So here we go again, I doubt Cornflakes will be caught again with his pants down in builder mode.
Rome means that cities will be chosen for defensive position and I need to keep his hands of a GG.
Anyway, a rather nice capital 1 NW, keeping the forest and settling on a plains hill behind a river. I like it a lot.
And so begins round 2: Me as Rome vs. TheArchduke as Germany. Here is the start I rolled
Hmmm ... not exactly the best. I strongly considered re-rolling this, but I'll play the hand dealt and see what happens If it turns out in a couple turns that this "peninsula" is not connected to the mainland then I'll suggest restarting. No fresh water, only coastal so growth will be stunted early at the capital. I'm Rome, so no temptation for early monument this time There are 3 good tiles to improved with a builder so this is one of those starts where builder before settler is probably best. I decided to go scout first, partly to guard against an unlucky barb spawn snatching the builder if I went builder first, partly to see early on if land continues to the east.
I decided to settle on the Marble. With stunted early growth I'm not going to have enough pop to work that tile, might as well get the free culture and amenity. It does expose me to naval attack, but I'm betting that TheArchduke's Germany won't be prioritizing a navy. I have a good Harbor site if desired.
I'm hoping the cultural expansion picks up the stone so that I can buy the horse tile. Plan is to go Scout > Builder and quarry stone, buy and pasture horse, farm rice. Farm plus pasture will raise housing to 5, allowing me to grow easily to size 4. I'll probably pump a few settlers out at size 4 so this should be fine for early housing. Rome's monument plus the marble provides a rocking cultural start. It's going to be hard to keep up with the eurekas.
Before we continue, I think this is the time to decide how much game balance we want in the game.
I see two different possible options.
1. We want as much game balance as possible, no matter the costs
2. We don't care if excessive early game luck or certain extreme tactics result in unfair wins.
Particularly, we can choose to try fixing the armorer's guild, and the starting mineral balance issues, or we can decide these are acceptable and ignore them. I don't think a non-intrusive non-artificial solution for them exists, unfortunately.
Obviously, not everyone will be happy with the decision, whichever way we go, so I'll open a poll for this.
To quote from current tasks :
Quote:[Armorer's Guild] Players can sometimes build endgame military buildings too early. Some sort of a non-artificial solution to prevent this without reducing the income sources is needed. Variable buying costs might be doable but it feels too artificial. [Dwarf race] Golems are overpowered, probably need to lose Magic Immunity and some armor. The above Armorer's Guild issue is even more problematic here so Golems requiring the building won't be a solution unless that gets solved. [Starting minerals] Starting on too much or certain types of minerals (adamantium) results in unbalanced games. A restriction to starting minerals might be needed? [Tactician], [Warlord] Making these two retorts mutually exclusive could force players to make a real choice instead of the no-brainer "both" when playing military strategies.
Edit : voting and discussion of specific issues continue in specific threads for each issue (see last post)
I have the pleasure of being abandoned by my partner on Saturday as she goes travelling until Sunday. Aside from those mundane household chores I am free, and was wondering if a few people wanted to play an MP game on Saturday afternoon GMT? Say starting around 1300 GMT ish?
Hi, dont know where else to put this so, im looking for a few others that might be available to play any type of games via the steam multiplayer lobby/ect. things like ffa/teams/earth map ect ect. looking to get some fresh vs human experience b4 the next pitboss. Thanks!
-normal availability for me is 7pm cst-1am cst. can go later, occasionally can go earlier.
With OSG31 having ended in victory for lizard-kind and the XCOM Long War SG finally reaching a successful conclusion, I found myself with some free gaming time. I was in the mood for more MoO, so I decided to look at playing some of the old Imperia and writing shadow reports. (shallow_thought has since sponsored Imperium 45, which looks like a lot of fun, so now I am busy again. ) I went back to the very beginning and Imperium 1, sponsored by Sirian back in April 2004.
'Off to a Flying Start' features the Alkari in a medium galaxy, average difficulty, no special variant rules. Should be a nice, gentle introduction -- I could use a nice, straight-forward game to just relax and enjoy some MoO. Right?
By 2351 I was colonizing my fifth world. The Silicoids have...eleven. The rocks are going wild, and may beat me to the northeastern portion of the galaxy; they already own the entire north central. And oh yes, all three of our racial enemies (Mrrshan, Sakkra, and Klackons) are present in this galaxy. Plus the Meklar, who as usual have a scary big fleet.
Surely I am not going to lose this is just average. Right?
Would have to crawl into a hole and disappear from shame if that happens. So I better get to work. Shadow report to be posted once I finish playing.
I was playing as Cathy and went to whip a settler that had 55/100 hammers invested, but the game wanted two pop, where I would expect it needed just one. (30h normal speed +50%=45). If I add just one more hammer, bringing it to 56/100, I can one pop whip, so it's not like the game wants the whip hammers to finish the settler w/o modifiers. To make sure I wasn't going crazy, I checked if the granary or the creative library needed the whip to overflow. Nope. 30h invested plus 1 pop; totally fine.
I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, but I've been world buildering scenarios in BtS and RtR for like a day and still can't figure out the mechanic.
Race: Humans
Difficulty: Impossible
Map Size: Medium
Opponents: 5
Events: On
Note: playing with kyrub's 1.4 patch is recommended.
+10 base starting points
-1 point for each special other than battle scanners, extended range or a colony base that is used in a design
+1 point for never building a design that uses battle scanners
+1 point for never building a design using extended range, other than the initial scout design
+1 point for never building a colony ship that uses Barren, Tundra or Dead
+1 point for never building a colony ship that uses Inferno, Toxic or Radiated
-5 points if the player wins a council vote without oneself already having at least 50% of the votes (cheap early council cheese wins discouraged).
The exception is that you may produce one design during the game, which must be called "THEMULLIGAN", which does not affect the scoring. This design can have any specials that you like on it.
- Costs are per-design; building 1000 small bombers of a single design with Stabilizer (for example) still costs just one point.
- Multiple specials on a design (other than those excluded) each cost a point; a huge design with ARS, Repulsor and Ion Stream costs 3 points.
- Two identical designs each cost points.
Players have until 11:59 GMT on Monday, December 11th to submit a score and (optionally) a game report.
The save and starting map are attached.
Important: to avoid early disappointment, Orion is marked on the map. It's the green to the North-East of Sol, only 3 parsecs away (hence the warning).
Good luck!
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