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Civ 6 Release and Update Discussion Thread

The new beliefs:

Quote:Pantheon: City Patron Goddess- +25% Production toward districts in cities without a specialty district.
Pantheon: Earth Goddess- +1 Faith from tiles with Charming or better Appeal.
Pantheon: Religious Idols (changed)- +2 Faith from Mines over Luxury or Bonus resources (was +1)

Worship Building: Der-e Mehr- +3 Faith, +1 additional faith for each era since constructed or last repaired
Worship Building: Stupa- +3 Faith, +1 Amenity

Follower Belief: Choral Music- Shrines and Temples provide Culture equal to their intrinsic Faith output
Follower Belief: Warrior Monks- Allows spending Faith to train Warrior Monks, medieval land combat units with a unique promotion tree. May only be purchased in a city with a Temple in its Holy Site.

Founder Belief: Cross-Cultural Dialogue- +1 Science for every 5 followers of this Religion in other civilizations.
Founder Belief: Religious Unity- +1 Envoy at each city-state when it first adopts this religion, in addition to any envoy from a city-state quest.

Enhancer Belief: Burial Grounds- Culture Bomb adjacent tiles when completing a Holy Site
Enhancer Belief: Religious Colonization- Cities start with this religion in place if founded by a player who has this as their majority religion.

City Patron Goddess could be good, getting the extra trade routes from your new cities faster. Choral Music looks like a big deal for any civ which cares about holy sites. Burial Grounds lets anybody get in on the culture bomb game, but only one player - I expect this to be hotly contested for denial value if nothing else, like Defender of the Faith.

EDIT: Multi-ninjad. I guess this is now a repost for the new page?

Choral Music is pretty baller, probably two levels above other existing beliefs.

Burial Grounds are strong long-term, but actually pretty difficult to use tactically. Also generally map dependant. Russian Burial Grounds though, oh boy...
DL: PB12 | Playing: PB13

Agreed about Choral Music.

I wonder about some sort of rush using God of Harvest and Warrior Monks. Probably too cute to work, but who knows.

I have a feeling any strategy prone to hiccups probably isn't going to hold in civ 6.

But russian burial grounds just might maddening to play against.
Current games (All): RtR: PB80 Civ 6: PBEM23

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 Games ded lurked: PB18

Monks require Temples, and are lower strength than swords, I'm not even sure they are usable, except as a back up for when you have neither iron nor horses.
DL: PB12 | Playing: PB13

Does anybody else now have issues Aztec DLC in the list post patch? I think this may be why there was an issue starting PBEM5. Turns out there are 2 Aztecs DLC listed which I didn't realize it at the time, and apparently neither one works huh I tried starting a game as Aztecs, was able to select them, but then once I hit Start my selection briefly flashed INVALID OPTION or something like that. When the game started the entire map was revealed with the AI playing in auto-play. After blinking at the screen a couple times trying to figure out what was going on, the game crashed. I checked the DLC list at that point, and turns out there is another Aztecs DLC on the list?? Same thing happened when I tried the other one frown

Out of curiosity I disabled both of Aztec DLC, and Montezuma disappeared from the list and I was not able to select him. (they cannot both be enabled, when I try it tells me "there already another version of this mod enabled")

Screenshot in spoilers

The update is a clusterfuck.
DL: PB12 | Playing: PB13

The update fixes a bug that would have ruined PBEM #4 and flat out tells you to go to CFC and Reddit (but not Apolyton, RB, CivPlayers and WPC). Nothing else stands out.

I don't use mods and was able to just enable everything.

The patch fixes quite a few issues. There is a new bug with CS/Civ placements, but other than that, the patch is nothing of the sort of disaster that the summer patch was.

Has anyone else noticed much larger save files post patch? Looking back at Epic 4 as an example of a pre-patch save the starting save is 249 KB and my save from the final turn is 1,233 KB. Post-patch the starting saves I'm getting are 3,677 KB (single player save) and from the duel with TheArchduke I'm getting .... hold on, this is interesting.

The T1 save from TheArchduke to me on 10/27 was 134 KB, my T1 save back was 182 KB, then T2 save from him on 10/28 was 3,410 KB and my T2 save back was 3,433 KB. So it seems like something happened between the 27th and the 28th that is now massively increasing the save file size. Was there a hotfix released then?

After googling I see that Civ5 at one point had a bug where file size ballooned exponentially while re-loading, but this doesn't seem to be the same. I did however download a Hex editor (HxD) so that I could examine the save file. Turns out the last 95% of the save is all 00. I deleted all the 00 entries at then end which returned the save from 3,677 KB back down to an expected file size 241 KB. The edited file loaded fine, and when immediately saved remained at 258 KB. I shift + entered through a few turns quickly and the file size was at 506 KB when saved on T5.

EDIT: 20 minutes later, I close out of Civ and a 1.2 GB update starts to download?!
EDIT2: This "update" may or may not be related to the fact that uninstalled all the DLC and initiated re-installing them to attempt to fix the above-mentioned issued I was having with the DLC.

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