My brother and I have been trying out D1 IM runs for the past few months. I recorded our best attempt and put it on youtube. This reddit post has more info. I think it is the longest D1 Iron Man series on video. We followed the rules on the RB site. Some people here might be interested, so enjoy!
When I press Print Screen while inside Civ4, I get a screenshot of my desktop rather than of the game. Until now I've always gotten an in-game screenshot. Alt-Prt Scr gives the desktop too. I haven't changed any windows settings. Any idea what could cause this? I'd need to play windowed to make screenshots. I hate windowed as you can't scroll the map in that mode. Any help would be appreciated. Kinda hard to continue my Angel thread without screenshots.
This game will be Pick your Characters 2 (the game theme name will be something more creative than that). I'll take any number of players and create a setup based on the characters you pick. This is how it works.
Signups close at the end of Wednesday 23rd
- You can be any computer or video game character you want - mostly. No animals this time.
- You sign up in this thread.
- You PM your character choice (Name and source material) to Pling, who has kindly agreed to assist with the setup. Example: Kerrigan (Starcraft)
- Pling tells me the character names and I randomly assign their alignment. There will only be one traditional scum team. There may or may not be third party roles, possessed, traitors, etc.
- Then I assign powers. Don't think you can pick some assassin character and automatically become a vigilante, it doesn't work that way. Everyone will have at least one power.
- I won't know who is playing what character until the setup phase is done when Pling sends me the full list. This prevents any unintentional bias in power assignment.
Signups (21)
1 Novice
6 Tasunke
10 Gaius Marius
Flug Auto
15 Serdoa
20 Ichabod
Hey I wanted to ask if I made a single player and posted turns + my ideas every few turns would anyone be intrested in reading and giving me advice about it ? Anything wrong in my thinking etc.
Adventure Fifty-Seven: Iberian Imperialism
Sponsors: Qgqqqqq and T-hawk
Opening Date: Monday, January 21st, 2013
Duration: Five Weeks
Map Script: Terra
Game Speed: Normal
Difficulty: Monarch
Civilization: Portugal
Leader: Joao II
Opponents: 6
Victory: All available, Domination preferred
Options: Raging Barbarians, No Vassal States, No Random Events
Scenario: The Portuguese are renowned for their colonialism, but this time the New World is not abandoned – an entire civilization of savages and barbarians lies in your path.
The bounty of the New World lies at your feet, this is your chance to seize it, and you dare not be distracted by the petty feuds around you.
Variant: The New World starts with several dozen pre-settled barbarian cities. You may not attack any AI cities on the starting continent until no barbarian cities remain in the New World.
Scoring: Your task is to settle the new world, and conquer the barbarian civilization there. Note: A wonder does not count for score if rushed with a Great Engineer or cash.
10 points - Each barbarian city captured
10 points - Each barbarian city held until the end of the game
100 points - Build Versailles
300 points - Build Versailles in the new world
100 points - Build the Forbidden Palace in the new world
50 points - Each World Wonder built in the new world
50 points - Build the Colossus
150 points - Earn the circumnavigation movement bonus
400 points - Fastest circumnavigation among competing players (200 for second-fastest)
400 points - Fastest to own a city in the new world (200 for second-fastest). This counts as long as you don't lose the city quickly.
600 points - Fastest to own all cities in the new world (400 for second-fastest). This counts even if another city appears later.
500 points - Win by Domination
50 points - Any other victory
0.2% - Bonus for each turn remaining at the point of your victory. Example: If you win on turn 300, there are 200 turns remaining, so add a 40% bonus to your total score.
Closing Date: Monday, February 25, 2013. Reports due by the end of Feb 26, your local time.
As the King looked down from the throne upon the pitiful figure in front of him, he was wracked with doubt. Could this wretched worm of a man really have uncovered a plot for regime change within the realm? This unremarkable man was well known among the worst elements of the capital: the whores; the robbers and the jabbering, slathering nincompoops who called themselves 'Republicans'. How is it possible that this snivelling fool could have stumbled upon such a plot? And how could he be seen to take this man seriously when everyone else in the throne room was holding their noses and the royal physician had diagnosed the man with the condition known throughout the world as 'bat-shit crazy'?
No. The King would not show weakness now. This man was clearly just another lunatic and how could his beloved guards ever betray him? He would not have gained the throne without these men and they had all proved their valour on the battlefield. It was impossible that they could be turned against him. This man must be executed.
Mittens, the town idiot, was executed. He was innocent
There had been rumours going around the palace court that the evil Empire was on the rise again and were seeking 'regime change'. How on earth could the King have develop WMDs? It was clear they were misleading the world, but noone dared to stand against them. If the King fell, no soul would dare oppose the Empire as he had years before. But how could they infiltrate his guards? The idea was just ridiculous.
Just then, the royal physician returned. He had brought a body before the King and looked distinctly pale. The King began to worry. As the body was revealed to him, he shrieked out in shock. It was Twinkletoes, one of his most beloved guards. He had been murdered.
Twinkletoes was killed. He was an innocent guard
The King ordered the room to be cleared of all but his guards and the physician so he could mourn and speak privately to the physician. When all others had left, the physician revealed that Twinkletoes had said something terrifying with his last breaths.
"There is a traitor within the guard"
The King felt faint. What on earth could he do? He ordered the physician out and ordered the castle to be put under lockdown. He turned to his guards.
"I know that there is a traitor amongst you. They will not succeed in killing me. I hereby order you all to be aware and suspect none of your fellow colleagues. We must find this worm and we must kill him. Get to work"
Quote:Dramatis Personae
(P.S) I will try and keep flavour up as much as I can but some days I may not manage it!
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