Opening Date: Monday, July 14
Duration: Five Weeks
Map Script: Inland Sea
Game Speed: Quick
Civilization: Byzantines
Leader: Justinian
World Size: Standard
Sea Level: Low
Opponents: Six
Victory: Any
No Events, No City Razing
Version: Beyond the Sword v3.17

This game is a race to see who can be the first to cross the finish
line, under any victory condition. Normal speed is too slow, we're
using Quick speed for this one! Perhaps some of our Multiplayer
veterans can play this one and show us how it's done? 

The goal is to win the game using the least amount of real-world
playing time. At the end of Civ4's replay screen, the time and number
of sessions played are displayed. Games will be scored based on
the number displayed on this clock, the faster the time the better.
Note that you will still have to win the game, so it's not quite
as simple as pressing Enter a whole bunch of times!
You will have to balance the merits between playing as quickly as
possible to save time and needing to slow down to ensure a good
performance. Remember that automating workers to speed up is a potential
option - it's up to you whether or not the tradeoff is worth it!
All the speed in the world won't mean anything if you lose the game.
not sit pondering your strategy after saving the game, only to exit
and reload, erasing time illegitimately off the game clock. You
may pause to think, but only "on the clock", or after
having exited the game.
Games will be listed in order of fastest victories. Defeats will
be listed in a separate category, and will be teased for being silly
hares that lost to the wise tortoises. Good luck!

Day: Monday, August 18. Reports due by the end of August 19,
your local time.
Download Adventure Thirty-one!
Adventure Thirty-one results.
