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(July 11th, 2018, 02:27)Coeurva Wrote: Imo it's not so much intimidation in the sense that Kasparov stares at you from across the board and more him rationally considering the opponents' respective war goals, and that a dogpile (against the #1 power!) arises because inferior or barely-superior armies are expected not to meet concentrated resistance. I think that's what I meant to say, approximately. He realized that he didn't have to kill anything of Pindi's or Commodores, just convince them that they didn't have any easy gains remaining.
(July 11th, 2018, 10:31)masterjason Wrote: This doesn’t look very good at all for plako now, Gav will have nearly a full ten turns to counter without needing to worry about a dog pile, and as we lurkers know, both Comm and pin have other things they want to focus on. Maybe? It's really hard to know what Plako has to work with here.
Plako has a short term problem, in that stack of 40 2-movers. On the other hand, he's now got the ability to play defensively (and Gav barely built catapults it seems) and he's almost certainly got a better production and research position. In addition, Gav's army is out of position...plako has a couple turns to redeploy if he noticed the peace treaties. Remember that defense in Civ adds a good bit to your effective strength.
At this point, plako just needs to buy time, ideally hold on to some of what he's captured. If he can do that, then he can beat Gavagai in the long run; the better production base will outweigh all other factors.
But, of course, maybe he just dies instead. When Pindicator posted the Power graph lately, plako had less Power than Gav and he didn't seem to be building much either. So it's really a question of what he was doing with all that time. Maybe he's been building wonders, or maybe he's been building wealth on a beeline to Knights or at least longbows. I wish Plako would post, or Gav would post more than a random sentence, so we could see what was going on at their border.
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In the Pindicator thread they suggested Plako is roughly the same power level as Gavagi just now. If that's true, I'd expect it to be pretty much a stalemate.
I think if I'm Gavagi, I'd want to keep the stalemate up for another 3-5T or so, then take peace to stagger out the 10T treaties and prevent another dogpile. Then when the other two peace treaties expire, take a big swing at one of them. Threaten Commodore into another 10T of peace first, and then take pindicator 1v1 since he seemingly took the most valuable cities?
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According to Rusten at least 8-10 battles found place when Mackoti made his move. If a reload is granted to a point in the turn before that it could have major implications and Mackoti (or Rusten) could be punished for a mistake made by another player. That being said, I do understand Donovan`s reload request as little time was left for him. Normally he should be granted a reload in my opinion but as a couple of players already stated in the tech thread - you need a very good reason to get that reload if combat has found place and a city changing hands.
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I would say that Donovan, whilst with largely not-evil intentions, brought the situation on himself. The entire thing played out ultimately only because he wanted to get on the right side of the timer. He persisted in that desire even though he knew the clock would have been next to 0 by the time he wakes up. Then he tried to be double clever by riding on other people's pauses instead of asking for the pause himself. A) we don't really grant pauses simply on the basis of wanting to take the second half of the timer, B) not asking for a pause when you think you need one because someone else asked for one is just really bad behaviour that shouldn't be encouraged. Partly exactly because it would lead to situations like this all the time. So I say play on.
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I'm at a festival, shit internet.
I'll read the thread and reply, but if no reply in 1 hour just go with what you wrote Bacchus.
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Was Donovan in a turn split because of war with 2mn? I think the issue is yes, so he couldn't ask for a pause until his turn split came up. If he declared o Joey on t136 then the split was established
In that instance, he waited to play in his slot. Even if he requested a pause and he got in before the pause, the request beinget or not is not a reason to reload because he had the opportunity to pause.
So the fact the turn rolled is not a reason to reload.
What might affect it is that a decision to raze the city should have been made on t137 but it will actually not be legal for dz to make the decision until his turn split phase.
Nor can he move any units.
This is actually quite a clusterfuck.
I say either unpause and dz remains logged in until his turn phase to then make a decision to raze or not, or reload and punish dz by not allowing him to move any units in range of Joey's units or borders.
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Bacchus, I agree with your assessment.
July 14th, 2018, 08:58
(This post was last modified: July 14th, 2018, 09:02 by Bacchus.)
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Quote:I say either unpause and dz remains logged in until his turn phase to then make a decision to raze or not,
Does the menu persist over the turn roll?! I assumed the city is kept and that's it.
PS. Yeah, there are screens from T138 in DZs thread and no raze menu on them. I don't think he can raze it any longer.
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In that case we have to play on, we shouldn't reload to enable a new choice to be taken for an important decision that has already been made.
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Commodore looks to be in a good position here.
-All of his neighbours are fighting or hostile.
-He's rapidly colonizing and controls Panama.
-His natural conflict is with TBS who may be more worried about Mack than Comm.
-Old Henry, the other distant new world contender, is very likely to try to eat Elkad along with William and will be distracted in the near-term.
It's looking a whole lot that Mackoti has already sewn this game up and will be able to eat civ after civ with that MFG advantage. But Comm could take top 3 maybe top 2 depending.