Rappelling down!
Rookie is a showboat. He'll die first.
We have 8 turns to hack the objective.
There's a huge bridge going through the map, not dissimilar to the one in the final mission last campaign.
I set everyone up close-by so we can take it over next turn.
Change of plans: An enemy pod wandered close to us. Let's kill them.
That's where they stopped. Good for us.
I moved Dreylin and Adrien to full cover and overwatched.
Old Harry could overwatch with his sniper rifle, but I chose not to. If both enemies survive, I want him to throw the flash bang at them.
I started the engagement with a frag grenade from the rookie. Both enemies were hit for 3.
Dreylin missed her shot. Adrien did not, and she killed the Sectoid.
Old Harry didn't have a shot anymore so he overwatched.
The injured Trooper retreated. We sent the rookie in first. He got vision on it.
Old Harry had a 49% shot through two shed windows. He missed.
So did the rookie with his 46% shot.
Dreylin made a cinematic entrance through the shed window.
She then pulled in a second pod. Good job.
At least we have everyone in cover.
The Sectoid used a psi attack on Dreylin to disorient her.
The healthy Trooper took a shot at our rookie, the injured one retreated to the darkness.
Dreylin moved a few tiles into the shed. From there she had a pretty bad shot. Let's remove the cover and see if things improve.
Yet he lives. And Dreylin no longer has a shot. Thanks game.
Rookie misses a shot.
Old Harry did not. Orange juice everywhere.
Now the Sectoid is running away. It couldn't get a good angle on us.
Adrien offered us more explosions by taking down its cover. Didn't blow a hole in a building this time.
Old Harry earned another kill to his name.
The other two took a blue move forward and overwatched. We're low on time but I don't want to trigger another pod when we've used two moves already.
We sent the rookie in first and this move did trigger a pod.
It's our old friend and two new guys. The rookie is not in a great position.. Only in half cover and pretty close to the enemies.
Adrien took the only shot she had: on the injured one.
Finally we got him.
After that move I didn't have much I could do. Old Harry had a low % shot at the Officer, but probably wouldn't have killed it in one shot anyway. I had him move closer and reload.
Dreylin took a blue move and overwatched.
She missed the Trooper who went to find cover.
Then the Trooper shot at
Dreylin Adrien and damaged her for 3. The Officer also marked her.
Adrien had a nice flank from behind some trash bags.
She landed the hit and the crit for the kill.
Now I could move the rookie to the objective, ready to hack it next turn.
Old Harry flash banged the remaining enemy to disorient it. Our shots were pretty bad against that full cover.
Adrien survived the attack.
I panicked for a second when I had no option to interact with the objective.
Then I noticed that I can't hack it unless I go behind the laptop. Alrighty.
I chose the 5% reward and we got pretty close but not close enough.
Dreylin was now in grenade range. That was enough to kill it.
We only encountered 6 enemies. Still cut it close with the objective. These missions are not easy.
Old Harry was given the Long Watch perk. I'm not convinced that snipers are any good when most missions are time based and they can't shoot if they move first. I'll give it a try tho.
Adrien was given the Blast Padding perk. I think it's better in the early game to help survivability and because there won't be many enemies with armor.
We'll eventually want a Grenadier with Shredder in time for MEC's and Muton's.
The rookie became our Specialist.
We got two Hair Triggers as loot (dropped near the end). I'll have to remember to attach some of these before the next mission.
Oh right, we also got the Engineer as a reward. We're off to a nice start *jinx*