Succession Games
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Succession Games

Realms Beyond Civilization - Epic Twenty-one: Jack Frost

VERSION: Play the World, 1.14f
Sponsor: Sirian
Opening Date: January 6, 2003
Duration: Four Weeks
Map Generation: Edited map

Difficulty: Emperor
Civilization: RANDOM
World Size: Standard
Terrain: Archipelago, 70% water
Climate: Rugged, Ice Age
Barbarians: Raging
Rules: Standard
Victory: Any

Special Rules: You MUST sign up in the Sign Up Thread to participate in this Epic. Why? Because you're going to have your civ assigned to you at random, from a list of pregenerated games, based on the order in which you sign up. You'll get a civ from these eight possible selections:

I wanted to make the first PTW Epic "the coolest ever". So here we go!

Scenario Concept: With winter now raging in the northern hemisphere where most of us live, I thought an ice age scenario would be fun to try. The first PTW Epic ought to be low-pressure, so I've made this a typical Potluck emperor game. Also, PTW comes with some new tile sets, and what better time to tinker around with them than now? Thus, I've selected the eight cold weather civs and edited a map to spread icy goodness all over the place. Don't be surprised to find tundra tiles anywhere on the map. Jack Frost cometh!

PTW keeps optional tilesets in a new way, making it easy to reference them from the editor. I have thus figured out how to lock the scenario to a specific tileset, so that everyone who plays will use the same tileset. I know this will make some of you groan, but don't be humbugs. Try something new! It will give this game its own flavor and help preserve the illusion (for immersion, Charis style) of a true ice age. In reality, most of the map is a typical cold-weather map, but it HAS been edited to spread some ice all over the place.

You are required to play with the winter tileset. As long as you haven't erased the tileset or moved it, you'll be good to go. The game will find it automatically. The terrain is difficult to see, everything is covered in some layers of white. I urge you to do plenty of right-clicking to verify what's in the tiles, until you get used to them. As I look out my window just now, the world is covered in snow. Whatever it may be like where you are, I hope you will enjoy this little trip through the winter wonderlands of the expansion pack.

Scoring: None.

This may be the only Epic running until the next PTW patch is released, so don't wait around. Sign up and get in on this, uh, "very cool" scenario. Signups will remain open until January 19.

Closing Day: Monday, February 3. Reports due on Feb 3 or 4.

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Griselda - KingOfPain - Charis