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  Idea for next imperia?
Posted by: Dp101 - February 28th, 2013, 18:17 - Forum: Master of Orion - Replies (3)

I have a idea for a potential Imperium 36 disclamer: I do not own MoO and do not know how much of my design can be created. This may not work

The setup is this:
Huge galaxy
2 races (special)
Are there any other settings?


START WITH ALL TECHS RESEARCHED!! (except the "advanced planatology/weapons/construction/forcefields/computers/propulsion")
Homeworld starts with standard numbers of pop and factories
Standard ships

STARTS WITH EVERY SYSTEM!! (other than the players home world, orion and empty stars) Note: this will mean a instant council vote. DENY IT AND KEEP PLAYING! I don't think that there is a way around this.
STARTS WITH ALL COLONISATION TECHS! (so that it doesn't ignore hostile planets that it loses)
All planets start with the same percentage of pop and factories as the homeworld does, scaled per planet.
One scout over every world that it owns

I do not know if this is winnable or even possible, someone with more experience should look this over.

Have fun

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  MOO 2
Posted by: Ryan - February 28th, 2013, 15:33 - Forum: Master of Orion - Replies (2)

I managed to get MOO2. Is it good compared to 1? I got intrested in the game thanks to Sullas lets play and I was wondering how different are they?

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  [SPOILERS] Smackdown Reference Thread
Posted by: SevenSpirits - February 28th, 2013, 07:32 - Forum: Smackdown - Replies (7)

Remember that people on other teams can read our thread titles.

To log into the game, direct connect to: (no password is necessary here)
Then log in as one of our civs, with password: m7

Tech cost reference sheet:
Micro planning sheet:


Mehmed (EXP/ORG) of Sumeria
Elizabeth (FIN/PHI) of Rome

Real Men of Genius 2.0:
Gandhi (PHI/SPI) of Egypt
Huayna (IND/FIN) of Maya

Bismark (EXP/IND) of Native America
Victoria (FIN/IMP) of Korea

Lew Adores Mist:
Darius (FIN/ORG) of HRE
Joao (EXP/IMP) of England

Agreed-upon rules:

Always War
No banned wonders
Banned Other: War Elephants, Spy missions, and Nukes
No barbs

Lakes-like map. (Maybe with some islands?)
No circumnav available
Cylindrical wrap
Natural landforms
No mirroring, but fair

Can't gift cities after their first turn of founding or capture*
Can't accept or cancel trades if one partner has ended turn and the other hasn't
No ban on giving GPT
Can't be giving net GPT to partner while striking

Snake pick
See starts before pick
Your two leaders may share a trait
Given turn order 1234, snake pick order is: 4321123443211234
Banned civs/leaders: India, Inca, Willem, Pacal

General policy is no reloads
24h timer
No "New random seed on reload"

All players start with scout + settler only

* Cities can only be gifted on the turn you found or capture them, before ending turn. Additionally they must be gifted before taking any actions that would not be possible, or have different outcomes, if you had gifted the city already. Examples of such actions:
- Drafting a just-recaptured city.
- Starting a golden age having just captured the MoM city.
- Building an improvement in the second-ring borders of a just-recaptured city. (If you were the original owner, cultural borders can pop immediately for you, but after you gift it the culture will be reset so you couldn't build the improvement.)

Feel free to reply with more reference material.

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  Adventure 57 - Comments and Scoring
Posted by: Qgqqqqq - February 28th, 2013, 03:06 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (29)

Discovery (Circumnavigation)325AD325AD1040AD50AD840AD820AD
Foothold (Initial City)100BC700AD700AD175BC680AD475AD
Empire (Total Conquest)1050AD1585AD1360AD1625AD1560AD1685AD
Domination (Victory)1270AD (T187)1812AD (T276)1555AD (T221)1785AD (T267)1710AD (T252)1785AD (T267)
Final Score:??4206.6???

Red is first place, orange second. Finish date isn't competitive but nice for comparison.
I don't have the time to go through the scores today, but I'll add a column when I do.

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  [SIGN UPS CLOSED] WW21 Signup Thread
Posted by: Azza - February 28th, 2013, 00:43 - Forum: Werewolf Archives - Replies (43)

This is the signup thread for WW21. Signups will run for about a week (or until I've finished writing up the role PMs), closing about 24 hours before the start of the game.

A couple of notes about the game.

- The game will have a Futurama theme. No knowledge of the show is required to play, but characters will have a relevant backstory and, if applicable, a relevant role.

- Deadlines will be at 12:00pm GMT (i.e. noon). No posting is permitted between the deadline and the day/night resolution without explicit permission from me. Any urgent questions or similar should be directed to me via PM.

- Every player will have a character, scum will also have cover characters. Most players will have a role, regardless of alignment. Metagame at your own risk. however alignments and roles will be randomly distributed.

- There will be multiple scanning roles, and there will be multiple roles that can effect the results of these scans. I make no guarantee of the accuracy of any individual scan.

- Abilities that effect votes will not be applied to vote counts until after the deadline.

- If a tie exists after all abilities have been applied, the vote closest to the deadline will be ignored. If a tie still exists, the next vote closest to the deadline will also be ignored. This will continue until the tie is broken.

- It's just a game. Please try to keep things civil, we want to keep these games fun for everyone involved.

I think that's everything I need here, if there are any other general queries about the game setup, feel free to ask, but I won't necessarily answer it because spoilers. wink

Signups; (9)


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  Cancer Support
Posted by: athlete4life10 - February 28th, 2013, 00:02 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (3)

My apologies as I know this is probably the wrong spot but I'm not really sure if any other part is really active and this is really the only part of the community I've ever interacted with.

Let me first start by saying I'm not expecting anything from anybody here but you can view my story, join my team and/or make a donation here:

I figure Cancer is a global disease and I'm just looking to spread the word. I'm sorry if by posting this here it offends anybody.

If anybody is actually in the area and would like to join, or even just swing by, let me know and I'll be happy to play host for you and help you enjoy your time in the Niagara Region.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

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  Adventure 57 - Portuguese Imperialism
Posted by: Ceiliazul - February 27th, 2013, 23:49 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (14)

Adventure 57 Rules

This adventure comes with quite a scoring list! I love the concept: strike out at across the seas on a terra map expansion race. And the sponsors added "several dozen" barb cities?! Most barb cities don't spawn until after 1000BC, so these barbs will have an extra ~60t of growth compared to normal barb cities. These barb cities will have plenty of time build workers and improve tiles. I fear the barbs will have the largest and most populous empire in the world when carracks take to the waves... but they will still sport technologically backward defenders and no culture defense. Hammer time!

How do the scenario goals impact gameplay? Well, if I can get an efficient conquering campaign, the conquer gold from the large barb cities should be massive. And I’ll need it, because the maintenance will be massive as well. With Astronomy still a ways off at the time of carracks, resources and trade routes will be in short supply over there. Thank goodness the sponsors prevented colony maintenance by turning off 'vassal states'.

The other huge relief is the 'Monarch' difficulty setting. Not only will this help with maintenance costs, but it will allow me to gain a large tech advantage over the other civs. This means I can delay wonders by quite a bit and still land them. In particular, I intend to grab a civil-service slingshot with the Oracle here. I imagine bulbing Optics and embarking 15 maces on 5 carracks. While most terra maps require lots of settlers and workers, I expect there will be plenty of cities and barb workers to capture over there... all I need is military. Ironically, this makes Joao a less-than-best leader for this scenario.

Since the major scoring goals require speed, hitting the new world HARD will be key! If I can get capture gold flowing, it will power my economy through an otherwise HORRIBLE crash.

I used the flying camera a bit before I moved my starting warrior. The land runs out quickly to the West of my start... but just a bit further is another landmass. The New World is near! This is great to know: we're on the coast, and have clear directions to our goal. Much better than spawning across the world wrap from the other continent! Thank's T-Hawk. Settle in place is clearly the way to go. The Capital site doesn't look well suited for Oxford, nor for Ironworks, but has a good mix of mfg for the early game. Warrior scouts Southwest, capital builds worker first.

Starting techs: Agriculture - Animal Husbandry seems like the obvious start here. I thought about going straight to Bronze Working and clear-cutting the capital, but I did not go that route.

Starting builds: worker first to get that corn improved. Start a settler until the corn is done, then grow on a warrior until size 2. Finish the settler while working corn and cow... and it's off to the races. I went for a sprawling early game, cities farflung and small at first. On Monarch, crop/mfg is much more limiting than tech. Also, our start wasn't rich with luxuries... I had to reach for them early to get a reasonable happy cap.

Then I got the break of the game: Iron from a hut! And not only that, but a mine I had built while waiting for The Wheel to come in turned out to have the metal! It's not hooked yet, but it would be soon. Copper was far away, so this helped quite a bit.

My hut luck was really good, popping a scout from the first hut and then Iron Working on t40! The scout went on to meet all my opponents before being cut down by barbs much later. A work boat scouted the southern coast, defogging trade routes to Spain, Mongolia, Maya and Sumeria. This will be very, very important for my future plans.

[Image: t42.growing.JPG]

In the shot above I've just finished Mysticism for Stonehenge. I'm way short on worker labor, but you can see I'm working to fix that here! In this shot I had 3 cities and 2 workers… but soon that would be seven and three. Most of the worker labor here went toward the Southern city, where I chopped Stonehenge. 'Henge was the 2nd most important wonder for me in this game, providing border expansions for my many, many cities.

The warrior queued in the Southern city was needed for sentry duty. The barbs are kicking my butt. I've been slowed significantly by the need to produce more sentries. Let’s check the settings screen: Oh, Raging Barbs. Didn't realize. Well, that should slow my AI opponents too, we'll see. Speaking of the AI, where are they all?? Terra maps are usually pretty cramped starts. I have only met 2 opponents so far! (I guess the raging barbs are eating people's scouts too.)

[Image: t43.sentry%20net.JPG]

The extra warriors slowed expansion, but you can see here I’ve finally expanded my sentry net to (mostly) end the threat. Each unit’s 5x5 square is planned out to limit barb spawning. And just in time too: barb warriors were being replaced by archers, and soon we’d see axes. Around this time my scout bit the dust. With the new era of barb units, if I hadn’t gotten the frontier sealed off my warriors would have died quickly to upgraded barbs.

The barbs were really hammering the AI civs too. Not very often that you see this:

[Image: t60.Barbs.JPG]

Already I'm destroying the AIs in everything that matters.

Justinian and Isabella had a TON of wilderness to their East. Normally Terra maps are pretty crowded so that there’s enough space left over for an empty continent. In this case, the far East civs were VERY crowded, but my nearest neighbors could see elk from their back porch for most of the game. That’s not actually a good thing when the elk are carrying axes and spears, and both my near neighbors were stunted all game. Around this time I scouted through Justin's capital and saw 3 barb archers camping in the unchopped forests there. Bad news bears!

The Great Wall didn’t even occur to me here… which is unfortunate because that wonder would have helped tremendously against the greater barbs in the fog. The raging barbs are also impacting AI scouting. Here in 1500BC I'm still finding huts... Hey look, Aesthetics! This was the last tech I learned from a hut (though I ended up popping MANY more here and in the new world). I got several hostile huts and maps… my luck overall wasn’t that great. What’s nice is that the good stuff was front loaded, where it matters. This hut also solved a big puzzle with my tech path: I've been wondering is whether a diversion to Literature before optics would be worth it. With marble in range and Heroic Epic unlocked, that decision is easy. Now with free Aesthetics, that decision is easy! Not yet though, the Civil-Service slingshot to must come first.

[Image: t67.GLH%20building.JPG]

I said Stonehenge was the 2nd most important wonder, here’s the first. Terra maps usually feature a snaky new world with lots of shoreline. The Great Lighthouse is my answer to an intercontinental economy before Astronomy. Those nearby forests were a small price to pay for the wonder. I already had open borders with everyone except Hammurabi, and the lighthouse boosted my research rate by over 30bpt. Not sure I would have landed the CS slingshot without this.

I like that Portugal borders Spain, not sure if that was scenario design. With Byzantine nearby as well, I'm guessing it was random. And I REALLY like that Spain has no religion! Lizzie is a well known religious zealot. With the early religions gone, I'm really hoping she stays unchurched until I can spread the wisdom of Confucius to her. Here on Monarch I'm certain I'll found all the later religions, so she'd be a gamelong ally in that case.

Tech Path so far has been a pretty direct beeline toward the Slingshot:

  • Worker Techs
  • Mysticism
  • Pottery to Math
  • GLH techs (sailing and masonry)
  • Poly to Priesthood, Code of Laws.

No distractions at all here, except for the GLH techs. And while sailing is expensive, the international trade routes have already recouped that cost.

Will the beeline be enough??

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  Lew Adores Mist starting positions
Posted by: plako - February 27th, 2013, 16:13 - Forum: Lew Adores Mist - Replies (84)

Here are your starting positions. Everything in the fog is highly likely to change. Even things visible can change, but nature of the starts will remain as well as the immediately visible resources.

[Image: pb1041.jpg]

[Image: pb1042.jpg]

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  4H starting positions
Posted by: plako - February 27th, 2013, 16:13 - Forum: HitHumanHydrasHohoho - Replies (13)

Here are your starting positions. Everything in the fog is highly likely to change. Even things visible can change, but nature of the starts will remain as well as the immediately visible resources.

[Image: pb1031.jpg]

[Image: pb1032.jpg]

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  RMoG2 starting positions
Posted by: plako - February 27th, 2013, 16:12 - Forum: Real Men of Genius 2.0 - Replies (6)

Here are your starting positions. Everything in the fog is highly likely to change. Even things visible can change, but nature of the starts will remain as well as the immediately visible resources.

[Image: pb1021.jpg]

[Image: pb1022d.jpg]

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