified: July 5th, 2014, 16:44 by Krill.)
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My subjective opinion is that the next 8 turns are going to lead to me being very happy, or incredibly angry. In both cases, I'm probably going to end up fairly drunk.
But only after playing the turn...
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July 5th, 2014, 17:38
(This post was last modified: July 5th, 2014, 17:40 by Krill.)
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Galley stays in position to transport bowman and settler from WH T96 to settle GE T98. Workers on north island will chop forest first (Cf size 3 so hooking sheep immediately of no benefit).
OK, so much to say here. Mostly focussed on galley micro:
- Galley: T92: move 14, unload warrior on deer, load chariot, bowman.
- Galley: T93: move 12 unload chariot, bowman on plains forest. Move warrior 2.
- Galley: T94: move 8, load RC settler, Worker 2, move warrior 2.
- Galley: T95: unload RC settler, W2 on plains forest. Move 8, load OT settler, W1. Fort warrior. Chariot move 22? Bowman move 2?
- Galley: T96: settler city 11. Galley move 3 unload OT settler, W1, 7. W1+W2 move 2 road/fin. Chariot move 22? Bowman move 2? OT settler move 222.
- Galley: T97: move 7, load TtL settler, spear, 1. Move OT settler, settle city 2 tiles from coast, garrison with chariot.
- Galley: T98: move 1, unload TtL settler on grassland, ? unload spear to defend/unload on plains forest, load Ec bowman+spear from eastern grassland forest, move 9.
- Galley: T99: move 3, unload spear/bowman in city 11
As you can see, pretty busy, but it gets 6 military units minimum onto south island with 3 cities settled. 2 workers completing roads between front cities. Cna then ferry multiple further workers to south island.
Oh god I'm not explaining it, except salient points.
- Worker 5 will chop plains forest. This can be delayed by roading either the plains forest (most flexibility on finish turn) or the plains hill (only compatible with T99 finish date).
- Worker 3 will chop deer, delayed by cottaging Ec/FR overlapping tiles.
- Worker 7 will help Worker 6 chop second spice if want T98 Mids, or just road/cancel on tiles to move back onto the road network by roading western spice.
- Worker 8 need to road tile it is on for second road south of the river from Ec to KM.
The rest of the micro I'll discuss following the city screenshots.
- Must work wheat T92 to overflow out enough production to finish bowman T94. This clashes with growth in Ec. Not decided on answer yet as there are other city garrison solutions that do not need T94 OT bowman. Then just grow back onto cottages. Build bowman or spearman. Not decided which. settler due eot T93, will be used for southern Ruff front city.
- Settler is unallocated for city site. Can grow eot T93. Settler sent either to Whales (most like with T99 Mids due to availability of garrison, workboats galley transport and extra production from FR via whip and hammers). Worker next, after growing to size 5. Worker due eot T100, unless revolting to Rep, in which case grow to size 9 and make bank prior to HBR/Currency. Use coast.
- Micro is simple because no workers.
- Send bowman to WH, cover with spear, can then use OT bowman and move spear back to zone defence.
- Triple whip T92. Only way to get settler into position for galley transport to island in time.Uses minimum food for production (T93 is latest turn possble to whip).
- Regrow on military, but overflow into worker.
- No more cottages wanted except 1 plains river cottage.
- Mined hills, or Library for scientists and better border? borders pop in 15 turns or so?
- Stack whip unhappy, whip T95 for GE settler, overflow out worker/bowman (forest chops are light house). Not Rep happy city.
- Cripple for make benefit glorious nation of Eggcornia
- Dump overflow then regrow to 4. Worker would complete before whip unhappy wears off...unless get Rep happy.
- DS/RC/FP have no worker attention. Need minimum 4 workers for all three cities IMO.
- Need to chop 2 forests for granaries. Probably have to build second worker afterwards whilst worker fromFP and RC chop it, then whip and regrow?
- Need minimal military to defend workers mining hills.
- Roads on hills are aggressive but necessary.
- Food poor so farm rice and both river grasslands before mining hills? Happy dependent.
- Please god don't make me explain it again
- Not triple whipping means city has 1 pop working unimproved tile or maybe cottage, 2 on hills.
- Close to growing to size 7, eot T99 27F/32F.
- Should double whip something like military to go scout south island and then get workboats out whilst regrowing for clam (share with City 13).
- Could give away deer to Ec.
- Really don't want to triple whip as 470-ish gold = Currency and HBR and due to extra TR maybe Calendar as well at 100% burn; we have enough happy with Calendar.
- Whipping Spearman T92, OF bowman eot T93. Both units can move past FR to be transferred by galley T98.
- Regrow on bowman as need city garrison...
- Er...nothing to say, beyond choice between continuing granary, or swapping to military.
- Do not wish to whip.
- No worker attention at all so can 1 pop whip at 4 to start whip cooldown sooner.
- No road to GE as Galley transport.
- Clear cut with Worker 7. Will double whip light house at size 5-6.
- Rep Happy city, want Library, via whip+chop.
- Impossible to defend for a while. Same as Rouen.
- Writing always screws GNP graphs.
- dtay bunch more cities but less land. Long term strenght fo us good, need to capitalise on current opportunities and break Ruff.
Um Bulb? Please?
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July 5th, 2014, 17:52
(This post was last modified: July 5th, 2014, 17:53 by Krill.)
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One last thing. We are now 10th in score, until next turn when I will whip away 5 pop points.
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Looking great, Krill. These are exciting turns. They have been since turn 55, really.
I have to run.
July 6th, 2014, 12:44
(This post was last modified: July 6th, 2014, 12:44 by Krill.)
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Playing on the edge is always fun. Sometimes falling off it can be too...even now the next next turns shows if we get Mids, and a huge island worth at least 5 cities, maybe as many as 7 depending on what the tundra looks like. We'll find out iof we need to go to war with people, and we're in a position to react to the Whosit and CH war whilst watching what dtay, (a?) current game leader does. We know 5 of the other 32 civs, so as we gradually grow and meet more people, and others fall by the wayside the game should remain interesting for a long time IMO.
I hope we run another of huge games again in the future TBH.
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I decided to move the warrior into Avignon. This can be construed as an impolite move or even an aggressive move as Plako hasn't scouted out our land, and I could have stuck to the coast...but I value the road movement more than I value Plako's friendship right now. Plan is still to move east as quickly as possible to meet other neighbours and keep the coast defogged for routes. I'll do whatever gives best vision though.
Plako has 2 archers. I didn't post about this before, but the galley that was 3 of Chatres wasn't the galley that dropped off the settler, the position of the galley was wrong for that, so I knew he had dropped off something else. Turns out it's the archer and he has probably dropped off another settler as well. Still, I'm not expecting to attack any time soon, and the units I would attack with don't care about archers.
The galley is just loafing around for a bit. I think the right move is to put the galley south of the sheep next turn then move it back towards the Galley T95 tile on T94. This gives flexibility to move the galley straight south to help shuttling units or fighting Ruff if we have to.
I will go on record and state that unless the Whosit/CH war goes weird and we have to attack Whosit quickly (always possible), Ruff could well be our first war of aggression, as GE is going to be hard to set up with both cities trying to crush it (Plako is CRE and Ruff has Henge plus much earlier city).
Crabs hooked. Next turn move warrior 3 to check for galleys. Our city settled T96 and we are playing BEFORE Ruff now that we have units in position to fuck with settlers. I don't think Ruff will necessarily agree with that, but lurkers should be aware of that. I'm off for the next 5 days so I should be able to play T96 before Ruff with no difficulty.
Delayed whip in TtL. Does not affect the founding of city 13, we had 1 turns leeway there. This is to keep the pop around in case Whosit is about the chariot rush us. The cost is we are working the unimproved river grassland and the whip timer starts 1 turn later but meh.
Settler is 35/100. Spear can be 2 whipped. Not sure what to dump overflow into, but probably a worker. Getting a couple more workers means we can afford to road down to the Whales city with 2 workers, and then chop the granary and light house. Work boats would come from FR IMO.
I don't want to whip this city, but I will if you want me to novice. Note hammer values for sim work. Food bar is 14/30.
Spear available if Whosit attacks with chariots. This would mean 4 spear available for defense, plus 2 bowman, and another bowman from overflow. We are safe here ATM. Prefer to use these 2 units over at south island. I have not decided which city out of Ec or OT gets the wheat. Probably Ec TBH, but more likely is micro'ed between cities to hit growth breakpoints.
Don't shout at me just yet. Work clams next turn to grow, then stone T94-96 to finish Granary 60/60 T96. Then work sheep/clam/fish T97-98 to have full food box and 20/28 food box T99. Working stone this turn delays growth until eot T95 which means no food in the granary and slower growth past size 4. This is my fault, I worked the clam for 1 turn when finishing Writing as I wasn't sure how close Maths would be to finish eot T93. Working the grass forest instead would have alleviated the need for this MM.
Plako is powering up, but he has so many archers around I'm not really scared so longf as we can see his galleys. Also CH got wrecked.
No unit supply and surprisingly low unit cost IMO. With a bunch more cities going down and more pop being grown, I don't think unit cost will be a problem, the issues will be supporting thecity and civic costs.
We have research visibility on dtay, and 3 EP window to make sure we don't lose it. dtay is currently researching Currency with it taking 648 turns to complete; he is saving gold. EP placed on Ruff but will prioritise maintaining research visibility on dtay; he has a huge lead on us for a rush to knights (we don't even have Myst and he has MC, Priesthood and Monotheism). That is one of the major concerns we need to manage over the next 50 turns IMO.
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Does the wonders of the world screen show who built the Colossus?
How do you want to develop Cuddlefish? It could be an alternative for Moai.
I have to run.