Succession Games
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Succession Games

Realms Beyond Civilization - Epic Eleven: Hooray for Hollywood

Sponsor: Sirian
Opening Date: Monday, August 19
Duration: Five Weeks (extended!)
Map Generation: Hand-Drawn by Sirian

Difficulty: Monarch
Civilization: America
World Size: Standard
Opponents: All Fifteen of the other Civs
Terrain: Pangaea
Barbarians: Restless
Rules: Standard
Victory: Cultural is the only enabled victory condition

Variant Rules: None

CUSTOM MAP: Epic Eight, which closes a week before this game opens, had its full minimap revealed before you started. This game is just the opposite, with no idea what it may hold until you explore it, other than to know that the landmass is a pangaea and you are facing the full roster of fifteen opponents.

Scenario Goals: Cultural victory is the only option, however the scoring will vary depending on how you go about achieving your victory. The scoring rewards bold reach and precise balance. Those who want to score the bonus points will have to take some risks and go the extra mile.


10 pts - Histogram Victory

25 pts - Cultural Victory by single-city 20000 culture

20 pts - Cultural Victory by civ-wide 100,000+ combined culture
4 pts - EACH rival civilization still "alive" at the time of your victory, for 100k winners ONLY

13 pts - build the Colossus without help from a great leader
7 pts - build the Great Library
3 pts - build the Great Wall
2 pts - build SunTzu's Art of War
2 pts - build Bach's Cathedral
1 pts - build the Pyramids
1 pts - build the Hoover Dam

2 pts - EACH University built by 750AD
1 pts - EACH Cathedral built by 750AD
2 pts - EACH Colleseum built by 250AD
1 pts - EACH Library built by 250AD
1 pts - EACH Temple built by 750BC

1 pts - EACH F-15 unit that promotes to elite and survives to the end of the game. (Max 7)

5 pts - Fastest (by game date) 20k victory
3 pts - Second Fastest
2 pts - Third Fastest
1 pts - Fourth Fastest

7 pts - Fastest 100k victory
4 pts - Second Fastest
3 pts - Third Fastest
2 pts - Fourth Fastest
1 pts - Fifth, Sixth, Seventh Fastest

Scoring Clarifications
: A civ only needs one active city to be considered "still alive" for 100k scoring purposes. Yes, you can leave them one town and box them in if you like. The whole civ has to die off for their culture to disappear, and your culture must be DOUBLE that of any other civ still alive to win by 100k victory. So you may -have- to eliminate some civs to be able to win that way, depending on how your game plays out.

Strategy Note: Those pursuing 100k victory will need a lot of cities. Those can be obtained by expanding territory, but they can also be obtained by packing the cities more closely together. You should have an interesting time figuring out how best to manage your lands.

Requirements: You'll need to keep a savefile from 750BC, 250AD, 750AD, and the last turn before your final victory, in case any verifications need to be made, if questions arise.

Obviously, like Epic Three, my customizing the map rules me out. I know where everything is, so I will have to live vicariously through other players' reports for this one.

Closing Day: Monday, September 23. Reports due on Sept 23 or 24.

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