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[SPOILERS] Pindicator as Qin Shi of China - Boring Ol' Vanilla

Turn 174 - Part 1

dtay attacked out and killed a CKN, but at cost of his own rifle taking a lot of damage. That must of changed his mind on defense because he pulled a lot back, and filled Llancarfan with units

But I don't think he expected Strand to fall quite as easily as it did:

[Image: pb18%20-%20turn174%20-%20strand%20retaken.JPG]

I lost 2 swords on the attack, and had odds in the 90s after that. I wish I could spam swords still -- can I unlearn Civil Service?

sword vs CG rifle (6.0 v 10.76) 3%
- loss, rifle to 40hp

sword vs C1 rifle (6.0 v 10.0) 3.8%
- loss, rifle to 55hp

CR2 sword vs 55hp C1 rifle (6.0 v 4.15) 94.5%
- win, 5hp left

C1 sword vs 40hp CG rifle (6.6 v 4.3) 90.9%
- win, 79hp left

85hp C1 sword vs 25hp rifle (5.61 v 2.5) 98.8%

I have to go, but in Part 2 we will assault Llancarfan.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

What do we want? BLOOD!

When do we want it? NOW!

...oh, civstats says you havent played yet? With that big battle in the offing, I dont think I could put it off!

Hmm, dtay just lost some points. You wouldnt happen to know where those went, would you? popcorn

Nope, no idea at all mischief

[Image: pb18%20-%20turn174%20-%20llancarfan.JPG]

We had a string of bad luck, losing a lot of the battles in the 40-60% range. Probably making up for the luck we had in wiping out his cav stack. And I probably should have burned it, but i want to show the rest of the world that I'm confident in holding it. God, now I have to actually hold it...
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Turn 175

I don't know why dtay attacked my army with his forces. Perhaps he has a second wave incoming and knows this one was disposable. Perhaps he over-estimated quality against quantity. But either way, all invading forces have been repelled.

[Image: pb18%20-%20turn175%20-%20liberated.jpg]

Almost all cities recaptured; I am tempted to let him keep Rhi'anon. I would offer a peace deal if I didn't think he would just invade again in 10 turns. So why bother? I am dead one way or another, I would rather die fighting. Let's not pretend in happy endings.

But for now - how awesome is this? I just defeated cavs and rifles with knights, CKNs, swords, and pikes. I don't know if this game can get any better. :D
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

I mean, attacking Rhi'anon would be suicide


Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

(December 21st, 2014, 03:44)pindicator Wrote: I mean, attacking Rhi'anon would be suicide


You aren't outnumbered 10 to 1 and he doesn't have Trow backing him up. Essentially you're just mopping him up now. neenerneener
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

I don't know, if you check out the power graph i am certainly badly outnumbered, if not 10-to-1

[Image: pb18%20-%20turn176%20-%20power.jpg]

Where dtay has been able to replenish his power, mine is on it's last legs. I just can't build troops as fast as they've been dying.
So when dtay offered peace this turn, I was a little tempted. Still, I always make it a habit to decline at first and see the situation.

I saw

[Image: pb18%20-%20turn176%20-%20dtay%20diplo.jpg]

And I saw

[Image: pb18%20-%20turn176%20-%20counter.jpg]

So I decided to give dtay a counter-offer:

[Image: pb18%20-%20turn176%20-%20burn.jpg]

[Image: pb18%20-%20turn176%20-%20peace.jpg]

Let's see how bad he wants out of a war on multiple fronts. I paid Cyneheard 100gpt for 10 turns. (I plan on keeping that going the rest of the game, but he couldnt have known that when he offered.) Lets see what dtay is willing to pay. If he declines maybe I see if I can push him off my continent.

Naturally i don't know what he has nearby but my guess is he's got everything left on the continent in Rhi'annon for show. I moved a sentry knight up and saw Garoppollo is empty. The city I just burned only had a single spear. He's probably rushing things towards Krill and Old Harry. Maybe 1000g is letting him off easy...
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player


Seriously, you're going to come out of this with a conquerability score of "Plako". Nicely done.

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