As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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Civ 6 Release and Update Discussion Thread

Looks like a strong civ but that golf course is pretty rolleye  I guess I should be happy the Dutch got the Polder and not a  smoke plantation.

Should have been an Iron Bru factory.
Current games (All): RtR: PB80 Civ 6: PBEM23

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+2 movement with an unavoidable trigger. (You're going to take a city-state) And who said we wouldn't need to ban more civs?

(January 24th, 2018, 14:28)MJW (ya that one) Wrote: +2 movement with an unavoidable trigger. (You're going to take a city-state) And who said we wouldn't need to ban more civs?

The trigger is no less avoidable than the Persian's ... As long as you declare war first you have avoided the trigger. And unlike the Persians it is not available at the beginning of the game. I'm not so sure that in practice the other abilities are overpowered compared to what we already have. The national ability leans towards smaller empires so that amenities don't spread out among more cities. Over the course of the game they might earn a couple extra GScientists & GEngineers, but I think that there are other abilities that are just as strong. Divine Spark is worth as much or more than the national ability. The golf course is probably too late to be meaningful. Has anyone ever built a Ranger??

The Civ is not good in MP, IMO. The National Ability adds very little to prod and science, and the extra GPP requires districts to be in place (i.e. comes late). Compared to a bonus like Rome, that gets going from the beggining, it's not even close.

Exploitable as hell in SP, if the game agrees with you (I'm thinking here that permanent +100% prod is possible).

I think all the abilities that trigger on war (Cyrus, Chandra and now Brucieboy) just muddle Multiplayer matches, forcing everyone to declare war on them pre-emptively to take away the bonus. War should be a big consideration in MP not just something you declare phonely to rob someone of their civ ability.

rant Also just got home to watch the trailer itself and good God do I hate the bagpipes already! Imagine that just wailing on from the Ancient Era to the Spaceship! banghead

(January 24th, 2018, 14:41)Cornflakes Wrote: Has anyone ever built a Ranger??

I've heard of some MP strat that consists of upgrading an army of scouts that have earned the +10 combat strenght promotion into Rangers. Scouts are pretty easy to level up, as they are the only unit with a card specifically to boost their XP gain. It could be decent as America, as you are heading to Rifling early for the Rough Rider anyway, or Germany since you don't sacrifice a slot for a better card at Chiefdom and you get a bonus vs CS units to safely level your scouts.... mischief

After playing 200+ hours of They Are Billions, I thought Ranger = Archer duh :facepalm:

(January 24th, 2018, 15:33)Japper007 Wrote: I think all the abilities that trigger on war (Cyrus, Chandra and now Brucieboy) just muddle Multiplayer matches, forcing everyone to declare war on them pre-emptively to take away the bonus. War should be a big consideration in MP not just something you declare phonely to rob someone of their civ ability.

Yeah, those MP "abilities" are just silly.

But they sound just so awesome in SP.

"Here, roll over that stupid AI, you are such a good player. Have a cookie!"

"Here, roll over that stupid AI, you are such a good player. Have a cookie!"

I think the point is actually the reverse, it's a pathetic attempt to fix AI performance in combat, so these civs aren't meant to played as much as be played against. I think the same goes for the improvements -- can't expect AI to city-manage anything like sensibly, let's just give them a passable universally useful improvement that they can spam. I mean, seriously, look at Scotland -- how is it anything but a +0.25 difficulty level across the board? Barebones synergy, if any, stuck-on theme, abilities that split into "lose slower" (if you happened to be close to the human) and "win more" (if you lucked on being distant). Piss-take.
DL: PB12 | Playing: PB13

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