A collection of custom portraits available for download.


Custom Portraits Guide - Coming soon



Tutorial and Reference
Recall Stone Tutorial
by Ryan "WarLocke" Brown
Tutorial on making a Recall Stone system with scripts
They eliminate boring treks back to town to sell loot in singleplayer, and (with the right setup) can make it much easier to keep a party together in multiplayer. If you would like to set up a recall system, read on.

Merchant Tutorial

Pack Animal Tutorial
Justin Gattuso

Merchant Tutorial
This is a quick tutorial that should have you up and running with merchant creation fairly quickly. It takes you through the necessary procedures to create your very own merchant for use in your module. Other information is included that you may also find handy or have perhaps overlooked. Take a look if your interested!

Pack Animal Tutorial
The Pack Animal Tutorial is an extensive tutorial that will show you step by step how to create your very own pack animal for use in Neverwinter Nights single-player and multi-player modules. Along the way it will explain everything that is being done and the reasons why they were done. Features:

Module Construction
Finished Sample Module

step-by-step on using the BioWare Aurora Neverwinter Nights Toolset to create a basic module. As an added bonus, you can download the sample module that is a finished version of what the tutorial will show you how to make.
NWScript Functions
Keith Warner

Word document will all the scripting functions with a clickable index and their definitions
NWNScript Reference
Richard Conner
Outstanding resource of scripting information. A must have
Scripting Tutorial
David Gaider

This is a very quick conversion of David Gaider's scripting tutorials that was posted on 24 July into a pdf document.
Game Play
Hardcore Ruleset
Manual .pdf
The HardCore Ruleset is a set of scripts that modify the NWN game to provide an experience that is much closer to the Pen and Paper DND 3rd Edition rules.




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