System Overview
data - Quicksilver
Technology: The Player Experience
of Orion 3 features a more "natural" model for the interactions
between a government, a society, and technological advances. This
is very different than the "abstract" models in most galactic strategy
games, so please read this section with particular care.
The Technology
is not a unidimensional entity. Research in many areas is affected
by that in other related fields. And, occasionally, a scientific
advance can be prompted by what appears at first to be a rather
indirect connection between fields. This is the concept underlying
the Technology Wheel.
Wheel is divided into six Schools:
- Biological
- Mathematics
and Computers
- Macrosciences
- Microsciences
- Social
Arts and Sciences
- Economics
and Business
Schools are arranged so that related topics are next to one another.
Within each School are a number of specific Fields of research.
Internally, progress is monitored separately in each of these Fields.
time the civilization advances in one or more fields, it may be
given access to new technologies, social institutions, or even new
fields of research.
in mind that the Wheel is merely a simplified, visual representation
of the relationships between research areas. It is very useful for
summarizing and categorizing the myriad fields of inquiry that make
up our scientific infrastructure, but it cannot be used to compare
relative values of different research fields. Biological Science
is not the opposite of Mathematics, for example. And just because
Psychology is a certain distance from Management does not mean they
have no relationship.
Key Concept:
"Big Picture" versus "Under the Hood"
players of Master of Orion III may not wish to delve into
the minutiae of scientific research. For this reason, the technology
system offers the same "layers of the onion" approach as other parts
of the game.
the "big picture" level of the Fundamental Research screen, the
player simply sees slider bars for the six major Schools (Biological
Sciences, Mathematics and Computers, Macrosciences, Microsciences,
Social Arts and Sciences, and Economics and Business). These can
be adjusted individually to give general direction to the research
player can dig deeper "under the hood," if desired, and open up
the display to show the current research priorities on each field
within each school. Sliders for each field can be adjusted individually.
Research is even more automated from the player's perspective. The
various Leaders throughout the player's civilization will regularly
generate "needs" for new or improved technologies, and of course
the Military Command will constantly be seeking technological advantages
for its vessels and installations.
player will see a queue of desired projects, prioritized based on
the requests from Leaders and the Military and by the empire-wide
settings that determine the percentage share of resources to be
split between military and civilian efforts. The player can examine
the queues and reorganize them, as appropriate, or delete items
which are not desirable. Or, the player can simply let the AIs take
care of the details and focus on other parts of the game.
Key Concept:
most games of this genre featuring the standard "abstract" technological
discovery model, progress is openly shown to players. Often they
will see a beaker or test tube filling up as a progress meter while
a number below the icon indicates that technology will be discovered
in "4 turns." That is not the case in this game.
Side of Opacity
Master of Orion III's natural technology model, no one knows
exactly how close to completion a research project is. At best,
one can query their scientific community about a Research Category
or Program and get a vague answer back about how progress is coming
along and how soon things might be completed.
will not be able to say, "in two more turns I'll get the Kill-O-Zap
Device and then look out!" Instead, they're going to have to make
the best of things and use all the other tools in their toolbox
to stall for time while they wait hopefully for the Kill-O-Zap Device
Project to bear fruit.
Other Side of Opacity
the opacity of technological discoveries does not always work against
a player. There is one way that it works for a player. That is,
when something is discovered, it remains a "Black Box" Discovery
until it is actually employed in some way.
this means is that spies will have a far more difficult time stealing
secrets that have yet to be generally employed. Ones that have been
in use in many places over a period of time will be much easier
to acquire. Therefore, a player can "sit" on a breakthrough (by
not employing its advantages right away) to help preserve the secret
advantage of having it.
Key Concept:
Research is "Need-Driven" and "Program Based"
most games of this genre, research boils down to a player surveying
the well-known technology tree and saying, "I want that discovery."
It was very predictable, and very boring."
Master of Orion 3's natural technology model, a civilization instead
defines its own specific technological needs. When it does, their
scientific community goes off and puts together a list of scientific
projects ("programs") that can be launched to meet a defined need.
Based Research
answer to a need consists of suggested "programs." Individual programs
can be selected along with each program's funding level and production
priorities. It is from these programs that practical items that
can be built or applied to a civilization emerge.
example, a decisive space battle occurs. The losing civilization's
two primary offensive weapons, Heavy Gatling Phasers and Mark
III Missiles, inflicted little damage upon the enemy's ships.
Analysis reveals that the enemy's shields were penetrated
but not their armor. As a result, the losing civilization
defines a need for weapons that can penetrate the enemy civilization's
the next Turn, the scientists' reports are in. Four projects
are proposed:
first project is a straight request to increase the fundamental
research in the field of chemistry. More breakthroughs are
sought here to help address this problem.
second project is to conduct applied research on an Armor
Piercing Phaser.
third project is to conduct applied research on Armor Piercing
fourth project is to conduct applied research on the Mark
V Missile.
player is also informed as to which other civilizations currently
have in-place technologies that address this problem so that
solutions might also be acquired from without.
same mechanism can also help a civilization improve in areas
where it is already strong. In the absence of a particular
threat, for example, the AI could look for ways to improve
weapons or other societal systems that are already in relatively
good shape, further widening the gap with the competition.
Funding Levels
a project is given the "go ahead," two important decisions must
be made. The first concerns funding. Along with the description
of each project are estimates of the time/cost and "confidence."
time/cost estimate recommends what level of funding will "fully
fund" the project for the fastest, most cost efficient research.
Options to fund at higher and lower levels will also be presented
along with revised completion and confidence estimates."
estimates are subjective assessments of the "risk" of that project.
A project might sound very cool, but if the risk is high, it might
not be worth the drain on the treasury.
Note: During times of war when needs are urgent, players
will probably pursue low-risk applied technologies. This will
give players quick new inventions that might appear in time
to affect the conflict. During periods of peace, however,
riskier projects and more fundamental research are appropriate
for their potential long-term benefits.
Key Concept:
"Cheating" the Design Process
research and development is only one possible means of obtaining
a desired technology. If a player is in a hurry to control a new
Application, that player can always try to buy it or steal it from
someone else. In either case, the player will probably be able to
obtain the item more rapidly than would otherwise have been possible,
and possibly for a lower cost.
addition, if a player obtains from another civilization a device
whose technological precursors are much higher than those currently
possessed by the player, then the player will also gain easier knowledge
of those higher levels. Having a working model of something that
uses an unknown Level of a given Field will help the player reach
that Level more quickly.
is ever free, though. The drawback to obtaining specific Applications
or Institutions from sources other than fundamental research is
that the player does not truly "understand" the new technology.
In much the same way that a factory worker can build a very delicate
piece of advanced hardware without truly understanding its internals,
the receiving civilization will be able to make copies of the item,
but will be much less likely to improve upon it or use it as a springboard
for further discoveries. In short, buying or stealing technologies
is a "quick fix" but can quickly become a vicious circle as further
discoveries become more and more difficult to achieve naturally.
Key Concept:
Refinement (a.k.a. Miniaturization)
can be improved without inventing completely new ones. The discovery
of the transistor was a major advance, but, even without moving
to another level of sophistication like integrated circuits, transistor
radios became better and less expensive year after year. This concept
was known as Miniaturization in Master of Orion II, but has been
renamed Refinement in this game because of its more general applicability.
is quite simple: once the player completes a given Advance, continued
fundamental research will reduce the size or cost of the Advance.
Each Level of additional research in the primary field for the Advance
will affect these parameters by a defined amount (which will differ
for each Advance). If the player builds a Phaser based on Optronics
Level 10, the cost of the Phaser and its size in Interior Space
Units may decline slightly when the player reaches Optronics Level
savvy player will want to perform research in fields which can refine
a number of weapons, sensors and defensive systems, then go back
to older ship designs and refit them with the latest technologies.
Such ships may be able to hold more of the same weapons or be less
expensive to build. This process is evolutionary rather than revolutionary,
but is still very important for the player. It is completely separate
from the creation of new ship types with new weapons or other systems.
Technological Research is "Paid For""
"income" is derived from two primary sources, government spending
on research and Research Points generated by Research facilities.
Their sum is allocated (via slider bars) to fund Fundamental Research
in each Field as well as all Applied Research. In addition to providing
Research Points, research facilities also determine the maximum
optimal government spending limit on research."
Note: Like the purchasing of other things via the slider
bar/build queue method used in MOO3, money invested in research
"earns interest" each Turn in which that category/project
continues to be funded.
it Smart...
factors play into technology and research. The education level of
a civilization is one of them. The more educated a society is, the
greater the likelihood that they spot chance opportunities as they
come along.
religion, and race all impact the pursuit, preferred areas, and
even sociological acceptance of research. Some races are more inclined
to make easier discoveries in one category and with greater difficulty
in another.
Not Too Smart
races, however, will fear the advent of too many new technologies
changing their lives too quickly. If a civilization is too aggressive
in applying its research, there could be social backlash.
Note: The game design goal behind this radical concept
is to eliminate the pursuit of technology leadership as the
only way to win the game. Technology is still an important
part of the solution for achieving victory, but like everything
else, stable societies tend to only accept changes in moderation.
In Technology: Technology System: Under the Hood