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Ore generation |
Posted by: Seravy - April 22nd, 2016, 05:08 - Forum: Master of Magic
- Replies (2)
The game selects exactly one ore tile per 3x3 land area on Myrror, 4x4 on Arcanus. However, the selected tile does not need to be within its own block, but can be in a 6x6 or 8x8 area instead. This makes it possible for up to 4 ores to be in the same "block".
If the selected tile is valid for an ore, do the following :
1.If the selected spot is a grassland, it will be replaced by 1/7 chance a swamp, 1/3 chance a mountain and 1/3 chance a hill.
2.If the selected tile is a forest, do the same thing but only at a 50% chance.
3.If the selected tile is STILL a forest, generate Wild Game.
4.If the selected tile is a mountain, generate according to this table :
Iron Ore : Arcanus 4/18, Myrror 1/10.
Silver Ore : Arcanus 3/18, Myrror 1/10
Coal : Arcanus 5/18, Myrror 1/10
Gold Ore : Arcanus 3/18, Myrror 2/10
Mithril : Arcanus 3/18, Myrror 3/10
Adamantium : Myrror 2/10
5.If the selected tile is a hills, generate according to this table :
Iron Ore : Arcanus 6/18, Myrror 1/10.
Silver Ore : Arcanus 4/18, Myrror 1/10
Coal : Arcanus 3/18, Myrror 1/10
Gold Ore : Arcanus 4/18, Myrror 4/10
Mithril : Arcanus 1/18, Myrror 2/10
Adamantium : Myrror 1/10
6.If the selected tile is a swamp, generate a Nightshade.
7.If the selected tile is a desert, generate according to this table :
Gems : Arcanus 6/9, Myrror 1/5
Quork : Arcanus 3/9, Myrror 3/5
Crysx : Myrror 1/5
Ores on grasslands are created when a non-grassland tile gets converted to grassland later due to an invalid way of joining the terrains.
Time to kill some cards again... |
Posted by: Dantski - April 21st, 2016, 17:19 - Forum: Hearthstone
- Replies (9)
Oh god why?
Ancient of Lore can only choose to draw a single card now. Obviously a 7 mana 5/5 that draws a single card isn't good enough especially compared to Azure Drake.
Force of Nature is now 5 mana and summons the same 3 2/2's. However they don't have charge and they don't die at the end of the turn. It seems like a weaker Silver Hand Knight which doesn't see any constructed play but it might be average in arena.
Keeper of the Grove has been reduced to a 2/2 body. This card is pretty trash now (almost as bad as Ironforge Rifleman) and if you want to run silence you'll just play Spellbreaker.
Ironbeak Owl now costs 3 mana, I didn't think it needed to be changed TBH. They could at least have increased its health to 2. Its now a really bad card unless you badly need a silence and don't want to pay 4 mana for a decent one.
BGH costs 5 mana, I think this is a reasonable change. This card will almost certainly still be played in constructed in the future. Its considerably worse than it was but it won't inflict as huge a tempo swing as it did previously.
Hunters Mark now costs 1 mana, like Owl I don't think this needed a change but its still better than Repentance for Paladin.
Blade Flurry now costs 4 mana, that's a pretty big nerf and more than enough for a class that's one of the weakest in constructed. But wait there's more! It also only damages enemy minions now so Rogue burst damage has been severely dented on top of their ability to board clear. This card is pretty dead now and definitely got the Starving Buzzard/Warsong Commander treatment.
Knife Juggler got reduced to 2 attack, this seemed reasonable.
Leper Gnome got its attack halved to just 1 now. It can no longer trade into 2 drops and its another blow to face hunter and super aggro decks in general.
Arcane Golem is now a 4/4 without charge. Yeah no-ones playing that.
Molten Giant costs 25 mana. So you need to be at 15 health to play this at all. I think this means you replace it in Handlock with something else since C'thun decks might just kill you if you drop below 12-13 HP on turn 10.
Master of Disguise only gives stealth until next turn. I'm not sure how necessary this was. Yes giving something permanent stealth is a strong effect but that hasn't been good enough yet to make this card even a consideration in constructed. I guess they think one of the new cards they're printing would be OP if it could be stealthed forever.
And that's it... for now anyway. I find it hard to believe they aren't making changes to Paladin as well considering how good that class is ATM.
Book App |
Posted by: Jkaen - April 21st, 2016, 04:43 - Forum: Off Topic
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Can anybody recommend an app that does the following:
- Runs on IOS
- Allows scanning of physical books I own via barcode
- Allows scanning of physical books I have read but dont own via barcode
- Pulls the list of ebooks I own off Amazon
- Alerts me when certain authors chosen by me publish a new book / ebook
- Groups together books indifferent format, so it will record I own book X, then will show what format, rather than treating different format books as different books
- Allow me to search by author to see which of their books I don't own/haven't read
- Stores data on the book such as author, genre etc etc
Suggestions for something to do with 4 smart programmers |
Posted by: SevenSpirits - April 20th, 2016, 18:32 - Forum: Off Topic
- Replies (12)
Supposing that me and 2-4 friends, all programmers / smart people / skilled gamers, had the time to take on some project or job full time. Any ideas?
The following properties would all be valuable:
* Interesting
* Pays well
* Improves world
* Allows autonomy
* Makes use of our particular skills (critical thinking, programming, understanding of games and therefore some handle on probability, economics, etc)
I'm looking for brainstorming at this point, so any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.
Strategic combat, further investigations |
Posted by: Seravy - April 20th, 2016, 16:41 - Forum: Master of Magic
- Replies (16)
I've decided to completely try to unravel the mysteries of Strategic Combat.
I'll post any new information I find out here.
1. The spell power influence of books of a realm a node can counter are completely ignored for the attacker. In other words, it is assumed that all such spells will always get countered.
2. Nodes have no effect on defender spell power at all. In other words it is assumed that nodes never counter for the defender.
3. If neither the attacker, nor the defender is the human player, all non-neutral AI players receive a +50% stats boost to Total army Attack, Defense, Ranged and all spell power ratings. In other words, all AI players have a huge advantage against neutrals. (50% might not sound like a lot but it's applied to everything so the effect multiplies)
4. Spell power is divided to 3 categories. One is directly added to defense. One is directly added to attack. One is a percentage bonus to the attack sum of the army.
5. Casting skill/Mana is spent in chucks of 1/3 of the total available. So it'll only influence the first 3 turns of combat.
6. During the first 3 turns of combat, only ranged attack power is used in calculations.
7. The weights of realms contributing to each spell power :
Nature = 50 Attack, 10 Percentage Attack, 25 Defense.
Sorcery = 75 Attack, 25 Defense
Chaos = 100 Attack, 30 Percentage Attack
Life = 15 Percentage Attack, 40 Defense
Death = 75 Attack, 15 Defense.
These numbers are per book.
8. Actual Spell Power[attack] is sum of the above for all books/30
Actual Spell Power[percentage] is sum of the above for all books/20
Actual Spell Power[defense] is sum of the above for all books/20
9. For each 5 mana spent, Spell Power[attack] is added to the army total attack rating, for the turn it was spent only.
For each 5 mana spent, Spell Power[percentage]*attack rating of army is added to the army total attack rating, for the turn it was spent only.
For each 5 mana spent, Spell Power[defense] is added to the army total defense rating, and this extra amount will carry over to future turns.
For example, a skill of 50 and 10 Chaos books means (33*16)/5=105 attack power per turn for the cost of 16 MP per turn. For reference, a unit of 6 melee and 6 figures is roughly 720 attack power, so this is roughly as good as 1/6th of the attack power of a single halberdier. Unless my calculations are wrong somewhere, the effect of magic is very poor in this department, which, being the highest part of most realms, is alarming.
The same books and skill would mean (15*16)/5 = 48% attack boost for the entire army each turn from the percentage multiplier which is far more reasonable.
Assuming the same in Life books, (20*16)/5= 64 defense power is added to the army total. For reference, a unit of 2 health, 6 figures and 4 shields is 384 defensive power.
10. Damage is subtracted from the attack power to simulate how killed units don't get to fight in later rounds. Nice, something is done correctly at least! Damage done in the ranged phase is subtracted from both the melee and ranged attacks. Damage is also subtracted from "defense" which contains/works as health.
Conclusions :
3 is just unfair. The AI already had a huge advantage in these battles (neutrals don't have spells). Furthermore, the bonus is applied AFTER the health is saved for end of combat damage distribution for survivors. This means the extra 50% health all non-neutral sides gain is extra army health that, if damaged, will not translate to actual damage on units. Meaning in AI vs AI combat, a significant portion of the damage is automatically prevented on the winner.
5+6 means spell power will only ever affect the ranged phase of the combat (unless both parties have 0 ranged). Meaning melee armies benefit somewhat less from the "percentage attack" part of spell power.
7 is just stupid. Spell power should be increased by researched combat spells, not books. As is, a wizard with no spells known but 10 books is as powerful in battle as one who has all the spells.
Stand alone elements of BUG |
Posted by: Ruff_Hi - April 19th, 2016, 07:19 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion
- Replies (3)
I was chatting with some modders last year ... or was it 2014 ... about providing some stand alone elements of BUG. Note that I am talking about very minor graphical / informational items.
The ones in particular that I am talking about are: - dot mapper
- I think there is already a version of this. Edit: There is but the link to the file is currently missing. Will try and update that tonight.
- graphs
- ability to show 1, 3 or 7 graphs per screen
- ability to toggle various players on or off
- example but it only shows 1 chart per page
- scale factor
- already available in CivIV.ini file but is fixed for all screens
- with this mod, can have one for the main screen and the default for the city screen
- EP screen
- change numbers to green if you have enough EPs for mission
- ability to toggle missions and cities view - helpful if you want to find the most efficient city to steal tech from
- icons to show if you have enough EPs for graphs / tech
- Religion Screen
- hot link to city in question
- indication if the city has temple, monistory, cultural multiplier
- Victory Screen
- number of unknown players
You'll notice that I left out whip assist, alerts, reminders, unit graphics and various other informational gathering items.
AP Victory Vote ... or Not? |
Posted by: Ruff_Hi - April 13th, 2016, 05:26 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion
- Replies (29)
Consider this situation ...
- 2 large continents
- 3 players left in the game
- Player A has all of one continent
- Players B and C share the other continent
- Players A and B are about equal in tech
- Player C is behind but is Protective
Player B ramps up tank, bomber and navel production and declares war on C but doesn't really get anywhere as C is able to mass produce artillery and anti-tank. The war turns into a war of attrition that B will eventually win.
Meanwhile, Player A completes the Manhattan Project and proceeds to nuke B with 5 nukes. Stopping Bs ability to war with C. B is set back, signs peace deal with C and starts to build his own nukes. A rains another 25 nukes onto B totally limiting his ability to do anything.
Now, B has been trying to tell A that over use of nukes has consequences. A arrogantly laughs in his face with comments such as 'Consequences schmonsequences'.
C is the AP President. The UN has not been completed. B tells C that if he proposes an AP victory, B will vote for C ... really ... anything to stop A from winning.
B's argument is that he can't win and his major objective is to make sure that A doesn't win.
So ... what would you do? Pose the AP victory vote? Say that A deserves his victory? Other?
Codenames 12 |
Posted by: sunrise089 - April 12th, 2016, 23:11 - Forum: Codenames Archives
- Replies (202)
Codenames 10 is over, and we even played a bonus round.
Anyone up for Codenames 12?
*David Corperial
*Old Harry
Lair / Node / Tower treasure pools |
Posted by: Seravy - April 11th, 2016, 14:34 - Forum: Caster of Magic
- Replies (3)
I. Modifiers
These are applied to all base values below.
Multiplier = (Difficulty+2)/4
Easy = 50%
Normal = 75%
Hard = 100%
Extreme = 125%
Impossible = 150%
Arcanus Treasure pool is equal to the monster pool+118.
Myrror teasure pool is 125% of the monster pool+118.
random(48)*50+1200 = 1200-3600
Tiles*Tiles*(4+random(11))*(1+Magic Strength)/2
5 tile node, at 1 power
5 tile node, at 2 power
10 tile node, at 1 power
10 tile node, at 2 power
20 tile node, at 1 power
20 tile node, at 2 power
20 tile node, at 2.5 power (max)
Arcanus node size = 4-14 tiles
Myrror node size = 8-20 tiles
Arcanus strong lairs
250+50*random(80) = 300-4250
Myrror strong lairs
250+50*random(90) = 300-4750
Arcanus weak lairs
30*random(25) = 30-750
Myrror weak lairs
30*random(35) = 30-1050
I'm pretty sure some of these numbers (and maybe even formulas) need changing.
Especially for nodes.