Sponsor: Charis
Opening Date: Monday, March 3 Duration: Four Weeks Map Generation: Randomly
generated, minor edits Difficulty:
Emperor Civilization: Carthage (Referred to as Numidians) World Size:
Standard Opponents: The seven other commercial civs Terrain: Continents,
60% water Climate: Standard Barbarians: Roaming Victory: Player must
win by UN or Space, but all are enabled Version: PTW 1.21f (NOTE! The new

CONCEPT: A game of commerce. You're trying to win with as much gold as you
possibly can, with as many commercial wonders as you can. If the other civs can
be tamed enough to be significant sources of income, all the better! BACKGROUND
AND COMMENTS: - The Carthaginians hate corruption, and they try to avoid
it as far as possible. - Beware of city overlap! This is wasteful and will
(usually) reduce commerce. - Be watchful over maintenance costs, ie do you
need barracks in all towns? - Troops cost money. Avoid a big standing army,
or military expenses where you won't end up gaining cash from the campaign. Certainly
quality over quantity, for same maintenance. - If other civs are happy and
peaceful, they'll have more money to spend on your goods. - The Carthaginians
will surely build many commercial docks and stock exchanges. - Carthaginians
start with Masonry and Alphabet, and need Bronze for UU and Colossus. - Note
other Commercial civs include: Romans(Mil), Greeks(Sci), Indians(Rel), French(Ind),
English(Exp), Spain(Rel), Koreans(Sci). - Wonders with Commercial flag: Lighthouse,
Colossus, UN, Magellan's, Smiths. - With Industrial flag: Pyramid, Hanging
Gardens, Great Wall, Hoover, Manhattan. RULES
OPTIONS: Nothing unusual, respawn is off, cultural link is off. RULES
CHANGES: Minor changes to name of civ, leader, a hero. VARIANT
Every city must carry its own weight! NO city may spend more money on improvements
than it generates as commerce. - No research! No libraries, no scientists!
Every beaker to research is one or more gold pieces not making it to the treasury!
Tech is cheaper to procure by 'other means' - All tiles worked by citizens
must generate commerce (river, road, resource...) The city governor might sometimes
interfere, but switch tile or make a river to fix this. - Monarchy is disallowed!
It would only slow down reaching a +commerce gov. - Our word is our bond.
Reputation is absolutely essential - no actions which would ruin our reputation
are allowed, nor any exploits, although other 'dastardly acts' which do not affect
reputation for trading are acceptable. 
(Somewhat involved, but don't worry about it) 1000
pts - Victory 4000 pts - Elected UN President 8000 pts - Launched Spaceship 3000
pts - Build Lighthouse from scratch 2000 pts - EACH, build Colossus or Smith
from scratch 1500 pts - EACH, build Magellan or United Nations from scratch
1000 pts - EACH, rushbuild any of those five commercial wonders with a leader
500 pts - EACH, capture any of those wonders and hold them at game's end.
200 pts - EACH, build or rush industrious wonders: Pyramids, Wall, Gardens,
Hoover, Manhatten
500 pts - EACH unit of luxury or strategic resources being exported to AI
civs in 10AD. 200 pts - EACH gold resource (hills, mtns) in use by your cities
in 1000AD 
BONUS - Applies *ONLY* to Diplomatic and Space Victories 1
pt - EACH gold coin in your treasury at game's end.
Treasury Bonus - Your entire Golden Age occurs while you are in Democracy
+2% Treasury Bonus - Your entire GA occurs in Republic +5%
Treasury Bonus - Fastest constructed Marketplace improvement +2% Treasury
Bonus - Second Fastest +1% Treasury Bonus - Third, Fourth, Fifth fastest. +4%
Treasury Bonus - Fastest constructed Bank improvement +2% Treasury Bonus -
Second Fastest +1% Treasury Bonus - Third, Fourth fastest. +3%
Treasury Bonus - Fastest constructed Stock Exchange improvement +2% Treasury
Bonus - Second Fastest +1% Treasury Bonus - Third fastest. +2%
Treasury Bonus - Fastest Harbor +2% Treasury Bonus - Fastest Wall Street Improvement
+2% Treasury Bonus - Fastest Commercial Docks TREASURY
Treasury Penalty to Diplomatic Winners - EACH extra turn played beyond the date
of the fastest reported diplomatic victory. -1%
Treasury Penalty to Space Ship Winners - EACH extra turn played beyond the date
of the fastest reported launch.
Multiplier bonuses and penalties are additive. Sum them up, then apply the total
to your final treasury to achieve a Bonus Score. Integer totals only, truncate
fractions. (Do not round up!)

Scoring Examples: *
Player A builds fastest markplace, third fastest bank. He finishes with a treasury
of 10000 gold in the vault, by diplomatic victory, in 1778AD. The fastest diplomatic
victory was 1650AD. From 1650 to 1750 is 20 turns, and 14 more turns to 1778.
That's a 34% penalty for late finish. 5% bonus for fast market, 1% for bank. Combine
+5 +1 and -34, for a total of -28%. Or a multiplier of 100 - 28 = 72. 10,000g
in the bank times 72% = 7200 bonus points for Player A. *
Player B builds second fastest market, fastest bank, fastest stock exchange, fastest
wall street, and had his whole golden age in republic. +2 +4 +3 +2 +2 = +13% in
total bonus. Unfortunately Player B tried to milk his treasury a little too far.
He finished with diplomatic victory in 1946AD with 250,000 gold in his treasury.
That's 118 turns after the fastest diplomatic victory in 1650AD, for a late
finish penalty of 118%. Even adding in his 13% bonus, the penalty is still 105%.
If your penalty exceeds 100%, your entire bonus will be wiped out and you'll be
left in the poor house. Bonus Points: 0. That's zero. None, nada, goose egg, zippo,
fuggetaboudit. *
Player C lost the space launch and did not qualify for Treasury Bonus. He did
score some points for building and capturing wonders, though, and for exporting
goods in 10AD. *
Player D scored the fastest diplomatic victory. He had his whole golden age in
Democracy and constructed the second fastest Stock Exchange, for +8 +2 = 10% bonus.
He had only 4369g in his treasury upon winning, but he suffers no late finish
penalty. So he gets 110% of his treasury as bonus, or 4369 + 436 = 4705 points. Yes,
you have to use a little math to find your way to sound fiscal policy, and you
will have to outguess the other investors, but that's the way it is in the financial
world. Best of luck, and don't take any wooden nickels. Those who are confused
by all this: "Make money. LOTS of it!" Good
luck, Charis 
Day: Monday, March 31. Reports due March 31 or April 1. REPORTING:
For full scoring points, be sure to note the following in your report! - Victory/loss,
year and type - Year when you finished building your first: marketplace, bank,
stock exchange, harbor, Wall Street, commercial dock. - Any wonder you
built/rushed (Commercial and Industrial give bonus pts) - 10AD list of any
resources being exported to AI civs - 1000AD list of all "gold"
resources in your city limits - When Golden Age occurred and govt at the time
- Final amount in the treasury at game end
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