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Replacement for civ 6 PBEM 17 |
Posted by: Alhambram - April 19th, 2020, 12:43 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion
- Replies (1)
Anyone interested to replace me at ongoing CiV 6 PBEM 17?
I have lost interest to keep playing mainly due snail pace, till someone replaces me I keep playing my turns.
Someone interested can come over my thread in PBEM 17 thread and I can fill up you.
The situation is acutally not bad, third best science (bit behind top 2 players) and best culture per turn of all players (as turn 98).
So you aren't taking over from player which empire is about to collapse or ongoing crumbling empire.
Thing to keep in mind, if you are replacing me, expect to play turn every 3 days.
Eador Genesis Demo |
Posted by: naufragar - April 18th, 2020, 11:21 - Forum: The Gaming Table
- Replies (60)
I must be in the mood for demo games (demonstration, not democracy ). Soon, Bob, MJW, and I will show off Age of Wonders: Planetfall, but for a while I had wanted to share my love of an old, cheap masterpiece called Eador: Genesis. Here I’ll walk through a game and try to highlight as many of the positives as I can.
I’m not an expert at this game. I play on the fourth of seven difficulties (so the equivalent of Civilization’s Prince difficulty) and still lose most of the time. There’s lots for me to learn still, so if you are an Eador savant, please don’t be offended. 
Eador is, essentially, a hero-based 4x game in the same tribe as the Heroes of Might and Magic and Age of Wonders series. Doesn’t this look familiar:

The world map is divided into tiles. My cursor is on our capital, “Homeland.” I have put a red box around the “locations” counter. Each tile in Eador contains numerous locations to visit, usually with the intention of killing the locals and taking their stuff.
To do said conquering, we have heroes leading armies. Each hero gets progressively more expensive. We start with enough gold to buy one from a pool of Wizard, Warrior, Scout, and Commander. I picked a scout:

On this screen, we can view the hero’s army, equipment, skills, and memorized spells. Looks a lot like HoMM (which I’ve barely played…).
In Eador, you only have one stronghold. If you lose it, you lose the game. There is an extensive building tree. I want to unlock the “Barbarian” unit, but first I must build a Tavern.

The flow of the turns in Eador is fascinating. You can only build one building a turn. This happens instantly. All movement, yours and your opponents’, happens on the interturn. If you’ve played the boardgame Diplomacy, think of it like that. I have to wait until next turn build the building to get my Barbarians, so I might as well put my scout to use.

Here, I’m ordering my hero to visit one of those six locations indicated in the first screenshot. My hero currently has two terrible units and his weak starting weapons, so the enemies in any of these will slaughter us. All the same, I want to see what we’re up against, so I tell the hero to go to the Ancient Ruins (Brigands). I give him the order; he promises to do it; and then I press End Turn and the order is carried out.
In the interturn, I’m presented with this:

I don’t know exactly how many of each unit type my army would face, but I definitely would lose this fight. I retreat. The next turn I build a Barbarian Camp and recruit three Barbarians. I again send my hero into the Ancient Ruins. I thought I took a pic of the start of the battle, but I didn’t. Here’s halfway through:

I’ve killed on enemy unit and I’ve sent my Barbarian to attack an enemy brigand. The red numbers above each unit’s head are the damage. So far, so Wesnoth, or any other fantasy hex-based game. Here’s how damage works:

The sword is the Attack stat. The two swords is the Counterattack stat. The shield is the Defense stat. (The shield and arrow is the Ranged Defense stat, but let’s ignore that for now.) Brigands have a high Attack stat but a low Counterattack stat. Barbarians do, too. When a unit is attacked the damage received is Attack minus Defense plus or minus one (I think. I actually don’t know the combat formula precisely.) Counterattacks use the Counterattack stat. So we like to attack first with our Barbarians against their Brigands. Note in the previous picture that the Brigand received 7 damage to our 4.
I win the fight, and all my units survive. (Barely. One Barb has 1hp.) In addition to a little bit of gold and magic gems, Eador’s two currencies, we get experience. The scout gains a level and I get to pick from three randomly drawn Scout skills:

Regular units get to choose between two random upgrades. I give my promoted barbs an extra point of health. If certain conditions are met, the game tells you certain units performed heroically and can be given awards:

I guess barbs pin medals onto their kilts.
[Spoilers] Lazteuq and RefSteel's PB51 Adventure |
Posted by: Lazteuq - April 17th, 2020, 11:19 - Forum: Pitboss 51
- Replies (190)
Here we go, Thanks for being open to a new person! I've never done pitboss before and I'm new to RB. I'll probably need some help with the technical side of just how pitboss works.
I do play simultaneous turns MP with friends, but not much, so this is a pretty new experience for me. Please don't hesitate to tell me if I'm being stupid.
Leader and civ choice: I'm already questioning my Pericles of France, but here are some reasons I picked him:
-I didn't want to try an obviously warmongering combo, because I doubt my own ability to pull off an early rush.
-I've heard the Musketeer is really good with knights/cuirassiers for fast warfare. That sounds fun at least.
-I really like creative for freedom with early city placement. Maybe I have a problem of using creative as a crutch...
-Creative libraries go well with Philosophical for getting early great scientists, even if I don't get any wonders. Since there is no tech trading, I figured extra early beakers will be even more valuable.
I've been wondering: Why is PHI only worth one point in the picking system? I thought PHI was arguably better than FIN, at least for singleplayer.
cars |
Posted by: superdeath - April 16th, 2020, 18:18 - Forum: Off Topic
- Replies (36)
Anyone here have some good car know-how? I got my job back and with that backpay coming + making more moolah, im thinking about purchasing a car. Specifically:
Ive looked at it and for the price that it started out as when new, vs now.. with how low of miles it has I think its a good deal. Im going for a test drive in a week, and hope that its still available for purchase in a couple months... Im also open to other car suggestions. Thanks for any info!
Something to do |
Posted by: superdeath - April 16th, 2020, 16:10 - Forum: The Gaming Table
- Replies (3)
Looking for anyone down to play anything from Chess to MTG to some random Civ 4 games. Right now outside of work i am... quite literally bored to death.
Future of RtR |
Posted by: Charriu - April 16th, 2020, 01:24 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion
- Replies (55)
I know this discussion would belong into the RtR subforum, but I'm not sure how many members show up there, especially those that aren't interested in RtR. So to increase awareness I post here.
As some of you may know Krill has quitted in PB46 and hasn't returned to these realms since the 10th of February. In his last post he wrote about quitting:
(February 8th, 2020, 05:16)Krill Wrote: ... but the reality is I needed a temporary sub in about 3 weeks anyway, for a period of up to 2 weeks and it's fairer to have a permanent sub.
According to his last post I would have expected him to return around the 16th of March, but he didn't. He also didn't replay to any of my PMs. He also never contacted me about quitting RtR or RB at all, in fact I even developed some stuff he asked me about during his absence. There were also some players who raised concerns about RtRs development both here in the forum and in PMs to me. This leaves the question of what to do with RtR in the future. But first let me quickly share what definitly will happen with RtR:
- I will merge my BUG implementation with the core RtR project unifying the mod back into one version
- The minor changes Krill asked me about will be merged into the mod. Don't worry about them, they are absolutely minor changes regarding late era starts.
- I will add the three missing trait-combos/leaders discussed here: Vote here for new leaders
Krill started this mod back in 2010 together with Cyneheard. Their goal at first was to rebalance some broken stuff in BtS, but this quickly moved on to more changes. I started a discussion with Krill via PM about the mods direction, as I thought, we are going to far. The mission goal as Krill stated to me in a PM is and was:
(February 8th, 2020, 05:16)Krill Wrote: The whole mod idea came about from a series of chats between Cyneheard and myself in August and September 2010 and then we went at it properly after Civ 5 was a bust.
My belief is that this means there is no objective measurement against which to measure the objectives achieved since that point. OTOH, I have been working to the following objective since PB37 ended, and we ran the test mod in PB42. That new mission statement is defined below:
"The aim of the RtR mod is to provide a new ruleset that allows games started with a reasonable number of players on an appropriate map size to reach a game defined victory condition".
Reasonable number of players on an appropriate map size is dependant upon, but not only to the recommended number of layers for a map size, and number of tiles per player. In game victory conditions defined as Conquest, Domination, Science and Culture victory conditions.
By this metric there isn't a "Too much". Whether that is a good mission statement is another question: I accept that many people focus on minimum changes.
Reading back through the old development thread here, I noticed that we lost quite a few players with more and more changes in RtR. Lastly I also want to share Krill's thoughts about the mod from his last post:
(February 8th, 2020, 05:16)Krill Wrote: Also, I'm done with RtR mod at this point, at least after I do a final update. There's no way to test the next level of changes without problems with map generation and relative player skill being solved and that's beyond me to fix.
I myself got into the RtR project back in 2019 and initially wanted to just add BUG to RtR. Krill also asked me to add some changes inside the DLL, as you may know. The way I see it we had the following roles:
Krill was the lead and in charge of the overall direction of RtR and balancing
I just add BUG and help with changes to the DLL
I already mentioned that I think the changes in RtR stray to far from the original BtS. My fear is that we loose players with more changes and it is harder to get into the mod for new players. Interestingly this puts me in a similar position as T-Hawk back in the original development thread, who also disagreed with changes, but was happy to code changes in. Therefore if I would take over RtR I would probably leave it as it is and rather start a new mod closer to BtS, but only if there is interest in playing a mod closer to BtS.
With all these informations I want to return to you to start this discussion about the future of RtR. As you can see I started a poll with this thread because I want to know what the community as a whole thinks about RtR.
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