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  FFH2 AI Survivor - Season 1
Posted by: Psillycyber - September 17th, 2017, 09:56 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (37)

This is the planning and discussion thread for FFH2 AI Survivor, Season 1, an idea inspired by Sullla's gratifying Civ4 AI Survivor series.     

Since this is the first time trying something like this, I will simply play these games at my leisure and write up reports for them that I will post here as PDF files with screenshots.  If there is interest for a "Season 2," then I can replicate Sullla's system of collecting predictions, scoring them for points, livestreaming the matches, etc. for Season 2.  But consider this first season "experimental."  

For this season, I will be using unmodded FFH2 with the latest patch.  (In doing a couple of brief test-runs, I was reminded of how much screwy stuff is in unmodded FFH2, such as how the Clan's "For the Horde" spell can recruit Sons of the Inferno).  If we do additional seasons, we can talk about desired mods.  

There are 36 leaders in FFH2 if you count Decius thrice (once for his Bannor version, once for his Calabim version, and once for his Malakim version).  

The plan is, first, to whittle down the field in a series of four 9-player playoff games.  

One slight complication is that I'd prefer not to have multiple copies of any civ in any one game.  It just intuitively seems like things could get screwy with world-spells being re-used.  Therefore, I've developed a spreadsheet that sorts leaders into non-overlapping categories and randomly selects them from these non-overlapping pools.  

The results of my random selections are as follows:

Playoff Game 1:
Capria of the Bannor
Valladelia the Even of the Amurites
Charadon of the Doviello
Ethne the White of the Elohim
Tasunke of the Hippus
Hannah the Irin of the Lanun
Cassiel of the Grigori
Auric Ulvin of the Illians
Cardith Lorda of the Kuriotates

Playoff Game 2:  
Sabathiel of the Bannor
Flauros of the Calabim
Amelanchier of the Ljosalfar
Perpentach of the Balseraphs
Decius of the Malakim
Einon Logos of the Elohim
Rhoanna of the Hippus
Falamar of the Lanun
Sandalphon of the Sidar

Playoff Game 3: 
Decius of the Calabim
Arendel Phaedra of the Ljosalfar
Dain the Caswallan of the Amurites
Keelyn of the Balseraphs
Jonas Endain of the Clan of Embers
Arcturus Thorne of the Khazad
Beeri Bawl of the Luchiurp
Tebryn Arbandi of the Sheaim
Faeryl Viconia of the Svartalfar

Playoff Game 4:
Decius of the Bannor
Alexis of the Calabim
Thessa of the Ljosalfar
Varn Gosam of the Malakim
Sheelba of the Clan of Embers
Mahala of the Doviello
Kandros Fir of the Khazad
Garrim Gyr of the Luchiurp
Os Gabella of the Sheaim

The winner and runner-ups of each game will advance to the championship game, UNLESS there are multiple leaders from the same civ that are eligible for advancing.  Only one representative from each civ will be allowed in the championship game.  If there are multiple eligible contenders for the championship game from a single civ, then winner with the earlier victory date (if both are winners), or the runner-up with the higher score at finish (if both are runner-ups), will advance.  (If one was a winner and the other merely a runner-up, then the winner will advance).  

In addition, any surviving civs from the playoff games that finished lower than the runner-ups will go to a wildcard game (with the same rules applying here about only one representative from each civ being allowed in the wildcard game—the tiebreaker will be the leaders' scores at the end of their playoff games).  The winner of the wildcard game will go on to the championship (unless, once again, there is already a representative of that civ in the championship; if the other representative was a winner from a playoff game, then the playoff game winner will advance; if the other representative was a runner-up from a playoff game, then the winner of the wildcard game will advance).  

Thus, the championship game will have, at maximum, 9 players, although it may have fewer (if some of the winners and runner-ups of the playoff games are of the same civ, making some of them ineligible).  

All games will be played on randomly-generated maps with the following settings:
Deity Difficulty
Small size
Wet rainfall
Raging Barbarians ON
Aggressive AI ON
End of Winter ON
Culture-flipping after conquest ON
Tech Trading OFF
Vassal States OFF
Tribal huts ON
Wildlands ON
Blessing of Amathaon ON
Living World ON
Last Days ON
All Unique Features ON

Starting positions will NOT be changed whatsoever, except for relocating the spectator civ from the mainland to an impregnable mountainous island.  

Victory Conditions:  ALL ENABLED
*HOWEVER, note that the AI doesn't really know how to pursue some of the victories, such as the Altar, Tower of Mastery, or Religious victories.  

I foresee the possibility of AIs occasionally eliminating all of the opposing alignment and then falling into a late-game lovefest before any single AI reaches the domination threshold.  Therefore, in order to prevent a static endgame of having to wait out the turns until a time victory, I will be making the following worldbuilder intervention:


This basically turns the Tower of Mastery victory into more of a generic "spaceship-type" victory, but I think it is a necessary tweak to save me from potential boredom.  I am NOT going to play a game through until turn 700 to observe a time victory!


One last thing:  I will try to attach a PDF with screenshots of the starting positions for Game 1.  I will play it and write up a report for it hopefully within about a week or so.  In the meantime, feel free to speculate about the outcome!

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  Imperium 44: Tiberian Sun
Posted by: Psillycyber - September 13th, 2017, 14:27 - Forum: Master of Orion - Replies (11)

Home Sweet Home, 250 years after the Second Tiberium War and the Great Tiberium Seeding:

[Image: fmv_16x9.jpg]

Diary of Crystous, Emperor of the 25th Tiberium Council
Cryslon, Nod 31st, 2300

Though my outer crust may sparkle with seeming optimism for the cameras, in truth I feel a sense of foreboding about my new election to the High Seat of the Tiberium Council.  Just 74 years ago I was but a fragile carbuncle, and now even at my young age the Tiberium Council expects me to draft two consecutive 10-year executive plan for the Silicoid Empire for the next 20 years to come!  

I do not know if I am up to the task.  If only I could have inherited an empire not splintering at every fault line.  I remember stories from my grandparents of how the Silicoid Empire was once a majestic force in its earliest years after the Tiberium Triumph (Kane lives in death). Back then our fleshy meatbag ancestors, the "humans" as historians call them, were just beginning the wonders of divination.  The energy-harnessing properties of the Tiberium crystals were new and wondrous to them.  They built great crystal palaces, and even Cryslon-orbiting ships (back when they still called our planet Cryslon "Earth" out of ancient custom).  Then we became complacent.  Slow.  Tired.  Though I fear myself treading close to heresy, I cannot help but think that we lost something after the Tiberium Triumph (Kane lives in death).  Legend has it that our human ancestors used to have veritable litters of offspring nearly every other year.  Now it takes decades to sire a single heir.  Or so they say.  I wouldn't know.  My pearl is still working on our first little carbuncle (may his roots grow to be strong as the mountains!)  

How times have changed!

[Image: latest?cb=20110607145932]

[Image: latest?cb=20110607150302]

If only more of our youth understood the uniqueness of our new Silicoid biology in the galaxy.  If they only understood their duty to propagate it over the many still-empty plains of Cryslon...and beyond, onto the rocky shores of distant star systems!  But instead, they feel content to frolic about the crystal gardens of San Francisco Bay, sucking on hematite salt licks and zoning out on Cryslon Central's eye-numbing strobe-globe shows.  

Well, if our youth think they can continue dallying around like little carbuncles skipping down a hillside, they are mistaken.  I have already consulted the Tiberium Council, and they have approved a new civilian draft for all youth over 42 years of age.  The shipyards and the factories need their help. They need everyone's help.  Time is running out!  

It has not been publicly revealed yet, but soon I will address the Silicoid people to reveal the truth:  the Tacitus was not complete.  There were vital components missing all along—components that have recently caught the attention of some vile foreign races in the galaxy about which we know all-too little.  And just recently we have heard rumor that these components remain scattered in several pieces throughout the nearby quadrant of the galaxy, just waiting to be scooped up by foreign interlopers! We did not want to shake the peoples' confidence in the Technology of Peace, but now we must reveal the truth of the missing components, and rally them to the cause. The time for complacency is over!  We MUST begin to finally fulfill our destiny and expand our Tiberium crystals throughout the galaxy.  And if we could but retrieve the final components of the Tacitus rumored to be scattered in the ruins of nearby planets, our mastery of the galaxy—TIBERIUM'S mastery of the galaxy—would be all but assured!  


Imperium 44 Settings and Scoring

Race:  Silicoids
Difficulty:  Impossible
Map Size:  Large
Opponents:  5
Events:  On
Note:  playing with kyrub's 1.4 patch is recommended. 


+10 base starting points.
+1 point for being the first to scout an artifacts world and obtain technology from it (defeating the Guardian counts for this as well). 
+1 point for being the first to colonize an artifacts world (colonizing Orion counts as well).  
-1 point for every council vote that elapses without the player achieving victory.  (Note:  it might be in the player's interest to purposefully delay colonizing planets so as to delay the first council vote.  Alternatively, destroying enough planets so that the council stops meeting is also a legitimate tactic.  What matters is the number of council votes without a player victory, not now many years elapse).  
-5 points if the player wins a council vote without oneself already having at least 50% of the votes (cheap early council cheese wins discouraged).  

Players have until 11:59 GMT on Saturday, October 14th to submit a score and (optionally) a game report.  

The save and starting map are attached.  Good luck!

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

.gam   RBO-Imperium44-2300.GAM (Size: 57.65 KB / Downloads: 11)
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  OSG-31 and Imperium 44 Planning Thread
Posted by: Ianus - September 12th, 2017, 08:33 - Forum: Master of Orion - Replies (13)

Hi everyone,
Things have been quiet since OSG-30 wrapped up and I want to get some more games running. I've been brainstorming ideas and themes, so here's is what I have come up with so far. I notice that the biggest challenge for our newer players just getting into Impossible difficulty is the election. There have been a large number of council losses in the last two Imperia, and I am trying to think how to address this. Ideas include playing as the Humans to improve relations or as the Sakkra to increase our ability to achieve a veto. I also thought we could play the Silicoids to get more planets but maybe not as a first outing. 
Can anyone else think of any diplomacy-specific variants that would help with mastering control of the council? I'd like to get another Imperium running shortly and if there is interest another SG would be fun too. Thoughts?

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  Epic Four Results
Posted by: Sullla - September 7th, 2017, 19:53 - Forum: Adventures and Epics - Replies (3)

I updated the Google Docs spreadsheet to include the results of Epic Four. Thanks to all of you who took part - I'm planning on reading through your reports this weekend. It looked like some very exciting games from the skimming I did this week. I hope everyone had a good time. smile

Here are the Honorable Mention winners (also on the Google Docs spreadsheet):

First City Capture Mr. Cairo Turn 29
Most Cities Turn 200 Ranamar 31 cities
First Civ Eliminated Ranamar Turn 101
Highest XP Unit suboptimal 540 XP Field Cannon

This was the last game idea that I had for a Civ6 event. However, Cornflakes has floated a promising idea that I think will make for an excellent Adventure in its own right. Assuming that he's willing to find a good map, hopefully we can have another game ready to go in a week or two. The schedule is also open for other suggestions, so feel free to come up with your own scenario designs and we'll see what we can put in place. Thanks everyone.

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  Timmy's Terrifying Teutons in Epic 4
Posted by: timmy827 - September 5th, 2017, 13:16 - Forum: Adventures and Epics - Replies (1)

My first RB Civ report was an AW game (Epic 14 of Civ4) and I got kindly lectured by a vet about report going too long.  This one probably is too, but it might be the last event so I went all in.  Thanks to the sponsor and all readers!

Quick scoring:
First city conquered:  T79 (if city states count) or T132 (if not).  I’d be shocked if the ruling matterssmile
First civ kill:  T169 (I *better* not win thiswink
Experience: 5 star field cannon in the west - 274 XP
[Image: leDXisk.jpg]
36 cities on winning turn (187)

1W looks like obvious move at glance.  Also thought on the stone could be good too, the rice is a 4/0 marshrice; which first (with this then the tiles between the horses/cows is a good one)...I went with settling 1W.  
[Image: upknNwP.jpg]
Idea was doing 3x pastures with the Open Sky pantheon (culture from pastures).   Also not sure why I can see that desert hill above the rice, but that looks like an ok spot already even if all desert to the north
That also allows going straight AH->Archery, no big need to do mining early.  
Was very tempted to gamble with builder first - I really bet Sullla playtested enough to make sure no AI’s real close, and that was true of the original AW civ3 and civ4 games - but warrior->builder was choice.  It doesn’t set back too much because all those pastures are 2nd ring, and can’t get the pantheon that early either.  Also deliberately did not build or use scouts, thought a few huts not worth possible extra trouble early.   I didn’t playtest a ton on what AW looks like but had thought that AI’s don’t scout great, so if I don’t wander out too far I won’t have to defend until later.  

Other early ideas - culture somewhat devalued, as envoys worthless
would it be easier to conquer nearby CS instead of building settlers?  One playtest indicated yes you definitely could with warriors/archers if fast enough.
[Image: nZNDsFl.jpg]
Oh hey, there’s one.  A city would go where the warrior stood - with the pantheon those sheep hills are OK and has 5 grass hills in 2nd ring.  But eventually I decided against an early rush of Lisbon.  It’s not on freshwater and has a lot of desert/coast, so not a really strong site.  And the line of hills is an issue - would take 8 turns to move warriors or archers from the capital up there; that’s an uncomfortably long travel time and sounds like getting asked to have the AI show up in force while your army is away.  
(That animation was really neat - was able to move east, kill a lisbon warrior after it redlined a barb camp spear, and swipe the clearing gold + military tradition boost!).
With that gold, I was ok buying 2 of the pasture tiles, after normal culture got one plus the stone.  Pantheon not around yet so culture expansion pretty slow.
[Image: B5QB3Zo.jpg]
Mt. Kilamanjaro created a real interesting tradeoff here - the “c?” tile would be awesome with all the hills and bonus food, but really gimped on housing until Aqueducts available.  I would wind up doing it later, like my 5th city; curious what other players did with it.  

In my pregame I wasn’t necessarily planning to be doing a settler this early, but with no AI contact at all it seemed like this might be a very builderish always war game.  Also I have archery 1t from done (didn’t get slinger kill boost), want to prebuild some more slingers of course.  
[Image: VSj6lXK.jpg]
Call me crazy but I’m building another settler (without Colonization!) as no AI’s around…
General approach was taking hold here.  I decided that I wanted to play a bit slower game:
-do not stomp an AI early with archer rush (none really close enough here anyways), or slightly less early with horseman attack.  That would play out a lot like my unwritten Adv 2 replay (didn’t finish a space win, but with better tactics early leveraged horsemen into wiping the continent around 400AD) or Adv 3.  
-wanted to play instead with siege and slower moving units, just for something different.  (But not glacial, thus getting GG seems key)
-and kind of wanted a longer game, wanted to develop my own civ more and defend for a while.  I had time to play this, and it looked like decent chance that the Epics would end after it; even if not I will be traveling a lot in Sept/Oct and probably can’t do the next game.  So wanted to invest some time in a longer game.
-also, unlike the last adventure, there were several good city sites around with rivers + multiple production tiles.

As far as districts - planned to do the CH+ Hansa combo basically everywhere, and probably a good number of encampments as well.  (their yields and buildings are kinda sucky, but GG are invaluable for the movement bonus).  Planning on totally ignoring other districts.
All that also explains why I didn’t settle Magdeburg 1W so it would get the horses - don’t really want too many of them, and can probably do encampments if needed (IE if I don’t get another city that grabs them).
[Image: 76Ciqp9.jpg]
Finally meet an AI, though the barb horses are a much more proximate issue, plus a camp to my NW also sending some units (thankfully no horses).  Also State Workforce isn’t urgent but was waiting on finishing Foreign Trade for when could ditch God King - did get the Open Sky pantheon, phew.  I guess backup choice would have been.  Really wish that you could see list of founded pantheons - maybe I’m wrong but think you see other civs pantheons when

  1. They cross 25 faith after you’ve met them
  2. They found a religion and
Maybe you also see the gossip “unknown civ founded pantheon XXX” - a couple civs in this game did no faith at all until very late -
[Image: GpKYwxU.jpg]
Two much closer AI’s met now.  (Maybe accepting ‘look at our city’ on first meeting prior to DOW is against spirit of the rules?  But since you can’t DOW them until after that dialogue, I took it.)  Barbs quite nicely ‘gifted’ me that French builder.  And was able to cause a little more mischief too:
[Image: TxPFrqU.jpg]
Lucky for me, Spain and France had gone to war before either met me.  Neat to get 50 gold and 25 science from pillaging (especially former, was going to be cash strapped) but no chance for either of us take city...maybe could have sent more archers/warriors down here but quite possible they get walls up before I do (even a stronger unit like a chariot or spear that boosts city defense can cause problems).    The spanish warriors either retreated or died, so I backed off rather than risk losing those two guys.  (Sure enough saw one French chariot as I ran away).  From where Seville is and the border edges visible, pretty sure Paris is a bit east of Lyon.

One other point that was sinking in - unlike the previous ‘first’ AW games in civ3, 4, we appear to be roughly in the middle of the pangaea - two civs south, Gilgamesh likely to the west.  No one met to the east yet but there appears to be a lot of land over there so probably someone.  Maybe the north is clear - I was the first to meet Lisbon, and there is some coast, so maybe that’s the north edge?  (And a 50-turn playtest seemed to indicate the CS won’t really come after you if you leave them alone).  I don’t have any idea what AI attacks look like in always war (do they send somewhat-threatening groups infrequently like civ4, or mostly trickle units like civ3?), but they could be coming from almost any direction.  That reinforced my defensive choice, again seems risky to have a lot of your army.  Also required some careful prioritization of finishing CH districts and sometimes taking less lucrative trade routes, and sometimes delaying settlers to have the roads done as soon as possible to new cities.  (Of course, not being able to prebuild roads compared to civ 3/4/5 is a little hair-raising…)  Even with that, there would be big trouble in moving armies around to defend a wide perimeter; will need more units spread out I think compared to AW maps with a more defined front.  

Finally, the occupation mechanic influenced my no-early-conquest decision - with treaties for ceding forbidden, you get very little out of captured cities until you can completely kill a civ.  Seemed possible that you could expend a lot of effort on a campaign and get a big delay on reaping rewards because either you can’t find a last iceball city, or have to delay capturing the last city because of some other AI attack.  

[Image: CtFlm2C.jpg]
Considerable swing point started here. The scout to the SE would cause considerable headache, the camp it came from spawned horses that attacked from that direction (yet another to defend) and was too far to easily squash with warriors/archers. (Even though it was on France’s doorstep, Catherine was woefully bad at clearing it out, maybe due to the France-Spain war.  )

Barb archers do raise the threat level a bit in the north, so started sending reinforcements.  (Maybe I should have done that road on the reverse route?  Although the food would help Magdeburg more).  Started a very profitable sequence
[Image: 2IoSdVP.jpg]
Ok thankfully the camp isn’t far and its spear has run out towards Lisbon.  That simplified clearing the camp but also started a battle with the CS - I think they generally don’t attack you, but after they engaged the barbs they were close enough to keep going..
[Image: 71DonXh.jpg]
Fortunately all those hills meant the chariots couldn’t close in on the archers fast, nor could their archers advance-and-shoot the same turn, and with them being all deserts, no forests/jungles to block firing angles; so was able to handle Lisbon’s units pretty easily.
Took a while (think I went back to buildering instead of closing on Lisbon right away) but with no real AI attacks, kept 3 archers up there, and surprisingly Lisbon never got walls:
[Image: 9vpSxx3.jpg]
So archers (with the German bonus) were able to gradually shoot down the city even though the water tile made a siege impossible. Captured T78 - not quite the early boost I anticipated pregame but still had some very helpful effects:
-although housing gimped and little food, is already size 4 and can work 3 grass hills (2 mined already!)now, will claim 2 more forested grass hills soon once the monument is fixed.  
-intact Commercial Hub for another trader slot
-a farm that is not particularly useful (would eventually put a Hansa on it) but saves one builder charge for Feudalism boost.
-confirmed that it is the northern map edge

[Image: efV8EbC.jpg]
So here’s a pretty good overview of the eventual core.  One settler about to do the Mt. K city at eastern teal (which would get a trader from Trier to do as much roads per route as possible), and the one about to finish in capital goes to the tile northeast of the wheat south of Magdebug.  Wanted a city straight west of Aachen on that other river but Sumeria just blocked it.  

Backing up a bit,
[Image: ZrgGGvj.jpg]
Big, big break here with Gilg gaining lordship of a religious city state and them DOWing me.  That counts as both a meeting (3rd for political philospohy, had met Buenos Aires to the west; had been resigned to not finding a 3rd as culturing it now) and a DOW for Defensive Tactics which I thought was impossible.  Unfortunately this mechanic is part of the other war/peace issue posters in the game thread hinted at - if you meet the CS this way, you can’t DOW them.  Later if they go neutral because two AI’s both have 4 envoys or whatever, you get a 10 turn peace treaty signed automatically (not sure why it’s this way other than giving you the option to sign peace) and can’t re-DOW them within that time.  This would later cause some heartburn.

Regarding gov’ts, Autocracy seemed like only real choice as Diplo cards are all totally blank until Diplomatic Service.  Conscription became a fixture, and Limes saw a ton of action (was planning Monarchy down the road and they don’t cost gold, so yeah makes sense for Ancient Walls nearly everywhere, especially with the chop overflow abuse).  Economically did the usual bouncing between builder/settler policies depending on what was needed and fitting in Urban Planning when not doing both; though also ran some Caravansaries which was a bit unusual.The whole upgrading strategy was running into some gold shortages.  Really not surprising so should have seen this coming from needing to run a high military to stay safe, no CH bonus from city states, and no resource sales to AIs.

Also, I probably buy too many tiles in two ways
1) Chasing the pretty adjacency bonus, which comes with a hefty gold upfront cost
2) Want <somewhere> that’s flatland so I don’t have to waste a ‘good’ tile (resource, hill, riverside forest) on a district.

Problem 1) got a lot better this game out of necessity, and the first Merchant helped some too.  2) got somewhat better.  Though in a couple of cases (notably Cologne, pic coming later) I made a 3rd error, not buying tiles but just waiting for Godot culture picker to pick ones I wanted for districts, and never building them at all until very late.  

Also was pretty steadily in negative happiness most of the game, at first from lack of luxuries and then later war weariness.  However it very rarely reached worse than -3 in any city so it wasn’t really a big deal.  Never saw any rebels of ‘my own’.  

[Image: 1UrZsEk.jpg]
Alright enough big picture, more narrative.  In that overview I had to retreat a warrior back from 3 spanish units, and just after the first real attack shows up.  
[Image: RCg0YQJ.jpg]
Fortunately I got some weakening of Gilg’s army before Spain reached my territory; unfortunately the CS is throwing some in too.  (Do they do this if allied to an AI?  Do AI’s use the Levy Millitary feature?)  Also crashed out one horseman, for the city strength boost as much as the unit itself.  The road (still being built) was crucial, as much for evacuating units as moving them in.  Figured out the AI basically attacks with each unit individually on the best matchup they can reach, so by careful placement could prevent them from ganging up enough to get kills..  Here I drew one war cart in with that archer, which can flee east as others kill it.  
[Image: EODTmcl.jpg]
This hill was a great defensive position, suckers one warcart into bad attacks across the river while others would do something else.  
[Image: bsyqBZI.jpg]
Ok maybe I should be taking this more seriously and getting walls in Trier.  But settling this city helped, the warrior escort can flash itself to lure some of the Spainish guys away from the main battleground.  The river at Trier and other rough terrain was really useful, slowed down the AI advances enough to keep this from getting out of hand.  One other thing that helped was bad AI retreating - they would sometimes pull back injured units which is ok, but then return them 3 turns later when they’d only partially healed and their comrades mostly dead.  Really they should pull them all the way back and put them in the next attack wave.  Also the lack of any resource-requiring units was a harbinger, AI’s are still terrible at securing strategics.

Berlin did go walls very early - wanted it to be a frontline damage soaker for Spain/France as much as its actual production.  Also needed the Engineering boost so Nuremburg (the Mt. Kilimanjaro site with a ton of food but without fresh water) can start Aqueduct, which was done almost in one turn with wallchop abuse.  I do like that the patch reduced Aq costs.
[Image: JgPopfx.jpg]

[Image: UJwnE73.jpg]
Here we had a considerable potential problem.  I was starting some encampments but none done yet, and France is gangbusters on the GG, and we already skipped the Medieval era for them.  Really wanted a Ren - was assuming I’d start offensive with muskets and bombards but if era advances again I would miss it.  Beating france to this one might have been possible if I dropped almost all other economic development to finish encampments and then spam their projects, and seriously considered it, but decided in worst case I could start slow without a GG.  Considerable risk.  
[Image: d1N2EUh.jpg]
Finally I can do that camp clear with an assist from France’s settler escort.  It gave me some grief during that big fight at Trier but fortunately they mostly avoided pillaging.  Also note the teal border to the east - I was wrong, it was Brazil, but still haven’t met them.  Knew *something* was there for a while via the redded out areas on settling view, and have deliberately avoided more scouting over there hoping to delay possible fights.  Later I learned it was Geneva CS but Pedro killed them at some point (then somehow failed to wander 4 tiles to my border for about 50 turns).  

Cheekily tried chasing the French settler pair a bit,and oh !#$@#
[Image: c5pBYa0.jpg]
Have seen  no horsemen or swords from AI, but France jumped straight to knights.  Her military score zoomed past me, she probably has more than one too...At least Gilgamesh wants to [Image: old15w2.jpg]
Had seen this settler a turn earlier who had retreated.  This really shouldn’t happen - I think settlers get better vision?  Should have still seen my warrior and not moved next to him, even if AI can’t “remember” where it saw an enemy unit the turn before and extrapolate where it might be one turn later?
[Image: I0uYIGH.jpg]
And another steal.  Good to learn that the newish Sumerian city has walls but BA does not.  
[Image: FdzZRRz.jpg]
Planting that settler - had debated 1SW of here, but the spanish archer will kill my warrior if don’t settle now.  This was a good spot but had decided to pass on self-building a settler, seemed like just a bit too exposed and far from the capital to be worth it...but sure let’s use the freebie here.  This was the site of deferred district dreams, wanted a CH where marked and a hansa to its NW but culture never claimed the tiles.  
[Image: Ty1eqze.jpg]
Heh, instincts were right about it being exposed!  Rough timing, just starting the trade route for road! (this is only 2T after its founding)...also before planting I didn’t consider that the one mountain would be a big pain as far as moving units around.  
[Image: qM4ZOAl.jpg]
Yikes.  At Cologne, was able to send the horse north around the mountain once to spank an archer, but the Sumerian horse forced a retreat.  I thought that was the advance guard of a Gilg attack (could tell by seeing ‘support bonus’ on his horse) so became too risky to send reinforcements that way, could only use that one road with the mountain and rivers bottlenecking other paths.  Some of the chariots had Barding so they aren’t easy marks for Archers either.  

And while I have walls at berlin, their 25 ranged strength barely scratches the knights.  I think they could have trucked the walls (one more knight came in a turn later) without a battering ram with intelligent use of pillage healing.  I do have Mercenaires + Machinery soon and xbows will help enormously, but this is still pretty tense.  

(oh, I don’t care about culture, the Theatre Square in the capital is just for food on the trade routes.  The patch changes making all districts a bit cheaper and bigger discount on ‘uncommon’ districts made it seem worthwhile).  
[Image: UOLXwxP.jpg]
Could hold this hill long enough to chop walls, which means I can probably let spain flail against the city if I need to.  As for the knights -
[Image: UQz8EYC.jpg]
Chariots were invaluable.  They can’t really hurt knights, but can safely take one hit then swap positions to prevent the knights from potentially one-shotting my archers; one upgraded sword (done before mercenaries but they’re not that expensive) served that role too.  In this pic I chose the xbow to upgrade and swapped the chariot 1NW of magdeburg with the archer next to the western knight.  Then next turn all can fire on the knight and kill it.  I think I got somewhat lucky with them splitting up, don’t think I planned that.  Eventually other xbow upgrades were enough to pelt them to death.  
[Image: bDboEV9.jpg]
And with that cleaned up, time for my first limited offensive.  Since BA contributed some considerable units to the earlier attack (and Industrial CS seem to have a lot running around) I wanted them dead, as well as (probably) preventing a joint Spain/Sumeria attack on cologne.  Also wanted to kill that one nearby sumerian city, but not go farther yet.  Still all quiet on the eastern front despite now knowing Japan and Brazil, but not sure that will last.  Also Gilgamesh’s other cities are quite far away, and he has the +10 strength when near same-religion city enhancer belief so he’s not an easy conquer target.  

Anyways, BA had gotten this knight for better city strength, and walls, and an xbow inside, so wasn’t total cakewalk, but fortunately did not run into Gilgamesh units until the walls down and fortunately no silly peace deal either.  (BA had flipped between Gilg and Phillip a couple of times but never long enough for the peace to end so I could ‘properly’ DOW.  
[Image: R3HEaWP.jpg]
One neat trick - my warrior in the north (just a scout wandering, really) could distract some of their units indefinitely with the dead sea healing.  Got hit a lot but he never got more than 2 units to kill it in one turn.  Another was that my horse could pillage-heal and kill the archer the same turn, didn’t know that was legal!
[Image: xVrUTIs.jpg]
Success.  Also the catapults are basically free kills - they seem almost pathologically programmed not to shoot at units.  Sure they are not strong but that seems odd…
[Image: XAtigrJ.jpg]
Took a while to burn Abu Salaikh as a few more Sumerians wandered in from the west and my swords were a bit banged up, but got it done T132.  Razed and replaced with my own original design - this late, that was more about prinicple than really profiting from standing up another new city.  But I like buildingsmile

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  Remnants Alpha 4 is available!
Posted by: Ray F - September 4th, 2017, 22:59 - Forum: Master of Orion - Replies (5)

The Mrrshan are now in the game and there have been a lot of user interface improvements. Let me know what you think!

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  MJW Epic 4
Posted by: MJW (ya that one) - September 4th, 2017, 22:41 - Forum: Adventures and Epics - No Replies

I played in this game because it will probably be the last RB event ever for Civ6.

The war-weariness isn’t that bad (spearmen and colosseum ftw!) and the AI is not very good taking out cities without a big edge (which is the only way it attacks you really). I’ve played games like this on IMM were the AI DoWed me and I won. A difficulty level isn’t worth losing luxes and access to city-states so this game is easy for me.  

AW in Civ3 allowed you to trade the turn you DoWed if you didn’t rip them off. That doesn’t matter here as the only non-per-turn per turn thing you can get are Great Works. Yay.

The “scoring” system awards things you should be doing anyway so I might have to let a unit die to get in a turn sooner and that’s it but I will be recording them for fun.

* First (among participating players, by turn number) to capture an enemy city. @turn 43
* Most cities controlled on Turn 200. 21. I crapped out a bunch of settlers in addition to conquest. Stopped playing after this.
* First to eliminate an enemy civilization (city states do not count). Brazil at Turn 104.
* Unit with the highest experience total at game's end. Didn’t grind which is needed to do well here; got bunch of units to level 3 (100 exp at least). If you cannot get exp when you reach level seven then everybody would easily be able to max this out if they are serious. (fake edit: there is indeed a hardcap...)

Don’t feel like having to gain the victory this time. France and Brazil are dead, Japan is useless and the other two civs are too far away. The other games had something to keep me going but not here: Adventure 1 was the first game so it didn’t count, my first spaceship win didn’t count because it was the first one, Scythia is never boring to play, the Rome game didn’t take much real-time to play due to isolation and Epic 2 I thought had a great strat because I didn’t see the true purpose of Nan Modal.

If I thought this game would look good against a “real” submission I would go on but it wouldn’t—I attacked Brazil when I should have attacked France first. This wasted time, exposed me to Japan and more city states and forced me to fight France’s UU.

I feel the biggest problem with these Epics is the AI is a one-trick pony (rushing) so you feel like you’re a pencil pusher for most of the game.  This requires clever gimmicks to overcome—that Scythia game that gives you an excuse to play the most (at that time) broken civ in the game and that Kongo game that brought empire management together.

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  Ranamar slogs across the world (Epic 4)
Posted by: Ranamar - September 4th, 2017, 14:10 - Forum: Adventures and Epics - Replies (4)

Placeholder for now because I want to try putting together a narrative instead of just a turn log like I have in the past

Conquest victory T224
First conquered city: Turn 38
First civ kill: Turn 101
Cities at turn 200: 31, with a 32nd founded that turn
Highest promoted unit: Level 8 Field Cannon with 420xp

Fun footnote: As far as I can tell, I conquered every city on the map, due to the precise placement of my last target.

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  Mr. Cairo Epic4
Posted by: Mr. Cairo - September 4th, 2017, 13:50 - Forum: Adventures and Epics - Replies (6)

First of all, despite the CS issues with this game, I really enjoyed it, more than any other game of Civ6 I've yet played (not that I've played a lot).

I'll get the important stuff out of the way first:
I wasn't nearly as aggressive as I probably could have been, so I didn't win until turn 332, and then by science.
I probably spent I little too much time empire-building, if I had just gone for the conquest victory all-out, it would have been a lot easier, but then again, I wouldn't have got to play around in the modern era either so whatever.

Honourable Mentions:
Fist city capture: Turn 29 (Lisbon)
Cities controlled T200: 13 (I think, my closest screenshot is 205 and I had just captured my 13th city)
Fist Elimination: Some time between 250 and 260, during which I eliminated Sumeria and Spain (in that order)
Highest promoted unit: A Level 8 Machine Gun at 536/540 XP. Probably all of that XX came when it was an Archer/Xbow, as Machine Guns are pretty much useless.

The general way my game went:
-First conquests were against CS: Lisbon, then Geneva (but Geneva had just been conquered by Brazil)
-My first proper invasion was against Japan, and I was trounced, so I left them and Brazil alone for most of the game, and until right near the end they were ahead of me in tech.
-I continued to defend and expand normally to the west until I ran out of CS's to capture, and began to eat the Sumerians and Spain, who had been fighting eachother as well. 
-Then it was France, the most useless of the AI this game, and then into Brazil. Brazil was my equal in tech, if not military power, so it promised to be a real slog, but then I saw that Japan had started on a space victory. So I sent my army up to there to try and stop him, while also going for space myself.
-In the end I did quite quickly defeat Japan, by this time I had Mobile Artillery, which made things a lot easier, and I quickly took their capital and their space city. I didn't really need to though as my own capital was more than capable of winning a spacerace with Japan despite their headstart, as I had both the GPs who add +100% to Space Projects (or whatever they're called in Civ6), and after I built the spaceport, it only took around 3-4 turns for each of the projects.
-At that point it became a race against myself, to see if I would win by science before I could capture Brazil's capital. In the end I got to Mars just a few turns before I would have won by conquest.

I ended the game with 37 cities, I think.

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  Suboptimal's Epic (4) Fail
Posted by: suboptimal - September 4th, 2017, 13:23 - Forum: Adventures and Epics - Replies (3)

Suboptimal's Epic (4) Fail

Summary Results

Victory: Nope, Turn 381 Loss, Japan launched the spaceship (hey, Emperor has me out of my element  smoke )

Honorable Mentions

First Enemy City Taken: Lisbon, Turn 33
First Civ Eliminated: France, Turn 121
City Count, Turn 200: 12
Best Promoted Unit: Field Cannon, Level 9, 540/540 XP, not promotable.  Found the hard ceiling on XP gain for a unit. smile

A question for the readers: A lot of people (here and elsewhere) seem to use an archer rush to take cities early on.  However, at least on my installation of the game archers are at -17 strength against city fortifications even when no walls are present (I can get a screenshot out of an SP game as an example).  Has this penalty always been the case against cities without walls and I never noticed it or do I have a bug on my hands?   scared

The Details

Started out settling in place and I crank out a bunch of slingers while going Animal Husbandry → Archery on techs and Code of Laws → Craftmanship on civics.  Despite completing Archery on Turn 17 I went after Lisbon to the north with three promoted slingers and a warrior or two.  It fell on Turn 33:

[Image: GFlCrgV.jpg]

This was a tactical error as I then had to take the units, upgrade & heal them, bring them back through the capital and then go south into French territory.  I founded my first settled city just north of Paris and La Rochelle, intending on using it as a jump point for invading France.  At Turn 50 the situation in Germany and France:

[Image: GFlCmiS.jpg]

[Image: GFlChFp.jpg]

I took out La Rochelle on Turn 53 and was going to try to attack Paris without battering rams, but got stagnated by French troops.  Instead I went around Paris and took out Tolouse on Turn 76.  I get a ram down there and take Paris on Turn 91 with two more French cities yet to fall.  Marseilles is captured on Turn 105 and capture the last French city on Turn 121.  

[Image: GIyYl1K.jpg]

Unfortunately for me, while this was going on in the south, Japan showed up around Frankfurt in the north with three knights and a swordsman archer and no walls.  On Turn 108 Frankfurt falls:

[Image: GIyYyNu.jpg]

At this point in time there are a couple of things that are evident:

- I'm way behind in techs and civics, as expected on this difficulty
- The AI is very disorganized in its unit movements, Frankfurt excepted.

I get a pantheon on Turn 132 and take God of Craftsman.  Frankfurt is returned to the German Empire on Turn 150 after an assault with knights, a siege tower and Joan D'Arc.  Feeling giddy I make an attempt on Sao Paulo with the same units and get my ass handed to me.  Their city strength was too high because they have field cannon out and about.

Around this time I realize that the only way that I'll be able to make any further progress is to figure out which civ is the weakest and target that one as best I can while attempting to build campuses, hansas and commercial hubs to keep my production, tech rate and economy afloat.  This only sort of works.  I make an attempt of Valladolid on Turn 182 with 7 knights and a battering ram.  Four turns later:

[Image: GIyYXnu.jpg]

So close but yet so far!  Back to teching and trying to catch up.  

The revolts start on Turn 194:

[Image: GIz63nn.jpg]

I make another attempt at Spain on Turn 215 but find out that rams are useless because Spain has finished Steel.  I finally capture the city on Turn 222 and move south for Preslav, which was previously conquered by Spain.  That falls on Turn 230.  The game continues up through the 200's and into the 300's.  My economy is in reasonable shape but I'm only pulling in about 125 science per turn as I started running amenity-giving policies in the wildcard slots to reduce the revolts.  Despite this being a pangea Lisbon had not much to do so I built the Venetian Arsenal, which actually came in handy as I was able to build a few pairs of Battleships in the city which I then formed into fleets and used to capture Larak from the Sumerians and Madrid from Spain (on Turn 377).  

[Image: GIyYK0H.jpg]

Four turns later:

[Image: GIyY2tW.jpg]

Generally speaking, I lasted a lot longer than I expected given that this is only my second game (more than 60-70 turns) on Emperor and I've also never done an Always War variant.  The AI did use aerodromes and air units (Aachen was being attacked by jet fighters on occasion).  However, after about Turn 120 or so the AI was sending units in drips and drabs rather than as any sort of “force”.  The AI also didn't really make any effort to attack cities or pillage significantly, which leads me to this unit:

[Image: GIyYbNj.jpg]

It started life as an archer and got a few promotions.  After upgrading to crossbowman this unit spent a good 200 turns parked in Nuremburg on my western front.  Here it is after 5 promotions, with my second most promoted unit to the east in Heidelberg.

[Image: GIz5Wlr.jpg]

Spain and Sumeria were both sending units through this corridor and with walls up there were no attacks on the city.  
As a result the crossbowman would take a pot shot at any unit in range, do maybe 5-10 damage and gain 5 or so XP.  Lather, rinse, repeat.  On Turn 223 this unit was at 315 XP and had taken the Expert Marksman promotion and was pulling down 10 XP per turn just by potshotting units it had no business attacking.  On Turn 259 is was a strength 82 field cannon when firing out of a city center or district.  Around Turn 330 the trickle of forces from the west dried up so I relocated the unit to Aachen, where the Brazilians seemed intent on roaming through with helicopters, tanks and eventually mobile artillery.  The unit got up to 540 XP where it earned its Level 9 promotion.  With no promotions available, though, the unit could gain no more experience.  Therefore, it looks like 540 XP is the “hard cap”.

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