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[SPOILERS] Pindicator as Qin Shi of China - Boring Ol' Vanilla

So whats the next phase for your civ? I recommend an impi rush, I understand those are popular now.

An impi rush after turn 100 isn't much of a rush. You'd have to be mad to think that a good idea.

[Image: pb8-turn121-Crabs.jpg]

In other words, "Been there done that" lol

Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

You know, I wonder if serfdom is the right choice for me at the end of the GA...
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

I was thinkin of pb8 as well, im happy your thoughts went there instead of the less fun p19 impi experience. But. You're avoiding the question of who gets attacked next!

Lurkers gonna lurk. popcorn

(September 8th, 2014, 16:57)Ceiliazul Wrote: I was thinkin of pb8 as well, im happy your thoughts went there instead of the less fun p19 impi experience. But. You're avoiding the question of who gets attacked next!

Lurkers gonna lurk. popcorn

Actually my first thought was odd pbem23, my very first game at RB where luddite took me under his wing and showed me the ropes. I've been impi rushing or being impi rushed ever since lol

As for the next victim, you may have to wait a little while. Dtay is the emotional choice but I'm afraid he would make easy work of me with how things are right now. Cyneheard had stayed peaceful all game and I have no plans to change that relationship (yet). Azza and MYKI are both tempting targets in that they are weak neighbors across the ocean, meaning I could get a foothold on another landmass if I took them over. But they both look prickly right now and I'm not sure I want to dump a bunch of Resources into a war again so soon.

Right now I'm leaning towards going Theology - Paper and taking a shot at the religious wonders. Then up to Literature for the epics. Another idea is Machinery - Feudalism - Guilds. But I think my best bet to invade is going to be with galleons and CKNs, followed up with whatever the land unit flavor of the era. I also need to look at potential watermill, windmill, and workshop layouts for my empire and decide if I'd rather be with caste or serfdom after the GA is done. If the answer is serfdom then I probably need to go Machinery - Feudalism straight away.

Having trouble thinking of another research path that looks as strong as either of those
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Turn 130

So I've decided to go the builder route. I think we want to aim for Galleons after and try to use some CKN + Galleons to gain a foothold over one of our neighbors. Maybe even dtay... Anyway, here's our list, with freshly renamed cities.

[Image: pb18%20-%20turn130%20-%20city%20list.JPG]

I think we should be able to get through Theology - Paper - Monarchy - Aesthetics - Literature by the time the golden age is done. Golden age? Yes, golden age:

[Image: pb18%20-%20turn130%20-%20tyr.JPG]

I wish my cities were larger for it, but you go to war with the army you have. Here's my (metaphorical) army:

[Image: pb18%20-%20turn130%20-%20thesouth.JPG]

[Image: pb18%20-%20turn130%20-%20thenorth.JPG]

[Image: pb18%20-%20turn130%20-%20theeast.JPG]

We'll have 2 more cities within 5 turns, which is awful timing for a golden age of course, but they'll just have to take advantage of the next one.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

(September 8th, 2014, 12:32)pindicator Wrote: An impi rush after turn 100 isn't much of a rush. You'd have to be mad to think that a good idea.

[Image: pb8-turn121-Crabs.jpg]

In other words, "Been there done that" lol

Yes, I was actually amazed that you guys were using impis and HAs at that time and using them successfully.


That's right folks! With all our whipping we're a little behind in other areas but we finally gave birth to Great Person #2 and it is time to ride that golden steed to glory! I considered delaying the GA for one turn to let Twelve Duns come out of revolt and to finish Theology so we could put more GA-production turns into building the AP, but that didn't seem like a good reason to delay revolting into new civics (especially Bureaicracy!).

[Image: pb18%20-%20turn131%20-%20golden.jpg]

We finally changed civics; before we were only in slavery and the basics.

[Image: pb18%20-%20turn131%20-%20civics.jpg]

Maybe I'm bring harsh but I am a bit underwhelmed by our capital in a GA. We traded the early Academy for a shrine after all so you won't see any Ottawa-esque porn here:

[Image: pb18%20-%20turn131%20-%20capital.JPG]

It's still kind of blah really. I finally gave the rice and we'll have the corn irrigated in a few turns so we can really stay growing into those hills. I'm still not sure if I'm going to cottage or workshop those plains tiles. Probably cottage since everything about this game screams "longterm". And I really should have taken the rice away from the satellite city of Tandem a while ago, but oh well.

[Image: pb18%20-%20turn131%20-%20strand%20gp.JPG]

Now this is a more exciting city! Strand has grown like a weed in the time since I took it from Barry. (The other easterly cities should also take off now that borders have been popped and Barry eliminated. ) I actually went back and forth as to whether I should churn out a GP here or work the workshops for a neat +33hpt. Maybe this is where I build AP or UoS? But in the end there were no spots that I could as easily pump out the GP points like I can here. I can get most of the way to 300pts without starving and I think that's what the goal will be.

Post-GA this will become an important southern port and I'll create my southern seas navy from here. The clans will eventually go to a new city to it's west, to fill in the gap between Strand and Avon Grove. There's a fish and a whale to claim so that's the next city I'm planting.

Some before and after demos:

[Image: pb18%20-%20turn131%20-%20postdemos.JPG]

[Image: pb18%20-%20turn131%20-%20predemos.JPG]

And lastly, I decided to turn the GG into a general. I didn't have a 10xp unit and no means to get one before teching to Literature. I'd rather have the epic unlocked sooner than get +2xp from a city earlier.

[Image: pb18%20-%20turn131%20-%20great%20gen.JPG]
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

pindicator Wrote:And lastly, I decided to turn the GG into a general. I didn't have a 10xp unit and no means to get one before teching to Literature. I'd rather have the epic unlocked sooner than get +2xp from a city earlier.

General needs a suitable name, I suggest using a Heron Guard name.

Here's some suggestions, these are real names and not made up although you could probably make up a few funny ones! I know the character limit might not be long enough for some of these but I'm pretty sure we managed to fit in "Thrym of the Mighty Blows" in PB2.

Thirteen Bloody Crocodile
Six Coyote Flower
One Deer Burning Skull
Twelve Devil Burning Wind (I especially like this name)

Or alternatively use the Journeyman name for the level the deceiver, I always liked the way he tries to make sure the Berserk knows the words to recite and the Berserk is kinda sheepish and mumbles some nonsense which happens to work at the end.

Twelve Motion Jeweled Skull
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

Excellent idea! I am going to do this next time i log in thumbsup
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

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