Map/Difficulty: Random Continents, semi-balanced
Speed: Quick
Players: 4-6
Bans: Standard PBEM bans. Corps, nukes, War Elephants (except Khmer), Random Events, Vassal States, Barbarians, AP cheese, Swap Religion/Civic espionage missions. No banned leaders/civs
Diplo: Up for discussion
Winning: The first player to receive 500 Victory Points wins the PBEM. Victory Points are received by completing objectives.
-After all signups are filled, the players must secretly PM Mist with what role they would like to play.
-A turn order will be rolled, followed by a snake pick, followed by starts being revealed.
-Every time your score increases past an increment of 50 (50, 100, etc.), please post your achievement in the public scorekeeping thread.
-You are under no obligation to share your role.
10 points for owning Angkor Wat, Creative Construction HQ, Mining Inc. HQ, Moai Statues
20 points for owning Cristo Redentor, Hagia Sophia, Hanging Gardens, Pyramids, Three Gorges Dam
50 points for owning Ironworks
1 point per each 10 points of MFG score in a turn ( rolling, current turn only )
1 point for each owned :
Dike, Levee, Shale Plant
2 points for each owned :
Forge, Mint
3 points for each owned
Factory, Industrial Park
5 points for each owned
Assembly Plant
1 point for each of following techs known :
Currency, Banking, Economics, Corporation, Metal Casting, Code of Laws, Mining, Constitution, The Wheel, Alphabet, Pottery, Sailing, Paper, Railroad, Industrialism, Monarchy, Civil Service, Guilds, Fascism, Mass Media, Agriculture, Writing, Mathematics, Printing Press, Flight
10 points for each Great Merchant born
10 points for owning Aluminium Co, Jewelers Inc., Creative Construction, Mining Inc., Standard Ethanol, any of the Shrines, Spiral Minaret
20 points for owning Cereal Mills, Sid Sushi, Colossus, Eiffel Tower, Statue of Liberty, United Nations, Versailles
30 points for owning Temple of Artemis
40 points for owning Great Lighthouse
50 points for owning Wall Street
1 point for each 10 gold income per turn ( rolling, current turn only )
1 point for each 10 beakers produced in a turn ( rolling, current turn only )
10 points for owning Aluminium Co., National Park, Red Cross, Standard Ethanol, Oracle
20 points for owning Space Elevator
30 points for owning University of Sankore
40 points for owning Great Library
50 points for owning Oxford University
1 point for each owned :
Academy, Monastery (of any religion), Seowon, University
1 point for each 10 culture output in a turn ( rolling, current turn only )
10 points for owning Jewelers Inc., Heroic Epic, Mt. Rushmore, National Epic
20 points for owning Notre Dame, Parthenon, Statue of Zeus, Hermitage, Taj Mahal, Mausoleum of Mausollos
30 points for owning Broadway, Hollywood, Rock N Roll
40 points for owning Globe Theatre, Sistine Chapel
1 point for first religion in owned city
2 points for second religion in owned city
3 points for third religion in owned city
10 point for owning Moai Statues, Temple of Artemis
20 points for owning Shwedagon Paya, Stonehenge, Apostolic Palace, Oracle, Spiral Minaret, Chichen Itza
40 points for owning a Shrine ( of any religion )
50 points for owning Angkor Wat
1 point for each owned :
Temple ( of any religion )
2 points for each owned :
Madrassa, Obelisk, Cathedral ( of any religion )
1 point for each of following techs known
Physics, Artillery, Archery, Rocketry, Bronze Working, Construction, Industrialism, Civil Service, Radio, Guilds, Steel, Optics, Flight, Military Tradition, The Wheel, Machinery, Combustion, Astronomy, Compass, Chemistry, Sailing, Iron Working, Military Science, Advanced Flight, Hunting
10 points for each Great General born
1 point for each population point in a razed city
2 points for each population point in a conquered and kept city ( as long as it stays under conquerorâs control )
10 points for owning Chichen Itza, Globe Theatre, Heroic Epic, Mt. Rushmore, Red Cross, Statue of Zeus
20 points for owning Great Wall, Pentagon
40 points for owning West Point
1 point for each owned :
Bomb Shelters, Bunker, Hospital, Jail, Mausoleum, Military Academy, Trading Post
So I created a team email address for diplo communications. We can do a lot of things with filters to organize things, and we can also set up forwarding for anyone who would like to get incoming messages forwarded onto them instantly. I'm going to reserve 4 posts under this to serve as our dossier on each team, and those will gradually be filled in and detailed. It should contain info such as team captain, roster list, diplomat, current deals, intel gathered, etc.
Login: gilletterb at gmail
Password: gillett3
Apparently rbgillette was already taken - go figure. Did one of you guys do that by any chance ? If so, I kind of like that better. If not, gilletterb should be fine. If someone is really opposed to that for some reason and can register something better, we can switch.
After posting this thread, I'm going to reserve 4 posts - one for each team. There's a 30 second throttle that regoarrarr knows ALL about, so I do ask that you give me 2 minutes to reserve them.
After that, if you want me to set up forwarding from the diplo account to your own email account, either post your email address here or PM/email it to me, and I'll hook you up so as soon as we get an email you'll get a copy.
Also, if you're interested in working on the diplo team, sign up here. I think it's best if we get several people interested in helping on this front and then go from there. This is not an urgent priority as it'll likely be a couple weeks minimum before we meet anyone.
I moved the scout and warrior, revealing nothing of interest. We have 18 hours to figure out where to settle.
My impulse is that we settle the riverside grassland hill. It picks up all the crucial tiles, secures a nice amount of riverside grassland for cottaging later, and allows us to settle our second city 1E of the spices.
I noticed we don't have nearly enough threads yet, have another one! Gaspar suggested elsewhere that each member get to pick one thing that angers you and we name cities after that. Similarly, workers can be named after people that anger you, RB or not. I decree that there can only be one Catwalk worker, though.
Should we do it first come first served with names, or go with the best ones first? Or even better, have lots of polls about it?
Also, how controversial/political can we get? I guess with our team theme, we should get in each other's faces as much as possible and worry about the consequences later? I think we should make an effort not to go overboard antagonizing our enemies. For example, picking all 3 of 2metraninja + Sommerswerd + CFC ISDG would be a bit much, I'd say 2 at most.
Please use this thread for turn reports only, after the turn has finished. One post per report, no discussion. Turn reports should also be copied to the Game Thread, unless there already are other posts to the same effect.
I will post all correspondence in this thread, however if you just can't wait let me know and I will add you to the rbtropicaltroll auto-forward list .
TEAM : team.excellentangermanagement
Menagerie-trois : menagerie.trois
Team Gillette : gilletterb
Team Pirate : dg1teampirates
Team Tropical Trolls : rbtropicaltroll
Basically I am thinking of investing in this for the upcoming season. In the UK we don't get many games to watch and it seems one of my brothers has managed to lock me out of the Sky Go account so I wouldn't even be able to watch the few that are on.
I've really got into NFL in the last couple of years and I saw the price for this and thought it quite reasonable. I'll have a very strong internet connection at Uni from October so I should be able to watch games live with little trouble.
So what I want to know is, before I spend £99, whether anyone can see any thing wrong with this offer or if anyone else uses it and can tell me how good/bad it is?
Also, hope you guys are up for Fantasy Football again!