Succession Games
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Succession Games

Adventure Twenty-seven - Project Beyaz Peynir - Results

Scoring: Your score is equal to your Firaxis score (see below) times a multiplier. Your multiplier is based on the number of victory conditions (call it 'n') you satisfy on the turn that you first satisfy any victory condition. Your multiplier is equal to n ^ 2.

So, the multiplier is:
You satisfy 1 victory condition, then multiplier = 1
You satisfy 2 victory conditions, then multiplier = 4
You satisfy 3 victory conditions, then multiplier = 9
You satisfy 4 victory conditions, then multiplier = 16
You satisfy 5 victory conditions, then multiplier = 25
You satisfy 6 victory conditions, then multiplier = 36
You satisfy 7 victory conditions, then multiplier = 49

Just to remind you, the victory conditions are: Time, Conquest, Domination, UN Diplomatic, AP Diplomatic, Space, Culture

Player Base Score Multiplier Total Score
Ruff_Hi* 33,443 25 (5) 839,075
Muaziz 21,031 36 (6) 757,116
darrelljs 4000 30.25 (5.5) 121,000

* Denotes shadow game.

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