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It would be better if all 12 worked out the combinations here. The list that Darrell posted is a good start, not perfect for sure, but we can all look at it and draw our own opinions, and then we can work out how to keep everyone vaguely happy with the list by altering it.
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It's mildly amusing listening to the vets panic about their leader choices but yes, I see their point and essentially I agree with Krill. My suggestion is that the vets pick the leaders and civs to get six relatively balanced options. Then the greens place their preferences ranking each six, any ties being rolled on. The vets are then randomly buddied up and that would leave us with hopefully balanced picks that are fair to all parties of both groups.

seifer_md Wrote:It's mildly amusing listening to the vets panic about their leader choices but yes, I see their point and essentially I agree with Krill. My suggestion is that the vets pick the leaders and civs to get six relatively balanced options. Then the greens place their preferences ranking each six, any ties being rolled on. The vets are then randomly buddied up and that would leave us with hopefully balanced picks that are fair to all parties of both groups.

I like that idea, but would add that the greens get equal voice in the debate on the list.


So, going off of Darrell's list:

His list:
Pacal of Byzantium
Washington of China
Willem of Greece
Sury of Maya
Joao of Inca
Hatty of India

I like the bottom 3. Greece...let's try to avoid scout starts. So, Willem of the Ottomans?
Washington of China is an interesting one, very unique, but I think it's sufficiently powerful. Pacal of Byz should be fine, as well.

Cyneheard Wrote:So, going off of Darrell's list:

His list:
Pacal of Byzantium
Washington of China
Willem of Greece
Sury of Maya
Joao of Inca
Hatty of India

I like the bottom 3. Greece...let's try to avoid scout starts. So, Willem of the Ottomans?
Washington of China is an interesting one, very unique, but I think it's sufficiently powerful. Pacal of Byz should be fine, as well.

Yeah I think this is good.

Ok, so let's try and whittle down to a list asap?

We all have different styles though which affect our playstyle. I agree being hamstrung from the start sucks though.



Egypt is nice, and Mali certainly works well especially with an IND leader. I like that no one picked Rome smile.


Bah, can't sleep.

I'd suggest Capac of Mali instead of Washington of China but maybe that's just me.

It's also worth noting that as we're doing no tech trading, it makes a big difference if you have economically viable traits or not. Saying that, each of those combo's is strong in their own right.

We could throw in Shaka of Rome as an option. After all, if we're going to rank them and send to a neutral party (TT?) then effectively we can have as many decent combo's as we can think of providing we agree they have some use.

In which case leave Washington in there and just add Capac to the list. Darrell is right, we should add Rome so people have that option. Maybe Peter of Egypt also?

Gandhi of Korea is another interesting one in my opinion.
Darius of HRE is also an often chosen combo (yes i know what you're going to say).

Ragnar of Zulu?

Bismarck of xxx?

I'm just trying to maintain strength whilst keeping options open. If it's totally random from the list and i get Joao of Incas for example- i don't get to choose how to play really. I have to expand like mad as that's the only way to play that. I suppose allowing us to rank our lists would allow us some control to be fair.

Lizzie of Korea > Gandhi of Korea.

Darius of HRE: Would be better if he didn't start with a scout. That's a big drawback; forces you to play the start differently, and I'd argue sub-optimally.

I'd say Ragnar of Rome over Shaka of Rome. However, if you're worried about "being stuck with one strategy", Rome is just as bad as Joao of Inca. And Darrell's quote was "I like that no one picked Rome."

Capac of Mali's solid.

Not sure what civs are the best Biz civs, except Mali of course.

I'm probably the only "vet" here who wouldn't care what I got stuck with, but that's probably because I am mildly insane.

I like combos like Hammurabi of Zulu. No idea how that would work out, but it seems interesting to me. I'll probably let you all decide, but it sounds like most of the vets want to ensure a set of strong, balanced leaders . . . .

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