Sponsors: Charis
and Griselda Opening date: Monday, January 26 Duration: Four weeks Civilization:
Mayans Difficulty: Emperor Map size: Standard, randomly generated
Opponents: Five (no Iroquois) Land: Pangaea, 70% water Barbarians: None
Victory: All enabled Version: Conquests 1.15 beta Cultural link and Respawn

concept: ECC? Enslaved City Challenge. To found a Mayan city requires merging
of an enslaved unit. Rules
Moditifation: The "max eruption period" for volcanos is set to 100,000
years. Each volcano on the map will erupt at least once within the indicated eruption
period (shown in years). The default setting is 5000 years. Variant
rules: You may only found a city (other than the capitol) if you merge an
enslaved worker into it the same turn. Regular captured workers don't count- just
workers that have been "enslaved" by a victorious javelin thrower. You
may not capture cities, or accept them as part of a peace agreement. Razing is
permitted. Using
Shift-N to rename enslaved workers when you get them is a great way to tell them
apart from workers acquired by other means. Scoring:
Ranked by fastest finish in each victory type. To
ensure uniformity and a level playing field for comparisons, please ensure that
you do have Conquests version 1.15 installed before playing. Patch 1.15 can be
downloaded here. 
day: Monday, February 23, 2004. Reports due February 23 or 24.
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