Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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  Primepolar's adventure through hexapoda research
Posted by: Primepolar - February 7th, 2013, 09:35 - Forum: Erebus in the Balance PBEM XXVI - Replies (56)

Spoiler thingy here

You have been warned.

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  Sian - Arendal of Ljosalfar
Posted by: Sian - February 7th, 2013, 08:49 - Forum: Erebus in the Balance PBEM XXVI - Replies (43)

[Image: Elven_Treetop_Village_by_Xebeckle_il_Ziluf.jpg]

[Image: 5bc35f20db5232fd74ac693b9f74af9f.jpg.jpg]

no ... not playing clowns (they're not even on my 4'th place)

free cookies for those able to identify where the screencap is from

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  Age of Wonders 3 announced for 2013
Posted by: Yazilliclick - February 6th, 2013, 11:28 - Forum: The Gaming Table - Replies (7)

Figured this may be of interest to some here. They've also confirmed on their forums that the game will support PBEM. Some screenshots on their site at

  • Explore, expand and exploit a living fantasy world. Discover wondrous locations and gather legendary heroes.
  • Develop your domain, with many classes having the ability to change terrain and climates to suit your needs.
  • All new 3D graphics that provide a crisper and more detailed overview of the world and battle maps.
  • New styles of play are possible with the introduction of RPG style leader classes like warlord, theocrat, rogue and sorcerer, along with a wide selection of specializations.
  • Command a variety of races. Pick your starting race and shape your people’s destiny using your leader’s unique skills.
  • A brand-new tactical battle system renders each battlefield and siege in great detail; new rules include flanking and a massive set of special unit abilities.
  • An epic story campaign with two playable factions; Choose the mighty
  • Commonwealth Empire or join the Court of the High Elves, founded after the reunion of the Dark Elves and Wood Elves.
  • Compete online in extensive multiplayer modes and scenarios.
  • High replay value through random maps, difficulty modes and tools allowing user created content.

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  Erebus in the Balance PBEMXXVI Map & Lurker Thread
Posted by: Qgqqqqq - February 6th, 2013, 02:01 - Forum: Erebus in the Balance PBEM XXVI - Replies (103)

No I couldn't think of a witty title wink
Edit: For those viewing this later, the lack of images is because dropbox changed their functionality. This is a common problem across the fora.

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  Realms Beyond Dungeons
Posted by: Mardoc - February 2nd, 2013, 10:49 - Forum: The Gaming Table - Replies (659)

As requested, here's a new thread so that I can maintain first post as a summary of what's been agreed on for this experiment in play by post D&D.

DM: Mardoc
Co-DM's: Merovech, Sian and Jkaen



Base rules:
DM word is law - but we'll do our best to conform to the rules in the game
Have fun, work together, no trolling

  • D&D edition 3.5, or Pathfinder. It's the version I know the best, and the version with rules available free and legal. Although I suspect forum D&D would get to be more roleplaying and less rules wrangling, it's good to have an idea on capabilities.
    There's not a huge difference between the two, Pathfinder was consciously developed as 3.5 with balance tweaks.

  • Low power level, 3-5th level or so, vanilla settings (that is, character options mostly restricted to the Player's Handbook). It's easier to DM when the party doesn't have all the get-out-of-jail free cards like teleport without error, and without monsters in the party (sorry, Tasunke)
  • The party *must*, before starting, reconcile backstories so that it's reasonable for you all to want to risk your lives for each other and you have common goals. It can work to have a group who wants to serve and protect the innocent, or a group that's looking just to get rich fast, but mixed expectations end badly. Not willing to DM for an outright evil party, though
  • No stealing from the other players, general agreement on party goals and morality, that sort of thing

Opinions on system seem to vary between 'I've no clue, I'll be learning it new in any event' and 'don't care, I'll play anything', except that Brick prefers Pathfinder. So...we'll go with Pathfinder. lol

Setting: Seems most people are undecided, Tasunke prefers Erebus. That could work, but I'll leave the floor open for the moment. I agree with the suggestion to work from a world that's already somewhat defined, so it's probably Erebus or Forgotten Realms for me. Or something based on a novel, if it's one I've read. That saves me work - and it also ought to make it easier to have the co-GM's help, if the world is defined somewhere we can all look at it, instead of in my head. And on top, it's easier for the party to guide the story if you have a general feel for what's out there.

Scale: People seem to want a medium scale adventure - you can change the world, but you're not going to be expected to save it.

Type of game: You'll be expected to fight from time to time, and negotiate from time to time, but in general you'll be outside civilization and how you approach problems is up to you. Again, if there are objections this can change. I'll aim to provide options for quests, rather than tell my own story, I'll let you guys guide it. That said - if you find yourself burning villages and torturing the inhabitants to death, you can find another GM. Stay on the Good-to-Neutral end of things, please.

Difficulty: we'll go with challenges generally handled without death, but I reserve the right to administer appropriate consequences if you get in over your head despite warning. I'll be gentle, but you can't expect to take on an army or a god and win. If you insult the king to his face, you can expect your next adventure to be breaking out from jail or raising money to pay the fine. Also...if you pull a Leeroy Jenkins, and the rest of the party doesn't want to fight, it may not end well for you. Don't be afraid to run!

You can make 3rd level characters, we'll use point-buy, 15 points per the book's recommendation for a standard game. I'd request that you make your character in an electronic character sheet so that we can pass them back and forth easily. Brick's recommended one that looks pretty good here.

Anything listed as Core here is fair game, I'll allow exceptions on a case by case basis. I'm more likely to allow exceptions if you've got a good story for why your character is that way and how he can work with the rest of the party.

Please make your characters in thread, particularly your personality, backstory, and goals, so that we can make sure it meshes. Can I get some volunteers to guide Ichabod and Pling through the rules portion of character creation? Of course I'll help too, but best if you start working together already. Some things to consider: the group really needs one of each of a front line fighter, a healer, a rogue, and a magic user. That leaves 3 slots for duplicates and hybrid characters. It's probably best to work out who's filling each role before you dive into the details.

Also - bear in mind, with a big party and generally forgiving DM, you can afford to build your characters less than optimized. If you want to tell the story of a weakling who's nonetheless determined to prove himself in his barbarian tribe, or give your pit fighter an absolute passion for collecting books, that's fine by me.

One last thing: if you've something you want to discuss privately, shoot me an e-mail at RBMardoc at gmail. I'd appreciate if co-GM's could do that, at least, so we can figure out how we're going to handle the logistics.

Anyway, that's enough to start with, certainly.

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  WW20: Lair of the Lurkers
Posted by: uberfish - February 1st, 2013, 17:50 - Forum: Werewolf Archives - Replies (561)

Live players not allowed!

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  Dungeons and Devils
Posted by: Tasunke - February 1st, 2013, 09:35 - Forum: The Gaming Table - Replies (76)

Lets play some DnD.

We can all be dragonlings, or dragon priests, or dragon disciples, or dragon archers, etc etc ... or half dragons, etc etc ....

and we invade the 9 hells and try to take over (devil)


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  Noble SG: No Improvements
Posted by: Commodore - February 1st, 2013, 01:09 - Forum: Succession Games - Replies (224)

So we built ourselves a save game here.

(January 30th, 2013, 12:27)Commodore Wrote: So I know it's been done half a decade ago, but I was recently reminded of a fun variant SG that Sullla/Darrell/Zaviz/Compromise played back in the day:No Tile Improvements

Would some 3-4 others be up for a Succession Game reprising the variant? I'm thinking:
Noble Difficulty
Like before, Standard, Ice Age/wide, Epic speed, vassals off, events on, etc, etc...
Saladin of Arabia (less rush ability, but nice resource-less mainline unit).

Someone willing to roll a few maps to weed out stinkers might be nice, but heck, we can try it blind too.

Sign ups:
Shoot the Moon
(January 31st, 2013, 22:38)Qgqqqqq Wrote: Finally Ready for Noble - The Next Generation

[Image: civ4screenshot0077b.jpg]

Your Start:

[Image: civ4screenshot0079.jpg]
First Start too!

Good Luck! (You're gonna need it...)

Let's get started! I'm kicking things off with 25 turns, then next it's 20, then 15, and from then on, 10.

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  FFH Succesion Game at CFC
Posted by: Qgqqqqq - January 31st, 2013, 23:25 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (4)

I (and a bunch of others) are playing a SG at CFC.
While it is not (unfortunately) EitB, its still a great opportunity to learn how to play the base game, and may be of interest to some of the noob ffh players popping up recently.
Theres plenty of slots available too, if people want to join in.

The theme is elohim against evil.

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  WW20: Legend of the Undercity
Posted by: uberfish - January 31st, 2013, 19:50 - Forum: Werewolf Archives - Replies (2122)

Game open!

Day 2 Deadline: 2200 GMT, Saturday 9th Feb

Dead Players

flug_auto, Magus Deathspell (King's Bounty), Town Neighbour was lynched day 1
Gaspar, Ezio Auditore (Assassin's Creed 2), Scum Secret Mayor, was killed night 1
Zakalwe, Leisure Suit Larry (Leisure Suit Larry), Town Incompetent Seducer, was killed night 1
Tasunke, Eurabatres (Fall from Heaven 2), Scum Arsonist Mass Distractor, was killed day 2
GaiusMarius, Sora (Kingdom Hearts), Town Jailkeeper, was lynched day 2
Novice, Dora the Explorer (Dora the Explorer), Town Innocent Child, was killed night 2
Gazglum, Guybrush Threepwood (Monkey Island), Town Insult Duellist was killed day 3
Mattimeo, Akemi Homura (Puella Magi), Town Temporal Displacer was lynched day 3
Rowain, Deckard Cain (Diablo), Town Martyr was killed night 3
BrickAstley, Gentleman Cho'Gath (League of Legends), Town Macho Seer was killed night 3
Jkaen, The Nameless One (Planescape Torment), Town Amnesiac, was lynched day 4
Ichabod, Morte (Planescape Torment), Town Taunter was killed night 4
Bigger, Navi (Zelda: Ocarina of Time), Town Advisor was killed night 4
Lewwyn, Frank Fontaine (Bioshock), Town Death Feigner was killed night 4
Azza, Creeper (Minecraft), Scum Suicide Bomber committed suicide day 5
Serdoa, Jarlaxle Baenre (Baldur's Gate 2), Town Compulsive Agent of Chaos, was killed day 5

Live Players (6)

Meiz - Korgan Bloodaxe (Baldur's Gate 2)
Molach - Necromancer (Diablo 2)
Pindicator - GlaDOs (Portal)
Qgqqqqq - Baron Duin Halfmorn (Fall from Heaven 2)
Ryan - Dante (Devil May Cry)

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