Succession Games
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Succession Games

Epic Twenty-five: Numismatic Numidians - Results

SCENARIO CONCEPT: A game of commerce. You're trying to win with as much gold as you possibly can, with as many commercial wonders as you can. If the other civs can be tamed enough to be significant sources of income, all the better! Click here for scoring information, or here for the main Epic Twenty-five page.



Results Detail
 Points ValueDogBoyT-hawkKylearanDwipHotrodPzVGBorealis
Election40004,000 4,0004,000  4,000
Launch8000 8,000  8,0008,000 
Wonders (Capture=500, Rush=1000)
Great Lighthouse3000500500   3,0003,000
Colossus20002,0002,000  2,000500 
Smith's20002,0002,0002,000 2,0001,0002,000
Magellan1500 1,500    1,500
United Nations15001,5001,5001,5001,5001,5001,5001,500
Industrious wonders200/each400200400200400400200
Exports in 10 AD500/each 2,0004,000 5005002,000
Gold in 1000 AD200/each8001,2001,0001,0001,6001,200800
TOTAL 12,20019,90013,9007,70017,00017,10016,000
Treasury Bonus 81,717363,83180,84719,48864,454222,97077,866
Golden Age Bonus  8%8%8%2%2%8%
Marketplace BC 530BC 130AD 290BC 10AD 90BC 310BC 50
Bonus (%)5,2,1,1,15%1% 1% 2%1%
Bank AD 750AD 410AD 680AD 650AD 620AD 890AD 870
Bonus4,2,1,1 4%1%1%2%  
Stock Exchange AD 1265AD 1090AD 1250AD 1305AD 1325 AD 1400
Harbor AD 750BC 470BC 875BC 410BC 730 BC 150
Bonus2  2%    
Wall Street AD 1465AD 1160AD 1325AD 1430AD 1345 AD 1425
Bonus2 2%     
Commercial Dock AD 1440AD 1405 AD 1450AD 1490 AD 1600
Bonus2 2%     
Elected Year AD 1740 AD 1475AD 1710  AD 1740
Launch Year  AD 1778  AD 1740AD 1938 
Delayed Win (Turns) 531604709653
Penalty -53%-16%0%-47%0%-96%-53%
Total Multiplier -47%4%13%-37%4%-92%-44%
Total Bonus 43,310378,38491,35712,27767,03217,83743,604
TOTAL SCORE 55,510398,284105,25719,97784,03234,93759,604

SCORING: (Somewhat involved, but don't worry about it)

1000 pts - Victory
4000 pts - Elected UN President
8000 pts - Launched Spaceship

3000 pts - Build Lighthouse from scratch
2000 pts - EACH, build Colossus or Smith from scratch
1500 pts - EACH, build Magellan or United Nations from scratch
1000 pts - EACH, rushbuild any of those five commercial wonders with a leader
500 pts - EACH, capture any of those wonders and hold them at game's end.
200 pts - EACH, build or rush industrious wonders: Pyramids, Wall, Gardens,
Hoover, Manhatten

500 pts - EACH unit of luxury or strategic resources being exported to AI
civs in 10AD.
200 pts - EACH gold resource (hills, mtns) in use by your cities in 1000AD

TREASURY BONUS - Applies *ONLY* to Diplomatic and Space Victories

1 pt - EACH gold coin in your treasury at game's end.


+8% Treasury Bonus - Your entire Golden Age occurs while you are in Democracy
+2% Treasury Bonus - Your entire GA occurs in Republic

+5% Treasury Bonus - Fastest constructed Marketplace improvement
+2% Treasury Bonus - Second Fastest
+1% Treasury Bonus - Third, Fourth, Fifth fastest.

+4% Treasury Bonus - Fastest constructed Bank improvement
+2% Treasury Bonus - Second Fastest
+1% Treasury Bonus - Third, Fourth fastest.

+3% Treasury Bonus - Fastest constructed Stock Exchange improvement
+2% Treasury Bonus - Second Fastest
+1% Treasury Bonus - Third fastest.

+2% Treasury Bonus - Fastest Harbor
+2% Treasury Bonus - Fastest Wall Street Improvement
+2% Treasury Bonus - Fastest Commercial Docks


-1% Treasury Penalty to Diplomatic Winners - EACH extra turn played beyond the date of the fastest reported diplomatic victory.

-1% Treasury Penalty to Space Ship Winners - EACH extra turn played beyond the date of the fastest reported launch.

Multiplier bonuses and penalties are additive. Sum them up, then apply the total to your final treasury to achieve a Bonus Score. Integer totals only, truncate fractions. (Do not round up!)

To read all the reports, and the Epic Twenty-five discussion, please see the reporting thread. Thanks to T-hawk for compiling these results. Congratulations to all who played!

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