And here we go, off to the races!
Our starting neighborhood looks promising with lots of friendly star colors visible.
The only star in range is this one, so I send our colony ship there.
Our scouts depart for the two stars I deem to be most in danger of enemy encroachment. I will hold off on building more scouts until our colony ship is used up and our production improves.
Here is the galactic map. And look who we get to share the game with, a veritable who’s who of MoO powerhouses. Klackons to rush into a dominant position early, Sakkra to grow massive population numbers and battle for the council, Silicoids to settle every available piece of real estate on the map, Bulrathi to… have lots of picnics and look silly, and Darloks to mess up everyone’s diplomacy. In truth I don’t have a lot of respect for the Bulrathi unless they are invading my planets looking for new picnic spots, but I’m confident that we can avoid that. Otherwise this game looks to be decently challenging, particularly looking at the distribution of yellow stars. Unless someone gets smashed into that corner directly above us all races should have plenty of room to expand. We shall see how that plays out.
As far as infrastructure builds I toy with the idea of starting trickle research into Range 4 (hopefully) on the first turn, but Mentar can only produce 34RP, and that would slow down our factory construction more than I like, so for now I leave things as they are. It looks like we could have a nice little core of 4 worlds south of Mentar reachable without increased range anyway, and Hydrogen Fuel Cells are really cheap anyway.
Nothing major to report. Pop grows by 2, 2 factories built, ships move 1 parsec each.
All quiet. Pop and factories increase by 3 and our colony ship will arrive next turn. I decide that I can’t wait anymore and dump 42RP into Propulsion.
This move pays off as Range 4 is the only tech available.
Well, I guess I can settle for this world if I have to. As I expected the red and green stars to the south are both 3 parsecs away from Tauri, so I will start building more scouts, along with trickling 3RP into our research. I should have four or 5 new Scouts next turn to start playing around with. Mentar is currently at 47 population, and I will hold of on sending transports to Tauri until next turn so that it can reach an even 50 and I can be sure that the population won’t fluctuate as I start sending transports.
Incedius is a very nice world, and at only 4 parsecs I am already glad that I have started researching increased range. I also have 4 new Scouts that I fan out to every star in range that isn’t the two directly south of Tauri. I’ll build one more to check those two out. Mentar grew to 51 pop, so I send 4 off to Tauri. Even after our discussion during OSG-27 I find that I don’t understand population growth very well. I guess that I just can’t get my head around those formulas.
Three more pop sent to Tauri, and our Propulsion lightbulb is almost 1/3 full already. Trickle research is awesome!
Well this will be a nice world in about 100 years when it finishes building factories. I hope very much that this corner is uninhabited which would allow us to grab the entire eastern edge of the map. Fingers crossed! I haven’t seen a single enemy ship yet so I hope that we are alone over here.
Tauri grew a pop point all by itself, and four more are due to arrive next turn.
Tauri has 8 pop already with more incoming. I plan to send ~30 total before I let Mentar finish building so I can start my colonization push. More scouting reports should start coming in next turn, and I hope that we get more good news! I can see that we will need 4 more Scouts once Range 4 is discovered, and I all start building them in a few turns as our tech bulb fills more. Mentar still only has 44 factories so I deem factory construction a higher priority for now.
Wow, these planets! We are 4 for 4 on habitability so far with more worlds still to discover. Yay!
Range 4 is ~3/4 full so I will start building a Scout per turn until I have enough for exploration. Then we will need more colony ships to expand range further.
Well they can’t all be winners, but at least that one can’t be poached by the rocks. And Kulthos is still a really solid planet. We are going to be building colony ships for a really long time! The other bit of positive news from this is that I have an extra Scout available, and already in place to explore the blue star directly north of the Obaca asteroid field once our research finishes. That cuts down on my scout builds by a turn.
And at the halfway point of my turn set here is the galaxy so far. Looking awfully green around here!
I send three more colonists toward Tauri, and that should do it for Tauri. Counting those three Tauri has 29 pop either on board or incoming, and with natural pop growth it should be right around 1/3 full in about 3 turns, just where I want it.
Well I guess I need an extra scout after all…
I always like to check for the Guardian’s 10,000hp just to reassure myself that I am playing on Impossible.
Propulsion research should hit the percentages next turn and all scouts will be in position in 5 turns. Just about perfect!
Ok, can we at least make this a BIT of a challenge? At this rate we won’t need to research ANY planetology tech for a long time. Range 4 is already at 9%. I wish that I had kept a running tally of exactly how much RP I actually invested, but I didn’t think of it. Colony ships are still 12 turns to build, so we have a way to go yet.
The last population transport arrives at Tauri bringing the population total to 37/95. I definitely could have sent at least three fewer and been fine which slows down Mentar’s development by a bit, but we are going to need a LOT of transports in the near future for all of these big worlds.
2314: A quiet turn.
And there it is, hitting at 19% odds. Wonderful! Inertial Stabilizer is our only option forward which means that we are going to have to grab all of these worlds at warp 1. Nuts!
Other good news is that this yellow star which is 7 parsecs from our core does not hold a home world, otherwise we would be in contact right now. So we should have a really strong claim to most of this edge of the galaxy. Now lets just hold onto it! I still haven’t seen a single enemy ship yet.
In terms of research we are still a long way away from devoting ourselves to a strong research effort, so I split research equally between Construction and Planetology and give them both a decent shot of RP. It isn’t anywhere near what I could give, but I don’t have a lot of spare production to devote to research right now, so I want to trickle enough to get our first tiers finished in a reasonable amount of time. Thats my thinking anyway.
I take IIT9 over Reduced Waste 80% simply based on cost (280 vs 800). It might be worth getting both since we lack Improved Eco. Since we have no need for Controlled Barren I take IT10.
We also discover the worst planet so far, and even that one will be a good world whenever it finally finishes building its factories.
Nothing to report this turn. The only thing that I will say is that Mentar has 68 pop and only 76 factories. This is the single drawback to all of the extra spending I have been doing, although having to send all of those colonists off to Tauri didn’t help matters either. Still colony ships are still a 10 turn build, so no colonization yet.
It looks like someone got a little carried away with a Stellar Converter during the fall of the Orion Empire up in this sector of space.
Well this is terrible news! A well established Bear Den right next door. That puts Incedius under intense pressure! Looks like laser fighters are the order of the day!
Sadly I can only build 5 at a time at Mentar, but I will start building up a fleet to protect Incedius, and our next emperor can decide how far to take our build-up. At this rate Tauri might be a better option to build colony ships…
I send the Scout at Toranor up to the Obaca asteroid field for lack of better options. Best not to poke sleeping bears, at least until we have a bigger stick.
And so ends the benevolent reign of Ianus the first, first ruler of what will hopefully come to be known as the Psilon Empire. I took the liberty of rerouting our newly produced Bear Spray fighters over to Incedius. Of course that can be changed, but there really isn’t anything else to do with them. Other than that we are still building infrastructure, and our trickle research is trickling along. I’m ashamed that I didn’t manage to scout every single planet in range, but the last two scouting reports are due next turn.