Succession Games
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Succession Games

Epic Thirty-eight: Slavetrader Mayan ECC - Results

Scenario concept: ECC? Enslaved City Challenge. To found a Mayan city requires merging of an enslaved unit.

Scoring: Ranked by fastest finish in each victory type. For mor information, please see the main Epic Thirty-eight page.

Conquest Victories
Domination Victories
1470 AD
1475 AD
1485 AD (Always War)
1838 AD
Space Victories
Cultural Victories (All 20K Culture)
1625 AD
1808 AD
1720 AD
1934 AD
1745 AD
1938 AD
1836 AD
Losses and Retired Games
Sir Bugsy
Domination defeat, 1790 AD
Retired, 1310 AD

To read all the reports, and the Epic Thirty-eight discussion, please see the main Reporting Thread. Congratulations to all players!

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Griselda - KingOfPain - Charis