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  Stand alone elements of BUG
Posted by: Ruff_Hi - April 19th, 2016, 07:19 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (3)

I was chatting with some modders last year ... or was it 2014 ... about providing some stand alone elements of BUG. Note that I am talking about very minor graphical / informational items.

The ones in particular that I am talking about are:

  • dot mapper
    • I think there is already a version of this. Edit: There is but the link to the file is currently missing. Will try and update that tonight.
  • graphs
    • ability to show 1, 3 or 7 graphs per screen
    • ability to toggle various players on or off
    • example but it only shows 1 chart per page
  • scale factor
    • already available in CivIV.ini file but is fixed for all screens
    • with this mod, can have one for the main screen and the default for the city screen
  • EP screen
    • change numbers to green if you have enough EPs for mission
    • ability to toggle missions and cities view - helpful if you want to find the most efficient city to steal tech from
    • icons to show if you have enough EPs for graphs / tech
  • Religion Screen
    • hot link to city in question
    • indication if the city has temple, monistory, cultural multiplier
  • Victory Screen
    • number of unknown players

You'll notice that I left out whip assist, alerts, reminders, unit graphics and various other informational gathering items.

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  Website has been moved.
Posted by: BRickAstley - April 13th, 2016, 19:11 - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (46)

This is a version of our website that is hosted on our new host, and upgraded from MyBB 1.6.16 to 1.8.7. I'm already seeing a good few bumpy edges that need to be fixed, but I could use help finding out as many of them as a can.

Your normal login info should work over there, feel free to log in and test it out. Post any bugs you find here, and you get extra brownie points if you do research and can find someone saying how to fix it so I don't have to hunt them all down. smile

Probably all of them will depend on my going through the massive Find Updated Templates list anyways. bang



I've deleted and redone the move and update, except this time the upgrade is just a minor one from 1.6.16 to 1.6.18. The 1.8 upgrade is going to be huge in regards to making sure all the templates are reconciled, which I don't have time for right now, and I want to isolate issues stemming from that to any issues we might have just with the webhosting move.

So see if there are any issues with the website as you see it now, though hopefully there shouldn't be many at all.

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  AP Victory Vote ... or Not?
Posted by: Ruff_Hi - April 13th, 2016, 05:26 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (29)

Consider this situation ...

- 2 large continents
- 3 players left in the game
- Player A has all of one continent
- Players B and C share the other continent
- Players A and B are about equal in tech
- Player C is behind but is Protective

Player B ramps up tank, bomber and navel production and declares war on C but doesn't really get anywhere as C is able to mass produce artillery and anti-tank. The war turns into a war of attrition that B will eventually win.

Meanwhile, Player A completes the Manhattan Project and proceeds to nuke B with 5 nukes. Stopping Bs ability to war with C. B is set back, signs peace deal with C and starts to build his own nukes. A rains another 25 nukes onto B totally limiting his ability to do anything.

Now, B has been trying to tell A that over use of nukes has consequences. A arrogantly laughs in his face with comments such as 'Consequences schmonsequences'.

C is the AP President. The UN has not been completed. B tells C that if he proposes an AP victory, B will vote for C ... really ... anything to stop A from winning.

B's argument is that he can't win and his major objective is to make sure that A doesn't win.

So ... what would you do? Pose the AP victory vote? Say that A deserves his victory? Other?

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  Codenames 12
Posted by: sunrise089 - April 12th, 2016, 23:11 - Forum: Codenames Archives - Replies (202)

Codenames 10 is over, and we even played a bonus round.

Anyone up for Codenames 12?


*David Corperial
*Old Harry

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  Lair / Node / Tower treasure pools
Posted by: Seravy - April 11th, 2016, 14:34 - Forum: Caster of Magic - Replies (3)

I. Modifiers
These are applied to all base values below.

Multiplier = (Difficulty+2)/4
Easy = 50%
Normal = 75%
Hard = 100%
Extreme = 125%
Impossible = 150%

Arcanus Treasure pool is equal to the monster pool+118.
Myrror teasure pool is 125% of the monster pool+118.

random(48)*50+1200 = 1200-3600

Tiles*Tiles*(4+random(11))*(1+Magic Strength)/2

5 tile node, at 1 power

5 tile node, at 2 power

10 tile node, at 1 power

10 tile node, at 2 power

20 tile node, at 1 power

20 tile node, at 2 power

20 tile node, at 2.5 power (max)

Arcanus node size = 4-14 tiles
Myrror node size = 8-20 tiles

Arcanus strong lairs
250+50*random(80) = 300-4250

Myrror strong lairs
250+50*random(90) = 300-4750

Arcanus weak lairs
30*random(25) = 30-750

Myrror weak lairs
30*random(35) = 30-1050

I'm pretty sure some of these numbers (and maybe even formulas) need changing.
Especially for nodes.

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  Map editor
Posted by: JM_ - April 8th, 2016, 15:24 - Forum: Mods and Modding - Replies (10)

(google translate)

Once I started making a map editor in Turbo Pascal, but I had a little time. Now I have time and I want to continue.

I want to be able to do anything I want. Connecting or splitting land masses, changing any terrain to any other, etc.

Yet there is something to investigate, but pre-pre-pre-alpha version is able to do all this and game runs OK. Land mass ID and move costs are updated, of course.

But now I ran into a problem.

There are a myriad of codes for each type of terrain - shore, desert etc. I made a lot of fresh maps, discovered the
dependence of individual codes on the surrounding tiles and put the results into spreadsheets. I have complete Desert, Rivers, Mountains and Hills table. Only a small amount of Tundra on maps, but I believe that over time, I have the complete Tundra table. I am now able to draw a desert or mountains area with smooth adjacing tiles.

But I have trouble with the shore. After processing 80 maps I had about 65% of the codes. After 200 maps about 70%. After 480 maps 72%. So it makes no sense to continue this way.

Some configurations never once appeared. One-tile lake (water 1x1) with no incoming river, water tile with 2 rivers incoming from opposite directions, water tile with more than 2 rivers. etc. I extracted sprites from terrain.lbx, looked at them and found that lot of cofigurations have no corresponding sprites, so not every configuration is possible. I edited the missing codes into the map, started the game and tested it in the eyes, but it is a mission impossible.

I know about, it is very useful, but there is no detailed list of codes.

If I change a shore code to any other, game works properly, but shore line looks crazy. I don't like it.
It is possible that the code table will remain incomplete and will be continuously updated with each new game. And the editor will not permit any unknown shore configuration, so edited savegame will contain no inproper values. Buit it looks somewhat... undone.

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  Good Three Moves Ahead podcast on old games that aged well
Posted by: Psillycyber - April 7th, 2016, 15:39 - Forum: Master of Orion - Replies (9)

They talk about MoO1 and MoO2 a bit, and Civ2 vs. Civ4 vs. Civ5. I agree with them that a game seems to particularly age well when there is an absence of subsequent games that kept iterating on their mechanics and refining them. In contrast, games don't age well when there are newer versions that have come out that kept iterating on the same mechanics and are just straight-up improvements in every way. In those cases, there is no point to going back to the older, inferior versions. Who bothers playing

When you have to go back 20 years to find a game with a particular gameplay style, then it makes one more willing to forgive things like atrociously limited production values (music, graphics) or incomplete user interface (such as in MoO1). MoO1 remains fun after all these years because there really aren't any other games like it,and it is easy to look past the bad AI and bad production values. On the other hand, I have a feeling that once Remnants of the Precursors comes out, it will become increasingly difficult to forgive MoO1's shortcomings when a clearly superior version has been produced, and I will feel very little inclination at all to play vanilla MoO1 (in lieu of playing RotP).

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  Dedicated Tech Thread
Posted by: picklepikkl - April 4th, 2016, 17:10 - Forum: PBEM74-B - Replies (123)

For greenline to spam :P

I hear we're getting a tracker; can the link to it be posted in here when it's good to go?

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  Codenames Standard Rules
Posted by: Jkaen - April 4th, 2016, 06:45 - Forum: The Gaming Table - Replies (1)

Can I suggest this is stickied as a standard rule thread?

(December 30th, 2015, 15:57)BRickAstley Wrote: Codenames is a team-based party game based on cluegiving with limited communication between a team's spymaster and his fellow agents.

Players will be divided into Red Team and Blue Team. At the start of each round, each team will select a team leader, or spymaster. The two spymasters will be told secret information about a grid of words, which they will need to convey using limited clues to their teammates. The team leaders will take turns giving clues and taking guesses from their teammates. Once all of one team's words have been guessed, that team wins the round. The spymaster changes from round to round. The first team to win two rounds wins!


A 5x5 grid of 25 words (codenames) will be generated by the Moderator and given to the players, as seen below.
Wind Faith HospitalJoy Tear
Gun Glove Traffic Suit Dress
Ear Stool Beard Leg Vacuum
America Horse Team Tattoo Excuse
Night Cliff Lace Couch Millionaire

Each word will have a color assigned to it in secret that only the Moderator and the Team leaders will be able to see. I will randomly assign colors to the 25 word as follows: 8-9 Blue, 8-9 Red, 7 Grey, 1 Black (team that goes first has one extra word to guess). I will PM both spymasters the assignment of each word to its color, so that they know which word belong to their teams, but the other team members do not (All the other players know are the 25 words in the grid).

Here is an example of the above grid with colors assigned and Red as the starting team, that would be sent to the team spymasters:
Wind Faith HospitalJoy Tear
GunGlove Traffic Suit Dress
Ear Stool Beard Leg Vacuum
America Horse Team Tattoo Excuse
Night Cliff Lace Couch Millionaire


Each team's turn is broken up into two steps: giving a clue, and pointing at words.

Giving a Clue: The spymaster will post a clue to get teammates to guess a word or words of their color. He does so by giving both a one-word clue that is related to one or more of the words in the grid, and a number which tells his teammates how many words are related to that clue. For instance, he might say "Delay 3." That means that there are three words that are related to the word "Delay". He can say ONLY those two things: one word and one number. They must bold this to make it clear that is their official clue. After that, they are done posting for that turn.

The spymaster may give a clue as above, but offer no further commentary while a round is ongoing. If you are a spymaster, take care to review the typical-ish rules for giving clues in word guessing games listed below.
1. Your clue must be about the meaning of the words.
(e.g. You can't use your clue to talk about the letters in a word or its position on the table. GLAND is NOT a valid clue for ENGLAND. You can't tie BED, BUG, and BOW together with a clue of "B 3".)
2. Letters and numbers are valid clues as long as they refer to meanings.
(e.g. EIGHT 2 is a valid clue for SPIDER and FIGURE.)
3. The number you say after your clue can't be used as a clue.
(e.g. CITRUS 8 is not a valid clue for LEMON and OCTOPUS.)
4. You must play in English. A foreign word is allowed only if it can be reasonably used in an English sentence.
5. You can't use any form of a word that has not yet been identified on the grid.
(e.g. Until BREAK has been guessed, you cannot say BREAK, BROKEN, BREAKDOWN, etc.)
6. You cannot say part of a compound word that has not yet been identified.
(e.g. If HORSESHOE is in play, you cannot say HORSE, SHOE, UNHORSED, SNOWSHOE, etc.)
7. Rhymes are only valid when they refer to the meaning of the word.
(SNAIL is a valid clue for MAIL, but it is not a valid clue for SCALE.)
8. Proper names are allowed, if they follow the One Word rule.
(EINSTEIN is a valid clue, but ALBERT EINSTEIN is not).
9. Acronyms are not allowed, unless an acronym is primarily used as a regular word.
(RADAR is a valid clue, but CIA or USSR is not).

Pointing at Words: Now the rest of team must select words to guess at, one at a time. Players must bold this pointing action to make it official (eg, "Point to America"). They can guess up to a max of one more word than the number stated by the spymaster (To try to catch up from missing past clues, see below).

Once they point to a word, the moderator or one of the spymasters reveals the color of that word. If the word is the color of the guessing team, the team may continue guessing words (up to the number given in the clue + 1). If the color of the word is either Grey, or the other team's color, the turn immediately ends and the other team takes a turn (Though players can try to guess any words they had missed on a later turn).

If the color is Black (Assassin) then the round immediately ends and the other team wins the round.

The team must make at least one guess; after this, the team may stop at any time by posting the word "Pass" in bold in the thread.

Any player on a team can make a guess, unless the team decides at any point to use a different system (one official guesser, vote for guess, etc).

Win Condition: The first team to have all 8 or 9 of their words revealed (by either team) wins the round. If this is that team's first winning round, the starting team switches and another round is played. If this is that team's second winning round, that team wins the game.

PDF of the official rulebook, if you wish to read it.

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  Q for the The Research bonus again again
Posted by: SvenBent - April 3rd, 2016, 14:32 - Forum: Master of Orion - Replies (4)

So as i gather you get a doubled up bonus added to you your reasearch per turn up to 7.5% of you currenny invsted RP or max of what you put in this turn. aka the importnace of always adidng in those 7.5% to triple you ressearch investment

however does those 7.5% beeing calcualted on what YOU put in or what (YUO + bonus) are putted into it

1st turn you put in 1000
2nd turn you put in 7.5% of 1000 which i 75rp
3rd turn do you put in 7.5 of 1075 ( total of what you personally put in) or 7.5% of 1225 ( what you put in including the bonus)?

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