Succession Games
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Succession Games

Epic Twenty-one: Jack Frost - Results

Scenario Concept: With winter now raging in the northern hemisphere where most of us live, I thought an ice age scenario would be fun to try. The first PTW Epic ought to be low-pressure, so I've made this a typical Potluck emperor game. Also, PTW comes with some new tile sets, and what better time to tinker around with them than now? Thus, I've selected the eight cold weather civs and edited a map to spread icy goodness all over the place. Don't be surprised to find tundra tiles anywhere on the map. Jack Frost cometh!

This was a potluck game, and players were randomly assigned to play the Koreans, Vikings, or Mongols, determined by the order in which they signed up. For more complete information, see this Epic's main page.

Dwip - Player 3
Diplomatic Victory, 1810 AD
Stagnate - Player 9
Diplomatic Loss
JMB - Player 12
Retired, 1445 AD
Jaxom - Player 21
Space Ship Victory, 1842 AD
Ribannah - Player 33
Diplomatic Victory, 1405 AD
Borealis - Player 38
Retired, 70 BC


Charis - Player 5Diplomatic Victory, 1665 AD
Sullla - Player 7Domination Victory, 1565 AD
Cyrene - Player 10Retired, 1824 AD
Speaker - Player 19Diplomatic Victory, 1790 AD


Griselda - Player 4Retired, 1500 AD
Rowain deWolf - Player 8Cultural Victory, 1876 AD
Kylearan - Player 20Retired, 1810 AD

To read all the reports, and the Epic Twenty-one discussion, visit the Civilization Forum. Congratulations to all who played!

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Griselda - KingOfPain - Charis