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RBP2 Lurker Discussion Thread - No Players!

Sullla Wrote:Oh, and one more thing. We now have enough information that we should be able to produce a rough map of the world:

[Image: RBPB2-56s.jpg]
For info - for those of us that forget who is where smile

regoarrarr Wrote:I actually think that Dantski declaring a turn or two earlier is a great move. I think that it's very likely that spullla over-react to that side, leaving them over-exposed in the north.

Even though in the thread they say they KNOW Jowy is going to attack, it will be hard to hold back from a real threat on their south

It might have worked, but not any more ...

Sullla Wrote:It looks like Speaker and I are about to face not a 2 vs 1, but a THREE vs ONE in the next few turns. All of you lurkers have probably been laughing your asses off in the spoiler threads, eh? lol Well, now we know that the attack is coming, plus we know what the unit mix is going to be (horse archers from athlete, phalanxes from Jowy), we'll do our best to put on a grand show for y'all! hammer

Speaker Wrote:This is going to be fun. hammer
Too true Speaker, too true. But fun for whom?
I have finally decided to put down some cash and register a website. It is Now I remain free to move the hosting options without having to change the name of the site.

(October 22nd, 2014, 10:52)Caledorn Wrote: And ruff is officially banned from playing in my games as a reward for ruining my big surprise by posting silly and correct theories in the PB18 tech thread.

Cyneheard Wrote:The best thing about the Horse Archers in this conflict is their mobility lets them cover everything. From 2N of Antietam, they can hit a stack 1NW of C-ville immediately, and anywhere else (including the far east) in 2t. Since Jowy went Phalanx-happy, he's going to be very vulnerable to HAs with his, what, 2 spears? It'll take 3 turns to march from Thebes to C-ville. That's too much time for Spullla to churn out an extra 7 HAs or so.

My call:
Shiloh burns to the Praets (There's no way that won't happen unless Whosit backs out), but no other cities fall.
Post-COWar the tech pace is going to crawl, with Spullla facing massive whips and whip anger (they need to double-whip some HAs or else never get out from their looming happiness crunch), and everyone else struggling financially.

If Jowy played it right he could get AK to one move Cville, and move his slow movers up into position to wipe out anything that Spullla sent at the city after it fell. Just needs 2 extra roads (4 and 8 of the front city).

EDIT: No he can't because he failed to get a monument in Thebes asap. On that note Cville is going to be a right slog, it all depends on NaMOC, so right now I think this is going to be a spectacular screw up because of lack of planning.
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Quote:It looks like Speaker and I are about to face not a 2 vs 1, but a THREE vs ONE in the next few turns. All of you lurkers have probably been laughing your asses off in the spoiler threads, eh? Well, now we know that the attack is coming, plus we know what the unit mix is going to be (horse archers from athlete, phalanxes from Jowy), we'll do our best to put on a grand show for y'all!

I wonder at what point they'll realize (or will they) that it is more than a 3 on 1

There will be only two civs left on the sidelines in a few turns: Korea and Inca. I wonder if Spullla can persuade either of them to become a factor in this conflict? The odds seem long, but then this is RBCiv, and it may be their only shot in the long run.

It is quite silly that they notice the Ottoman stack, mainly because Jowy didn't close border which he should have (it is just war in 2t and they could easily have said they want Spulla to lose his foreign trades) or at least, they didn't properly cover the Spulla sentry units...

I think it will depend on whether they can convince Plako and Broekr to break an NAP or can convince Inca to join them. That being said, I don't think the CoW can eliminate Spulla either way. With the staggered declarations they are planning, it seems to me like the stacks will just get picked apart one by one. I just don't see them having enough coordination to succeed completely.

Here's a possibility.

Couldn't Broker and Plako go after Jowy or kathlete instead? It's just a hop and a skip across the strait, which Korea knows. And I'm not sure what NAP's they have there.

That said, I think they're most likely to sit this one out, preferring to rebuild, and not wanting to provoke Rome, if they wait long enough for Whosit to jump in.

As for the Inca's, I get the feeling Dplasted is mostly focused on fending off the barbs and isn't interested in any foreign adventures.

I sniff hero suicide galley sinking one of those troop transports. lol

I doubt that Broker will attack anyone. They haven't really been friends with Sullla long enough to enter warfare, nor are they in any real shape too.


Quote:Diplomatically, there are two goals we want to achieve:

1) Get athlete out of this war ASAP.
2) Get Nakor into this war against Dantski ASAP.

lol Nice try Sullla.

I wonder if Sullla could sway Nakor by offering something like all of Dantski's cities and gpt gifts to help with tech. Problem is he has no idea Nakor is mostly screwing with him, so he thinks all Nakor needs is a "nudge" rather than a huge offer.

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